Sunday Sermon Series
Season of Easter

Our "Gifts of Life" sermon series continues through Sunday, May 20th - Pentecost.  Join us as we celebrating the many gifts in our lives!  

 Our Wall of Helping Hands -   
 Volunteer Opportunities for May

In This Issue
Worship Schedule
10 a.m. - Worship
11 a.m. - Fellowship Time
9:30 -11 a.m. Childcare is offered for infants and toddlers every Sunday morning.

Newsletter Deadline

May 24th by 9:00 am
May Birthdays
1    Ruby Cortes
3    Allen Patterson-Sterling
4    Annie Chapman
      Cindy Burgess
5    Sharon Cooper
8    Duane Christensen
      Kathy Pressler
9    Lily Lacy
11  Karna Johnson
13  Brad Mercure
      Phil Wiseman
14  Lorie Long Wiseman
15  Jan Nelson
      Janet Adkins
16  Lillis Larson
17  Kira Kinney
      Martha Schreiter
18  John Eggink
20  Jennifer Blakely
      Kathy Kleen
21  Allison Calvin
      Sara Amend
23  Gary Quinliven
       Lou Haugen
24  Bob Kuenzli
      Tom Hornig
27  Chalice Savage
28  Deb Freels
29  Debra Arends
30  Fred Cooper

May Anniversaries
10  Carol & Leon Berkeley
11  Tes & Tim Lacy
16  Edward & Jean Johnston
21  John Ahlen & Don Main

In our prayers...
Those with health concerns, illness, and loss of loved ones:

Shawn Clark and family, Jim Boston and family, 
Phyllis Phillips, Mary Lu Snodgrass, Luella Price,  
Lyle Dragoo, Glen McCall, 
Robert Kuenzli,  Ken Amend,
Paula Kent, Maggie Johnson, Elisa Reckendorf,  Arlen Hollinshead, Edie Neff,  Diane and Brigitte Rolph .
Gifts of the Spirit
Spring Challenge - Morningside Fundraiser

"The Fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control."  Galatians 5:22

So far we've raised $1,400 toward our $10,000 goal - a good first week beginning.  We're hoping to reach our challenge goal by May 20th - Pentecost!  We'll celebrate during worship that day with strawberry shortcake, wearing red (for Pentecost) and praising the many gifts of the spirit in our lives.
The Church Beyond our Walls
A Way Forward - Table Talk
Tuesday, May 22nd 6:30 to 9:00 pm
First United Methodist Church - Salem
Micah Building, Taplin Hall

You may remember, back in March, a newsletter article about a series of "Table Talks" scheduled as a next step in the process the United Methodist Church is presently going through in its examination and possible revision of the Book of Discipline, with regard to the subject of human sexuality and its impact on church unity.

Bishop Stanovsky has issued an invitation to the Greater Northwest Area churches to participate in Table Talks as a way to gain input from members of the church and to provide an opportunity for each of us to share our thoughts and feelings in a safe and loving environment.  Participants will only be asked to commit to a simple covenant: 
(1) Stay Curious 
(2) Be Kind
(3) Listen with the same amount of passion with which they want to be heard

The Conference has trained Table Talk leaders who will now facilitate these  discussions at a regional/district level in a worship-full context and keeping that covenant at the core.  

Take a couple of minutes now to watch this heart felt video invitation from Bishop Stanovsky to participate our local talks.  

You are invited to Table Talks!
You are invited to Table Talks!

Join you United Methodist brothers and sisters from the greater Salem area in this special opportunity to share your thoughts and listen to others'.  

To help plan space, etc., for this event, we are asked to RSVP.  CLICK HERE to let them know you will be attending.
Morningside Foundation
Thank You and Foundation Update

  Thank You to the Riley Family

Using money from the Dick Riley memorial fund, the Trustees now have enough money to  purchase and install new speakers in the sanctuary.   You may recall that in January of this year, the families of Bonnie and Ken Bulletset, Meredith  Carr, Steve Gilson,
Bob Gough, and Mary Webster dedicated over $1,400.00 in memorial funds 
to help purchase new speakers in the sanctuary. With the Riley family's contribution, the  $2,800.00 cost is fully covered.

The Morningside UMC Foundation would like to thank the Riley family and all of you who contributed to Dick's memorial fund. We soon will be rewarded by a much richer, more reliable, and equally distributed sound throughout the sanctuary.

