The AEBG Summit was a success! Thanks to all who participated in
this annualevent. We're working on posting all of the session presentations online for your convenience and will update you next
week about how to access them.
Upcoming submission deadlines are as follows:
Jan. 31: Student data due in TOPSPro (Q2)
Jan. 31: 15/16 consortium funds - final expense report due (old system)
Jan. 31: Mid-term data and accountability expense report due (old system)
Feb 25: 2018 - 15/16 consortium funds - close out financial report due (oldsystem)
Feb 28: Preliminary allocations for 2018-19 & 2019-20 released by this date
The fact sheets are among a number of tools in the Media Room toolkit and blend visual and narrative storytelling to help deliver the AEBG message. Be sure to check them out to see how they help you with your AEBG storytelling strategy.