In This Issue
Worship Schedule
10 a.m. - Worship
11 a.m. - Fellowship Time
9:30 -11 a.m. Childcare is offered for infants and toddlers from every Sunday morning.

Newsletter Deadline

Thurs. Jan 18th by 9:00 am
January Birthdays
1/2     Jean Martin
1/4     Elisa Reckendorf
1/6     Noemi Moreles
1/10   David Wilson
1/11   Jerry Perry
1/12    Grant Hagestedt 
1/14   Meredith Stroh
1/15   Craig Schreiter
1/18   Doug Reed
          Joanne Eggink
1/19   Jillian Burgess
          Myung Woo Crossler-            Laird
1/21   Agnes Mashadda
          Caroline Smith
          Kalisha Mashadda
          Phyllis Tarter
1/22   Gerald Ousterhout
1/23   Alicia Webb
          Julia Nyberg
          Sam Kinney
1/25   Jim Smiley
1/29   Eric Bey
          Glenda Melton
          Mary Jo Gilson
1/30   Eudora Zagyva
1/31   Gary Gray

Jan. Anniversaries
1/7     Mike & Kathleen
1/15   Shawn Clark & Mike
1/21   Rich & Jannie

1/25   Kelly Nyls & Michele

In our prayers are those with...Health Concerns, Illness, Loss of Loved Ones:

Luella Price, Geraldine Hammond, Royal Tarter, Gladys Sinanan, Lyle Dragoo, Jean Anderson, Glen McCall, Dorothy Green, Robert Kuenzli, Jerry Perry, Ken Amend,  Joy Willhite, Paula Kent, Maggie Johnson, and Elisa Reckendorf 
The Salem Keizer Methodist Church family is invited
Bob Jewell's 90th Birthday!
Saturday, January 6th 2018 @ 10:30 am

Join Bob Jewell's family to help celebrate his 90th birthday with an old-fashioned hymn sing-along followed by a soup and bread social (plus fruit pie!!)

Morningside Methodist Church, 3674 12th Street SE, Salem
Morningside UMC All Church Conference
January 7 at 11:15 at Morningside
Morningside will have an All Church Conference to hear updates and  highlights of our ministries.  We will receive the Lay Leadership, Trustee and Membership Report. This will be following our morning worship service where our District Superintendent, Rev. Tim Overton-Harris will be our preacher. 

Rev. Tim will join us for the All Church Conference following worship on January 7, 2018.  Everyone is encouraged to attend!
January Youth Group

Beginning in January we will move to a rotation for Open Door Churches youth group. Morningside UMC will be hosting the youth group for the entire month of January. We will begin with a Potluck on January 7th.
January 7th - Spring Potluck @ 12:30
January 14th - No youth group (Suttle Lake Youth Retreat)
January 20th - Saturday of Service

January 21st - Youth at Morningside UMC @12:30
January 28th - Youth at Morningside UMC @12:30

February 10th - Youth Auction
We will need helping providing lunch for the youth on January 21st and 28th. If you are interested in signing up please let Yajaira know.

For details of youth group activities visit their Facebook page  Here
Youth Auction - SAVE THE DATE   
February 10th at 5:30 p.m.

Come enjoy live entertainment, drinks, appetizers, dinner and desserts! There are also over 40 donated auction items to bid on. There will be a video, slideshow, youth speakers, and a paddle raise. In total, the event will raise close to $20,000 for our youth ministry!!
Lunch and a Movie with the Disability Connection Team
January 14

You are invited to join the Disability Connections Team for a bring-your-own-brown-bag Lunch and a Movie on Sunday, January 14th, 2018 at 12:00 noon in the Fireside Room. Our movie will be Temple Grandin, the award winning story of the real Temple Grandin, PhD, based on her own writings. Clare Danes won a well-deserved Emmy Award for her brilliant portrayal of the autistic writer, speaker, and expert in the field of animal science.   In this movie we will get to know Temple, an amazing and unique autistic woman.  We'll learn more about the autism spectrum, what it is, and how it can affect people, from one who lives with autism every day.

