Dear Friends,
We have heard a lot over the past year about how we are divided; how we struggle to find common ground and treat one another with decency. It can feel at times that our society is broken. And yet, the Breakfast Program at St. Andrew’s is a shining example of just the opposite. Every day in the Parish Hall, we come together and work to lift up those who need a hand. We show up for other people, we listen, and we treat one another with kindness and respect. The Breakfast Program shows us what we can accomplish when we join together; it is a reflection of the best in all of us.
As we enter another season of Thanksgiving, I am grateful for the opportunity to lead this program and for the many people who work together to keep it going year after year. In addition to those who serve breakfast, we now have teams who deep clean our commercial kitchen and others who come in to create nutritious meals for our guests. Thanks to their good work, we can serve dishes such as chili, homemade soup, pork chops, chicken and hot vegetables in addition to traditional breakfast foods. We provide choices and better nutrition for our guests, and that makes a difference.