Earlier this year, State Targeted Response Technical Assistance (STR-TA) reached out to addiction specialists and providers with a minimum of two years’ experience prescribing medications in treating opioid use disorders (OUD), and more than 400 clinicians responded wanting to help. But more consultants are needed who practice in the states listed below.
The focus of the STR-TA initiative is to help address OUD and overdose deaths at the local level. STR-TA, funded by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, is made up of a broad coalition of organizations, led by the American Academy of Addiction Psychiatry, dedicated to mitigating the opioid misuse and overdose healthcare crisis.
Consultants will be vetted and available to respond to requests for education, training and mentoring needs in the community. These consultants will be compensated for their time.
Experience through the PCSS grant initiative showed that working at the local level is the most effective way to approach and address many of the barriers to treatment. Each region, each state, has unique issues that local practitioners will have expertise in. As requests come in, they are shared with local consultants, who work with the STR-TA team to solve problems at the community level.
STR-TA needs prescribers in the following states:
- Arkansas
- Delaware
- Idaho
- Kansas
- Maine
- Montana
- North and South Dakota
- Nebraska
- Oklahoma
- Wyoming
Learn how you can be part of this national effort to address the opioid use disorder healthcare crisis. Contact str-ta@aaap.org.