Thank you also to our dedicated team of Trustees who continue to upgrade our facility and
ensure we have a quality worship experience.  

Foundation Update

Here is a look at your Morningside UMC Foundation's finances. Endowment funds are just under $170,000.00 as of March 31. These funds earned over 16 percent in 2017, a record in recent history. Money with Pioneer Trust Bank totals $8,215.00, but will be reduced with our check to the Trustees to pay for the speakers.

Finally, thank you to all who continue to support the Foundation through your memorial or
annual gifts. We appreciate your trust!

Your Foundation Board includes Hugh Nelson, president, Royal Tarter, Brigitte Rolph, Caroline Smith, Phil Wiseman and Kelly Freels.
May  Youth Group Schedule

Here's the Youth Group Schedule for May:

May 6    Youth Group at Keizer-Clearlake UMC
              12:30 - 2:00 pm
       Mission Trip Team-building with
       Hope from Camp Magruder
       2:00 - 3:00 pm

May 13   Mother's Day - NO YOUTH GROUP

May 20   Youth Group at Keizer-Clearlake UMC
       12:30 - 2:00 pm

May 27    Youth Group at Keizer-Clearlake UMC
                12:30 - 2:00 pm

For details of youth group activities visit their Facebook page  Here
Open Door Young Adults May Schedule
The Open Door Church Young Adult Group meets on Wednesdays from 7-8:30 at IKE Box. For more information on Open Door Young Adults, please contact Pastor Alyssa at  
Lay Visitation Training
Sunday, May 20th, 1:30 - 3 pm

Our Nurture and Care Team has arranged an unique opportunity for anyone interested in being a lay visitation volunteer.  

On Sunday afternoon, May 20th, Morningside will host a special guest, Rev. Sandy Kimbrow.  Pastor Sandy is one of our Open Door Churches ministers.  She will be here offering training for all who are or would like to become lay visitors.  The training is open to everyone, with a special invitation to our brothers and sisters within Open Door Churches.
Check Out Our New Website!

If you haven't visited Morningside's website lately... you don't know what you're missing!  With input from many Morningside folks, an artistic eye and a lot of techie smarts, our Open Door Churches Communications Coordinator, Sarah, has done an amazing job giving us a fresh new look on our page.  Take a peek and check back often for updates!  CLICK HERE
Interested in Joining a
Widows Support Group?

Would you like to be part of a group of Morningside widows? We could meet for support, social occasions, and lunch. If you are interested, please call Helene Gough,  (503) 364-4878, for details. 
                          Save the Date - Upcoming Events  

Youth Sunday
June 3rd, Morning Worship Service

Join in the celebration of our bright and talented young people during their annual youth-lead worship service.  The youth will share videos they've made, a skit and commissioning their upcoming mission trip participants.

Vacation Bible School
July 9th - 12th, 9 am - 12 pm
Morningside UMC

Morningside UMC will once again be hosting Vacation Bible School! Get ready to learn how Jesus rescues us!

If you are interested in helping with snacks, decorating, shepherding a group of children or assisting in any area, please contact Yajaira or Sue. 

Morningside Annual Retreat
Sunday, August 5th
Silverfalls State Park

We'll meet at the park in the morning for worship and a brunch potluck, followed by hiking, music and crafts. We will finish the day in fellowship and a BBQ dinner. Plan to join us for a fun day of friendship and incredible nature!

Open Door Churches - Shared Worship Service
Sunday, September 9th
Riverfront Park
Celebrating community and being United Methodist in Salem, all of the Open Door United Methodist Churches will join together in River Front Park for an amazing shared worship service.  
May Activities Calendar - What's Happening at Morningside?

For a larger, printable version:  Click Here

Morningside United Methodist Church

PO Box 3076, Salem, OR 97302


Office Hours: Monday - Thursday 9:30-2:30
                        Office is CLOSED on Friday

Ministry Team
Ministers: All the Laity
Lead Pastor: Rev. Wendy Woodworth 
Communications Administrator: Vicki DeVol
Bookkeeper: Christine Stevens
Family & Program Ministry Director: Yajaira Hernandez Trejo 
Chancel Choir Director: Sam Kinney 
Praise Band Leader: Jan Nelson 
Organist: Brace Langenwalter 
Keyboardist: Teresa Stewart 
Custodian: Tim Bulletset 
Childcare: Noemi Morales, Skyler Bailey, Fabiola Morales
 If you need a printed copy of the newsletter, copies are available on the counter in the Narthex.