Joint Networking Mixer
Thursday, September 14, 2023
Atkins Kroll, Inc. BMW Showroom
Your Guam Chamber in partnership with the Guam Contractors Association (GCA) invites you to a Joint Networking Mixer scheduled for Thursday, September 14, 2023, at the Atkins Kroll, Inc. in Tamuning.
This is a great opportunity for our members to make new connections and expand their networks. Delicious local cuisines and refreshments will be provided. Also, there will be some great raffle prizes!
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General Membership Meeting
August 30, 2023 • Westin Resort Guam
We are just a few days away from our August General Membership Meeting scheduled for Wednesday, August 30, 2023, at the Somnak Ballroom, Westin Resort Guam. This months featured speaker will be Dr. Jeffery Nine, Guam's Chief Medical Examiner. He will be speaking on drug-related deaths in Guam.
Members are encouraged to RSVP and make advance payments to secure their seats for a swift entry on the day of the event. To make payment for this coming meeting, your Chamber Team is available to assist you, call them today at (671) 472-6311!
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Armed Forces Committee
General Membership Meeting
Friday, September 8, 2023
We encourage our Armed Forces Committee Members to mark their calendars for its General Membership Meeting scheduled for Friday, September 8, 2023, at the Gallery Ballroom, Hilton Guam Resort & Spa which will begin at 8:00 am.
This Meeting will feature military branch commanders who will provide updates and highlight their current & upcoming projects and happenings. This event is exclusive to AFC members only and is closed to the media and will not be recorded.
If you would like to learn more about the Armed Forces Committee, please contact Rebekah at (671) 472-6311 or by email.
This meeting is open to AFC Members only!
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AnChams of Asia Pacific
AAP 2023 Author Series
"Singapore Is Still Not An Island"
Friday, September 1, 2023
AmChams of Asia Pacific will be hosting a Zoom meeting featuring AMB (ret.) Bilahari Kausikan, Chairman, Middle East Institute, National University of Singapore, he will speak on his latest book "Singapore Is Still Not an Island". This zoom meeting is scheduled for Friday, September 1, 2023, from 12:30 pm - 1:30 pm (CHsT). This meeting will be moderated by Stevin Okun, Chair, AAP Senior Advisor, McLarty Associates.
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Our Warning to Biden Admin on AI Bill of Rights
Last week, the U.S. Chamber U.S. Chamber submitted Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests to the General Service Administration (GSA) and the White House Office of Science and Technology (OSTP) seeking detailed information on the Biden Administration's 'Blueprint for an AI Bill of Rights' and procurement.
Why it matters: Recent calls for the White House to mandate the AI Bill of Rights significantly undermine America’s ability to compete globally.
Be smart: Not only did the administration develop the AI Bill of Rights without adequate stakeholder involvement, but it also explicitly defined this document as a white paper, not a federal government policy.
Implementing the AI Bill of Rights as policy puts American companies at a disadvantage and raises significant legal and practical issues.
What we're doing: Since the release of the ‘Blueprint,’ the U.S. Chamber has filed six Freedom of Information Act requests—none of which have been adequately addressed. We are steadfast in our search for transparency into how the AI Bill of Rights was developed.
Learn more: Click here to see our statement with the U.S. Chamber's warning to the Biden administration released last Thursday. Learn More
Dig deeper: Click here to view U.S. Chamber’s AI Commission Report published earlier this year that highlights AI’s promise while calling for a balanced approach to its regulation.View the Report
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Readiness for Resiliency (R4R) Program
Our R4R Program helps small businesses build an emergency action plan and offers grants to those prepared businesses following a disaster.
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Resilience in a Box
Business leaders can find best practices and other helpful tips on how to prepare for any kind of disaster and build resilience to withstand potential business interruptions.
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Hawaii Chamber Foundation Business
Relief Fund
The Chamber of Commerce’s Foundation established a Business Relief Fund through the Hawaii Chamber of Commerce Foundation, a 501(c)3 Organization and the Chamber of Commerce Hawaii to help businesses impacted by the wildfires. All proceeds will benefit Hawaii businesses seeking assistance to recover and rebuild from the wildfires. Donations can be made online or by check made payable to “Hawaii Chamber of Commerce Foundation Relief Account” and mailed to 733 Bishop Street, Suite 1200, Honolulu, HI 96813.
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Guam Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP)
Public Meeting
The University of Guam Center for Island Sustainability and Sea Grant, the Department of Agriculture, and the Inner City Fund invite you to a public meeting for the Guam Habitat Conservation Plan scheduled for Tuesday, October 17, 2023, from 4:30 pm to 8:00 pm at the University of Guam, Jesus and Eugenia Leon Guerrero School of Business and Public Administration Building.
The Guam HCP is a plan that protects and conserves Guam's endangered species and their habitats for future generations while promoting sustainable economic development. The plan is being developed by the Department of Agriculture, in collaboration with the University of Guam Center for Island Sustainability and Sea Grant and the Inner City Fund.
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Industry Recovery Updates
Click here
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View Guam APEX
August 2023
Training Events
Webinars are held every Thursday from 10am - 11:30am via Zoom.
Zoom links emailed to registered attendees 30 minutes before the webinar.
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Member2Member Benefits Program
Member2Member deals provide members an opportunity to save money on services and goods. This program offers participating members a vehicle to expose their business, products, and services to thousands of employees of fellow Chamber members. Offers include discounts or very special deals on office supplies, advertising, entertainment, insurance, auto services, catering, meeting spaces, and more.
Join our member companies who have offered their special deals to Chamber Members!
Access Medical Transport
Busy Ant Marketing
Docomo Pacific
Guam Baby Company
Hotel Nikko Guam
Infusion Coffee & Tea
Market Research & Development, Inc.
Norman & Son, LLC
Pacific Unlimited Inc. GU
Promotions Specialties
South Pacific Petroleum Corporation
Seas + Sidewalks
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