Volume 178 | June 29 - July 3, 2020
New WiFi Gardens are Just the First Step in Closing MoVal's Digital Divide
Free public WiFi areas, called WiFi Gardens, are now available at City Hall, the Main and Mall Library branches, and the Employment Resource Center, and will be expanded to include Cottonwood Golf Center, the Senior Center, and the Community Garden area at the Conference & Recreation Center (CRC). Residents can freely log on to the new "ILoveMoVal" network without a password, and signage will identify the new WiFi Gardens.

As Mayor Yxstian Gutierrez explains in this month's Mayor's Minute video , the City is committed to doing even more to close MoVal's "digital divide."
FREE Microchips for Pets from July 7
While Supply Lasts!
Beginning July 7, for a limited time only, FREE HomeAgain microchips will be available for Moreno Valley dogs and cats. That's a $16 savings! This free microchip promotion is funded by a generous grant award to the City from the Petco Foundation.

Residents must make an appointment with the Animal Shelter . Call 951-413-3790, Tuesday – Friday, 10:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m., and on Saturday, 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. Up to four pets per household can qualify. Proof of residency will be required at the time of your appointment. This offer will last until 300 dogs and cats are scheduled to be microchipped. Dog owners must have a current dog license but may renew or purchase a new license at the time of their appointment.
Get Up-to-Date Local Job Listings on
 "Hire MoVal Job Board"
The City of Moreno Valley is continuing to connect residents with local businesses that are hiring. In fact, the City's Employment Resource Center has remained open since the start of the coronavirus crisis, helping residents and businesses weather the economic storm. The online resource called the Hire MoVal Job Board features one-click access to local employers looking to fill positions. And be sure to scroll to the bottom of the page where you can subscribe to the Hire MoVal Jobseeker List !
Senior Eats Meal Service
Helping Seniors Stay Clear of Coronavirus
Since it began on May 18, the City's Senior Eats meal delivery service has helped protect especially vulnerable MoVal seniors from unnecessary potential exposure to coronavirus by bringing two nutritious restaurant meals right to their doors, twice a day, five days a week. The program has also provided critically needed business for local MoVal restaurants struggling to stay afloat during the crisis.