Prior to contacting them, OFAC recommends you take the following steps to determine if your credit union has a valid OFAC match:
1) Is the hit against OFAC's SDN list or "hitting" for some other reason? If your potential match is hitting against the SDN list, continue to #2. If it is hitting for some other reason, contact the keeper of the list (i.e. the FBI if on FBI Most Wanted list) or your software provider.
2) Compare the name in your transaction with the name on the SDN list. Is the name in your transaction an individual, while the name on the SDN list is a vessel, organization, or company? If yes, you do not have a valid match; if no, continue to #3.
3) How much of the SDN's name matches that of your account holder? Is just one of two or more names (i.e. just the last name)? If yes, you do not have a valid match; if no, continue to #4.
4) Compare other information you have (like an address, nationality, date of birth, former names, etc.) Are you missing a lot of this information for the name of your account holder? If yes, go back, get more information, and then compare; if no, continue to #5.
5) Are there a number of similarities or exact matches? If yes, call the hotline at 1-800-540-6322. If it is an in-process wire transaction, use the OFAC hotline for guidance. If no, you don't have a valid match and can just log the details of your process and move on.