MARCH 12, 2020
Dear Patient of FOWH,

As of Thursday, March 12th, there have been over 198 positive cases of COVID-19 in California, 28 positive cases in Los Angeles County, and 1 confirmed case in Pasadena. There are cases reported in 42 states and Washington, DC. This situation is evolving rapidly. 

Here are some useful links:

Additional Information
Patients of ours from China have been in contact with us. Physicians in Los Angeles who are members of a Facebook group have also shared information. Here is what we have learned:
1. The incubation period is from 2-14 days, the average is 5 days. This is how many days after exposure before someone shows classic symptoms of the illness. You can be contagious BEFORE you show symptoms.
2. Some people have become infected with less than 1 minute of exposure to a symptomatic person.
3. If you think there is a chance you might have been exposed, you should self-quarantine as soon as possible to avoid spreading the virus when you do not have symptoms.
4. From the first few days to perhaps a week, the symptoms might be minimal. Just fatigue, weakness, tired muscles. These can show up before the fever and cough.
5. Until the situation shows signs of slowing down, we suggest staying home as much as you possibly can. Only leave home for activities that are absolutely necessary.
6. Telecommute for work if possible. 
7. Postpone routine doctor appointments. 
8. Do not cancel required doctor visits such as prenatal, postpartum, post-op, or medical problems or follow-up visits, unless you suspect you have or might have COVID. In that case, call the doctors office first.
9. Avoid going to any public places for errands, shopping, travel, exercise, educational, dining or entertainment reasons. 
10. Eat only food that you personally prepare.
11. Minimize grocery trips or go when the stores open, when fewer people might be present.
12. Basically, if you CAN stay home, you SHOULD stay home. 
13. If you must go to a public place, consider wearing a face mask. Authorities advise us not to, but our Chinese patients have seen cases where people with a mask did not get sick and those without a mask did get sick.