May 16, 2018


As the AEBG crosswalk committees finish up their work, they are watching closely the developments of AB 705 , which took effect in January and aims to get more California students to completion. The bill  requires colleges to consider students' high school coursework and/or high school grades and/or high school grade-point average in placing students into college-level English and math courses. Also, colleges have to work to ensure students complete transfer-level coursework in those subjects within one year.

Here is California Community Colleges' timeline for implementing credit-bearing courses for English as a second language, in compliance with AB 705. Also, the report "Multiple Paths Forward: Diversifying Mathematics as a Strategy for College Success" lays out how diversified math pathways can help meet the requirements of the bill. Here is the executive summary.


 Wednesday, May 23: Social Media for Adult Education


Thursday (5/17) | 12 p.m.-1 p.m.
Deep Dive on the LaunchBoard for Researchers 
This hour-long webinar is for the IR community and other practitioners who want to dig into the technical details. You will get a detailed look at the data in the LaunchBoard and how it is structured, plus find out how you can download the data set and reconfigure it, as needed, for local and regional planning purposes. This session will include examples of how researchers can help practitioners use LaunchBoard data to support improvement efforts. This is the last lunch-hour webinar in the new Adult Education LaunchBoard series. The LaunchBoard will roll out in July, and to be sure you are ready to take full advantage of this data tool, WestEd began hosting noon webinars this month.
Join from PC, Mac, iOS orAndroid: 
Or join by phone:  Dial your telephone conference line: 1-913-312-3202 or 1-888-886-395*; Participant Passcode: 799410

Friday, June 1 | 12 p.m.-1:30 p.m.

There is an upcoming opportunity to learn about TOPSpro Enterprise updates in a face-to-face workshop:

Tuesday, May 29 | 1 p.m.-4 p.m.
Sacramento County Office of Education

This workshop will provide an overview of the new TOPSpro Enterprise updates to the AEBG Summary and AEBG Data Integrity reports, as well as the new features that help AEBG consortium leads and data managers compare and contrast results with all member agencies. This in-person workshop takes a deeper dive into the AEBG webinars from Feb. 28 and March 7, providing more information about the detailed drill-down reports and consortium-level reports management, and it connects the TE data reports with the specific outcomes and services that comprise AEBG reporting, with specific examples that may trigger when each outcome/service should be reported.