Pine Tree Legal Assistance served more than
one and a half million people
in 2022 through direct legal aid, outreach, and our websites.
We believe in the work we do, we’re passionate about the impact we make, and we are pleased to share with you some of our highlights, challenges, and achievements from 2022.
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In 2022, Pine Tree Legal Assistance worked on
7,582 cases
providing direct legal assistance on a wide range of legal issues.
This is a 12.3% increase from the 6,726 cases in 2021, which reflects the increased pressures of those seeking access to justice.
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Sixty-two percent of Pine Tree cases involved housing issues, including preventing evictions and foreclosures, enforcing safe housing laws, enforcing housing discrimination laws, and others. Our housing advocacy addressed issues arising in homeownership, federally subsided housing, public housing, private rental housing, and mobile homes.
Eighteen percent of Pine Tree cases involved family law, primarily working with survivors of domestic and sexual abuse.
Eight percent of Pine Tree cases involved consumer protections, such as access to utilities, auto issues, and debt.
Four percent of Pine Tree cases involved income maintenance, including helping people access benefits, such as General Assistance.
Other cases handled involved education, employment, tribal, health, juvenile, and other issues.
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Pine Tree prioritizes providing full legal representation to our clients when possible. This means we negotiate on behalf of our clients and represent them in a court administrative hearing when necessary.
Of the 6,285 cases closed in 2022, clients in
more than 40% (2,614 cases)
received full legal representation.
Of cases receiving full representation,
97% were resolved favorably.
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The data collected provides only a glimpse into the impact of Pine Tree’s advocacy. The impact of direct legal services can be profound.
The following examples help further illustrate how funding is used to
stabilize the lives of Mainers
with low incomes.
A mother and her three children suddenly became homeless when a burst pipe in the apartment above theirs caused extensive water
damage in their unit.
Her landlord refused to take responsibility for providing housing while repairs were underway and told her to stay in the
Portland family homeless shelter.
Pine Tree took the case and got the family temporarily housed at a hotel.
Our client was able to find new long-term housing, and we helped her obtain the return of her full security deposit.
A middle school girl was being bullied and sexually harassed at school, outside of school, and on social media, including receiving messages telling her that she should kill herself. Shortly after this started, she stopped feeling safe at school and stopped attending regularly. This was especially concerning because of her learning disabilities – although she was in 7th grade, she read at a 2nd grade level.
Pine Tree took the case, and the School District agreed to place her in a special program, where she is receiving specialized services
and thriving socially.
A woman was sexually assaulted and strangled by her ex-boyfriend after he broke into her apartment through her bedroom window.
Pine Tree took the case, represented her in a PFA hearing, and the court issued a 2-year Protection from Abuse order.
A 70-year-old man with multiple disabilities, including Parkinson's Disease, was told by the management company at the federally subsidized complex where he lived that he had several months to fix certain housekeeping issues. Shortly afterwards, the management company came back and served him a notice that they would revoke his housing voucher because of those conditions. Revoking his housing voucher would ultimately lead to an eviction and would make it nearly impossible for him to find other housing that he could afford on his very limited income. Fixing the conditions required a lot of physical labor that he was unable to do.
Pine Tree took the case and requested a reasonable accommodation for more time to make the changes in the apartment. We were able to help secure assistance from an agency with an enhanced level of case management who was able to help him make the changes. He was able to fix the problem and remain in the apartment, and his voucher is safe.
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In 2022, we received a total of
10,328 calls for legal help –
an increase of 180% compared to
In 2022, the ongoing pandemic, the housing crisis, and rising inflation resulted in an extraordinarily challenging year for many Mainers, especially those served with low incomes.
In our six offices throughout the state, from Presque Isle to Portland, in all 16 counties and in all 29 district courts, the demand for civil legal assistance among our client population continues to be at its highest.
Our clients are why we do what we do,
you are the how.
You are the essential piece of the puzzle that allows our clients the same safety and protections as everyone else, regardless of economic status.
Your support keeps people housed, provides workplace opportunities for low-wage workers, keeps community members protected from abuse, provides a voice to those unheard and breaks down barriers to justice for Maine people experiencing poverty.
On behalf of the entire team at Pine Tree Legal,
we thank you for your support.
The fight for justice continues because of you.
Please consider visiting the links listed below.
Your continued support is appreciated.
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*To honor the privacy of our clients, stock imagery is used in this publication* | | | | |