When church lets out on 1/14/2018 enjoy refreshments and conversation as usual, then at 12:00 join us in the Fireside Room to watch the movie.  It is just under 2 hours long, so feel free to bring a sack lunch from home or pick up fast food to bring back and eat while we watch.  If you usually go out to eat at a restaurant after church, consider getting your meal to go and bringing it back to church.

Watching this movie together should be an interesting, entertaining, and thought-provoking experience.  Wendy Marsh, autism author, will be available to answer questions and lead a discussion after the movie. 
Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration
January 15th, 11:15 AM - 4:30 PM
The Struggle Continues - March and Gathering
McKay High School,  2440 Lancaster Dr., NE, Salem

Help honor the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. on Monday, January 15th, by celebrating and upholding civil rights and social justice for all.  This day of remembrance gathering features guest speakers, a march and food, music and celebration.
Special Election on Health Care
January 23rd - Ballot DEADLINE!

There will be a special election this month on an important issue relating to health care for low-income Oregonians. This measure is a referral of part of what the Oregon legislature voted on in the 2017 session and was referred by initiative petition. Passage of this measure is needed to fully fund the legislature's plan. If it does not pass, some of the lowest income people will be denied the care they need. The Morningside Church and Society team joins faith leaders across the state, including Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon, in urging you to vote YES on Measure 101. Please urge your friends and family members to vote, and be sure your ballot is returned by  January 23.
Volunteers Needed for Point-in-Time Homeless Count 
Wednesday, January 31st

The Homeless Count is a one day point-in-time count of residents in Marion & Polk Counties experiencing homelessness. This comprehensive count plays a crucial role in federal, state, and local support for homeless services in our area.  In addition, accurate statistics on the number and needs of the homeless are important tools to educate our community about the magnitude and severity of homelessness in our area.

A large group of volunteers provide the foundation of support for the Homeless Count every year. Volunteers conduct surveys and provide outreach to homeless individuals, families, and military veterans living on the streets and in area emergency and transitional shelters. Mobile volunteers engage and survey homeless persons on the street, in parks, parking lots, homeless camps, and other places where homeless people congregate. Stationary site volunteers help with a variety of tasks at designated Homeless Count event sites located throughout Marion and Polk counties. Full-day and half-day shifts available. 

To volunteer please register online at

Volunteers are required to attend an orientation on Monday, January 29th at 5:30pm at Salem First Church of the Nazarene loacated at 1550 Market St NE, Salem OR 97301.

For more information please contact DJ Vincent at 503-949-2124 or email at
Soup Kitchen Report
Morningside members and their friends served 67 people chili with cornbread, chicken noodle soup, grilled cheese, and desserts.  Helping and or supplying food were Antoinette Lawson, Kelly Freels, Rick Neff, Jan Nelson, Renee Cornwell, Nancy Jonson, Alice Suyematsu, Gary Patterson-Sterling, Wendy Woodworth, Lori Alton, Jannie Crossler Laird, Yajaira
and Lupe Hernandez-Trejo, Sara Amend, and Liz and Carlee Hunt.
Mark your calendars for the next time we get a chance to serve, April 29, 2018.
Thank you for your support!
Sally Neff
Open Door Churches News

Winter clothing items are needed at the Jason Lee Food Bank.  Particularly coats, hats, gloves, socks and items for children.  Drop them off at your local church or Jason Lee.
An Open Door Churches Board planning retreat is scheduled for February 9-10 with leadership from Bill Gipson, Director of Strategic Faith Community Development for the Greater Northwest areas of the UMC and Tim  Overton-Harris, our District Superintendent.
New Faces at Morningside

The new year brings new faces to the office at Morningside.  We're pleased to welcome our new office staff members, Vicki DeVol and Christine Stevens.

