Please Register for Regionals!

Regionals 2024 Updates by Location

Florida, Indiana, North Carolina: Registrations are looking very strong! Praise the Lord!

Tennessee: We were only recently able to nail down a host church (thank you Bible Baptist Church!) and we also moved the date much earlier (February 17), making this our first and subsequently least-registered-for Regionals. We truly desire to rebuild Regionals in this region. If you are planning to come, please register ASAP! If you are on the fence, we would love to gently nudge you over the edge to come! Finally, if you are not planning on coming, we humbly ask that you prayerfully reconsider! Even if you only brought 4 or 5 clubbers and focused on one or two card games and athletic games, we would love to have you!

Texas: As it comes to pre-registrations, Texas is right in the middle. We are encouraged to see more churches and clubbers signed up than in years past, but if we could get just one or two more even smaller clubs to join in, this Regionals would be right on track!

Michigan, West Virginia, New Jersey: We desperately need more pre-registrations for these regionals! Although they take place a little later in the spring, accurate numbers now will help us to be wise in our ordering and planning. 

Our goal this year is to not have to cancel any Regionals! If there is any way that your church can attend one of these events, please sign up here! We would be happy to answer any questions your church might have about Regionals! You can easily contact us here with any specific questions.

Please continue to pray for the 2024 Regionals season! Our desire every year is to see more boys and girls come to Christ and to see them serve Him to the best of their abilities. Regionals provides a great opportunity for your clubbers to do just that. We pray that you will consider making this investment in eternity for your Master Clubbers!