Volume 103 | January 21 - January 25, 2019
City Hosts Real Estate Leaders to Celebrate Growth, Job Creation
Hundreds of leaders in the real estate industry converged on Moreno Valley this week to attend THE Inland Empire Real Estate Conference, the region’s premier real estate event, to explore current and future trends in the rapidly growing Inland Empire market.

“The Inland Empire is projected to surpass Orange and San Diego Counties in population within the next 30 years,” Mayor Yxstian Gutierrez told the capacity crowd at the January 23 event. “The connections fostered in Moreno Valley today will lay the groundwork for jobs, retail opportunities, and housing that current and future residents will need to build their lives here.”

Mayor Gutierrez celebrated the City’s unprecedented job growth of 17,000 new jobs created in the past five years.

The City’s economic growth is a testament to the innovative approach Moreno Valley has taken to streamlining government along with offering lucrative job creation incentives, Mayor Gutierrez said.

The City’s award-winning Hire MoVal program encourages Moreno Valley businesses to hire local residents by offering incentives including utility rate discounts, business license fee waivers and hiring assistance. The City’s Hire A Grad program offers incentives up to $5,000 per business to encourage businesses to hire recent Moreno Valley college and technical school graduates.

Industry leaders discussed booming investment in Moreno Valley and the Inland Empire, along with costs of construction, finding new uses for existing spaces, and housing.

Attendees included executives from Lewis Retail Centers, Marcus & Millichap, Reliable Properties, Stater Bros., Progressive Real Estate Partners, High Street Residential, TruAmerica Multifamily, Prologis, Highland Fairview, Cushman & Wakefield and Alere Property Group.

THE Inland Empire Real Estate Conference was produced by Shopping Center Business, Western Real Estate Business, California Centers  and the InterFace Conference Group, a division of France Media, Inc. the largest commercial real estate publisher in the United States.

For more information about the City of Moreno Valley’s growth or to learn more about developing a business in Moreno Valley, please visit www.morenovalleybusiness.com and contact the Economic Development Department at EDTeam@moval.org or at 951.413.3460.
Residents Invited to Participate in Telephone Town Hall on February 6
Mayor Yxstian Gutierrez will host a Telephone Town Hall beginning at 6 p.m. on Wednesday, February 6 to listen to your concerns and answer your questions about City issues.

Moreno Valley's Telephone Town Hall is an ongoing feature being offered by the City to effectively engage residents in a manner convenient for them.

Instead of asking residents to attend a meeting after a long day of work and family commitments, the Telephone Town Hall brings the meeting to their living rooms, cars or wherever they happen to be.

Using a talk-radio format, residents can ask questions live during the call or just listen to the conversation for as long as they like.

“Community engagement is crucial,” said Gutierrez. “Our Telephone Town Hall makes it as easy as possible for residents to hear about the great things happening in our City, ask questions, and discuss their concerns. I look forward to hearing from you."

The Telephone Town Hall will be broadcast simultaneously in English and Spanish. Participants will have the option of listening to the call and asking questions in either language, with responses also provided accordingly.

Residents can register for the call by visiting the Telephone Town Hall Registration Page or by emailing telephonetownhall@moval.org and providing their name and phone number. Registration will close at noon on February 6.

The City will call registered participants at precisely 6 p.m. on Wednesday, February 6 to connect them to the Telephone Town Hall. Residents can listen to the call for the entire meeting or just a portion.

Be part of the conversation and register for the February 6 Telephone Town Hall by visiting the Telephone Town Hall Registration Page .

Moreno Valley Mall Branch Location Celebrates First Anniversary
We blinked and just like that our new Moreno Valley Mall Brach Library celebrated its 1-year anniversary.

Since it opened its doors on December 21, 2017, the Mall Branch Library has been revolutionizing how libraries serve the community.

The library offers everything from drum classes and STEM activities to Family Night and assistance for veterans and their families.

Internet hot spots are also available for residents to check out, providing internet access to students and job seekers who otherwise do not have access to the Internet.

If you're more of the traditional library patron, don't worry. You can still check out books, too.

To celebrate the Mall Branch Library’s first anniversary, we compiled a few interesting stats about our newest library location.

Over the last year:

  • 7,500 computer sessions were held
  • 21,254 items were checked out
  • Adults average 17 items per transaction
  • Teens average 9 items per transaction
  • Children average 15 items per transaction
  • 12 people a day signed up for a Library card – that’s roughly 365 new library cards a month
  • An impressive 320 "library regulars" check out at least one item each month
  • 1,780 patrons attended a library program

Stop by the Mall Branch Library or our Main Library today and check out all of the wonderful things that are happening at our libraries.

Visit the City's website for additional information and a calendar of library events.
Police Explorers Join Search for Missing 16-year-old Aranda Briones
Moreno Valley Police Explorers recently joined the search for 16-year-old Aranda Briones, who has been missing since January 13.

Explorers spread out across the City to pass out flyers featuring Aranda's picture and description.

Officers from the Moreno Valley Police Department, the Riverside Sheriff’s Department’s anti-human trafficking team, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) continue to search for Aranda.

A Community Tip Line – 951-486-6731 – has been established for anyone with information who could lead investigators to Aranda.

Investigators are asking for the public’s help in providing any information regarding Aranda’s location or any information regarding her disappearance.
MISSING PERSON: Aranda Briones, 16, Moreno Valley
Aranda is 5’4”, 110 lbs., with brown hair and hazel eyes.
Last seen: Sunday, January 13, 2019 in the area of Community Park,
located at 13380 Frederick Street in Moreno Valley.
She was last seen wearing a white and blue jacket (shown in above picture),
a dark colored shirt and dark jeans.

Please call the Community Tip Line at 951-486-6731 if you have seen 16-year-old Aranda Briones or if you know anything related to her disappearance.

The Moreno Valley Explorer Program offers young people between the age of 14 and 21 a hands-on look into what a career in law enforcement is like. Explorers learn law enforcement basics, participate in physical training, and give back to their community.

For more information about the Moreno Valley Police Department Explorer Program, please contact the Moreno Valley Police Department at 951-486-6717.