Vicki DeVol is our new Communications Office Administrator and will be working Monday though Thursday, 9:30 AM to 2:30 PM.  Her primary responsibilities will be managing the office communications (monthly newsletters, Facebook page), providing clerical support for publishing the church bulletins, managing the church calendar and general office tasks.  If her face looks familiar, it's because she and her husband, Norm, have worshiped with us and sung with the choir on occasion since moving to Salem a couple of years ago. (Vicki's and the church's new email address is

Christine Stevens is Morningside's new bookkeeper.  We are excited to have Christine join our staff.  She brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to this new position and we look forward to her helping us keep track of our finances and achieve our financial goals.  Christine will be in the office Monday and Wednesday mornings, working between 5 and 7 hours per week. (Christine's direct email is

If you are visiting the church during the week, stop by and say hello!

Foundation Update

More Good News From Your Morningside Foundation Board

We have success, and almost success!  Your MUMC Foundation was able to help with two critical Trustee projects using memorial funds.

Morningside UMC will have a new sanctuary computer soon.  We rely heavily on the sanctuary computer for all of our worship services and events.  For 6 years, Fred Cooper and Bruce Nelson have kept it alive by replacing the hard drive and the video card after each has failed.  You can thank Maryann and Brian Lundy for dedicating all of Marvin's memorial funds for this purchase.  You can also thank Lori Long and Phil Wiseman for filling the funding gap for this $2,303.00 purchase.

Morningside UMC hopes to have new sanctuary speakers soon.   The speakers in the sanctuary were originally a temporary solution and were not designed for use as main speakers, but as "side speakers" for larger venues.  Due to age, we are now beginning to have trouble with interference and the output volume capabilities of these speakers.   One of the speakers intermittently cuts out.   The estimated cost for the new speakers is $2,800.00.  The families of Bonnie and Ken Bulletset, Meredith Carr, Steve Gilson, Bob Gough, and Mary Webster dedicated over $1,400.00 to help purchase new speakers.    The Trustees are looking for a few  more generous donations that will help make this purchase possible.  You will be rewarded by a much richer, more reliable, and equally distributed sound throughout the sanctuary.

The board also approved $380.00 to continue the Family Enrichment Program through November and December.  This program provides parenting tools for families with young children in our neighborhood.  This support is from the Sandy Nelson memorial fund.

The Foundation board is able to help with these projects and activities because of your generous support.  Thank you!

Your Foundation Board members are Royal Tarter (president), Kelly Freels, Hugh Nelson, Brigitte Rolph, Caroline Smith, and Phil Wiseman.

Stewardship News

We are pleased to share that we have received pledges totaling $237,736 for 2018. Confirmation of your pledge has been mailed out this week on Dec. 19 and includes the electronic giving form. If you currently give through direct deposit, you do not need to return the form, any changes to your pledge will be updated by the office. If you wish to begin giving through direct deposit, fill out the form and return it to the office. If you do not receive a confirmation of your pledge, but turned in a pledge card, or your confirmation is incorrect, please notify the office and we will make the correction. Thank you for your faithful and joyful stewardship.
Committee Meetings - Mark Your Calendars!                                                              

SPRC - Monday, January 8th, 7:00 PM                                                                                      
Finance - Wednesday, January 10th, 7:00 PM
Church Council - Monday, January 15th, 7:00 PM
Upcoming Events

The Middlers meet Wednesday, January 10th @ 6:45 pm 
Brews and News Adult Education,
January 3rd & 17th, 6:30 pm
Join us for discussions that are always insightful and rich. We do not always agree with each other, but we respect each others opinions. 
Morningside United Methodist Church

PO Box 3076, Salem, OR 97302


Office Hours: Monday - Thursday 9:30-12:30 and 1:00-2:30
                        Office is CLOSED on Friday

Ministry Team
Ministers: All the Laity
Lead Pastor: Rev. Wendy Woodworth 
Communications Administrator: Vicki DeVol
Bookkeeper: Christine Stevens
Family & Program Ministry Director: Yajaira Hernandez Trejo 
Chancel Choir Director: Sam Kinney 
Praise Band Leader: Jan Nelson 
Organist: Brace Langenwalter 
Keyboardist: Teresa Stewart 
Custodian: Tim Bulletset 
Childcare: Noemi Morales, Skyler Bailey, Fabiola Morales
 If you need a printed copy of the newsletter, copies are available on the counter in the Narthex.