Dear Patti,
National Rebuilding Day (NRD) is Saturday, April 27. We've been introducing our partners to the homeowners and nonprofit housing organizations they'll be helping and we're setting up the house captains with all the planning tools they need to ensure they have a fun, rewarding and successful day helping our neighbors. Our partners will be working on 13 homes and nonprofit housing facilities in Arlington, Fairfax and Falls Church.
Our RT Express volunteers are helping several homeowners with repairs and modifications every week. Read on to learn about some of our recent RT Express projects.
If you'd like to share your skills and join our RT Express group please complete a Volunteer Profile, watch a short introduction video and complete a Volunteer Agreement. (click the link to visit the Volunteer page of our website to find all the information). We'll add you to our Volunteer Opportunities email list and you can volunteer occasionally, or weekly - whatever fits your schedule. Most of our RT Express work is done during the week but we are scheduling one Saturday project a month to accommodate volunteers' work schedules. If you have specific questions about volunteering, please call our office or email us at
I'm really proud of all the work we have been doing and my heart is filled by the notes and letters of gratitude from homeowners we have helped . Here's a sweet note from Mrs. H: