Empty sandbags and loose sand
City Yard Main Office – 15670 Perris Blvd., available M-F, 7 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Fire Station 2 – 24935 Hemlock Ave.
Fire Station 48 – 10511 Village Road
Fire Station 58 – 28040 Eucalyptus Ave.
Sand and empty sandbags are available at the fire stations listed above any day, between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. (Fire personnel may not be at the stations at all times due to response activities and sand may not be accessible.)
Empty sandbags only (no sand)
Available any day from 8 a.m. - 8 p.m.:
Fire Station 6 – 22250 Eucalyptus Ave.
Fire Station 65 – 15111 Indian St.
Fire Station 91 – 16110 Lasselle St.
Fire Station 99 –13400 Morrison St.
Loose sand only (no sandbags)
Alessandro Blvd. and Redlands Blvd., at the Post Office property.
Available any day, any time.
Conference & Recreation Center Overflow Parking Lot
located at Veterans Way and Alessandro Blvd. Available any day, any time.
City Yard Visitor Parking Lot located immediately south of the City Yard main building at 15670 Perris Blvd. Available any day, any time.