Before communicating your brand or new campaign to the world, understand the role of Branding: The essence and personality of your business. (In astrological terms, discovering its zodiac sign!). This is where you can identify features and unique selling points that will convince prospects and delight existing clients.

Branding is the spirit of your business & Marketing is how and where you communicate it.

Why is Branding important then? Branding increases your VALUE, gives you and your employees direction, and helps clients understand your offering.

And what kind of VALUE are clients expecting? How do you build value as a company?
Here are just a few things clients wished you knew about them. Learn more in Thursday's webinar! Scroll down to the next section for details.

  • Clients value GOOD service over fast service.
  • Clients value GOODWILL and you can build it through random acts of kindness.
  • Clients can be a great RESOURCE for innovative ideas.
  • Clients will REMEMBER you if you remember their name.
  • Clients STICK to your programs if you get them started and keep them engaged.
  • Clients value EXPERIENCE over money we'll expand on this soon!
  • Clients love a pleasant surprise. They love brand stories. They love personalization. And they love the “bundles” you package in special deals and seasonal offers!

Want to be your own boss? Psst! We'll teach how to build YOUR brand, one step at a time!
On our next DREAMSCAPE: Tangible & Untangible Aspects of Branding. Coming soon!