What are the impacts of the program?
The City of Moreno Valley has allocated $30,000 in 2018 for the Homeless to Work program along with $80,000 for overall homeless outreach services. Although the program is only eight-months-old, the community is already seeing positive results.
Program successes and statistics:
• 300+ Outreach interactions were initiated
• 46 individuals entered the hiring process
• 23 individuals have participated
• 100+ areas have been beautified
• 10 participants attained regular employment to overcome their battle with homelessness
During the most recent Point in Time (PIT) Count, Riverside County’s Department of Public Social Services identified a homeless population of seventy-seven (77) in Moreno Valley. Based on the County’s count, the Homeless to Work program has not only exceeded expectations but has provided the following results:
• 13% of homeless individuals have gained regular employment
• 30% of homeless individuals have been employed in the program
• 100% of homeless individuals have benefited from the program
Though Moreno Valley has a low homeless population; just one individual’s suffering is one too many. The City of Moreno Valley is committed to reducing homelessness in the community, and the Homeless to Work program is helping individuals get back on their feet and reintegrate into society.