Volume 254 | December 13 - December 17, 2021
Thank You to Everyone who Joined the Telephone Town Hall
The City of Moreno Valley would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to everyone who called in during Wednesday evening's Telephone Town Hall meeting.

During the meeting, Mayor Yxstian Gutierrez fielded many questions, with topics ranging from beautifying City streets to helping the homeless population to the quality of Moreno Valley life. Residents across the City got a chance to ask the Mayor directly about issues that matter the most to them. 

Listen to the entire Telephone Town Hall meeting here, and stay tuned for our next meeting!
Report Litter Along Freeways
Directly to CalTrans
Did you know there's a way you can directly report litter along freeways to Caltrans?

Caltrans has an easy-to-use online tip line if you see litter alongside freeways, underneath overpasses, and near off and on-ramps. Go to the customer service request line at csr.dot.ca.gov. Once there, indicate the type of request, pinpoint the location and when you saw it, and briefly describe the nature of the situation.

Once you submit the tip, Caltrans gives you a ticket number and sends you emails acknowledging the request, when it will be worked on, and when it's completed.

It's yet another way we can all keep Moreno Valley beautiful!
MVU Unveils Utility Payment Help Program
Moreno Valley Utility (MVU) residential customers could qualify for financial assistance under the California Arrearage Payment Program (CAPP), a new program from the state of California aiming to help those who have fallen behind on their electric and gas bills during the pandemic.

Under CAPP, a customer’s bill will be automatically credited based on the eligible amount owed and funding available from the state. MVU customers do not need to apply, and MVU will notify customers once their account is credited. 

To qualify, customers must have incurred bills that are more than 60 days past due during from March 4, 2020, to June 15, 2021. The CAPP program requires MVU to waive any late fees or interest associated with a customer’s electric bill that otherwise would have been charged.

More information can be found at MVU's website or by calling 844.341.6469.
Get your COVID-19 Vaccination at the Conference and Recreation Center
The Moreno Valley Conference and Recreation Center (CRC) will be hosting a free COVID-19 vaccination event on December 29.

As the Holiday season continues and new cases from the Omicron variant continue to increase, the City is offering the option of receiving the Pfizer vaccine free of charge during a vaccination event at the Conference and Recreation Center, located at 14075 Frederick Street.

Book your registration here, and stay safe, MoVal!
Moreno Valley First Responders
Spread Holiday Cheer
Moreno Valley's finest made the holidays special for a few lucky families last weekend during the annual Shop with a Cop and Stuff-the-Truck events.

At Saturday morning's Shop with a Cop event, held at Walmart on Moreno Beach Drive, dozens of local families got the opportunity to shop for Christmas presents with Moreno Valley police officers.

At the Stuff-the-Truck event on December 11 and 12, Moreno Valley residents stuffed a massive ladder truck full of toys that will be given to children in need. The event was part of the annual Spark of Love Toy Drive happening throughout the City.

To learn more about the Spark of Love Toy Drive, visit moval.org/sparkoflove.