The City of Moreno Valley provides funds to local businesses that hire Moreno Valley residents who have recently graduated from educational or training programs. Through the Hire a MoVal Grad program, the City awards participating businesses a $1,000 stipend for each graduate hired. The program makes it easy for businesses to hire local residents and receive stipends for up to 5 new hires.
Although businesses are already signing up, funds are still available on a first come, first-served basis. The program will provide $50,000 over the course of the year, with a maximum award of $5,000 per local business. The Hire a MoVal Grad program runs through June 30, 2018.
Eligible businesses must maintain a City of Moreno Valley business license. Business participants are required to hire a Moreno Valley resident who has received a degree or certificate from an accredited college, university, vocational school or have completed a Career Technical Education curriculum (no fewer than three courses) through the Riverside County Office of Education within the past two years. New hires must work for the employer a minimum of six months, working 35 hours per week or more before the business is eligible to apply for the incentive.
Hire a MoVal Grad applications and further information is available on the City's website at