We outline tips on how to protect you and your family from mosquitoes this summer. And it's time to control for grubs in the lawn.
Knowledge for Life e-News          July 2016

Summer is officially here, bringing with it wonderful things like Fourth of July celebrations and fresh, ripe produce. But while you're out enjoying the season here's some things to consider. Mosquitoes are no longer just a mere nuisance but pose a real hazard to our health. Grubs feed on the roots of healthy grass, causing irregular dead patches in the lawn. And some college grads have landed their first job that might require a move. Here's the low down and more in this month's issue of Knowledge for Life.

Mosquitoes in Kansas City
The spread of Zika virus has many of us asking questions. How common is Zika in the US? What’s the likelihood of being infected? How common are the mosquitoes that spread Zika? What should I be doing to protect myself and my family? Here's what we know about mosquitoes in Kansas City.
Grub Control: How to get rid of grubs in the lawn
Grubs are the white C-shaped larvae of several types of beetles. They're one of the most common and destructive lawn pests. They cause the lawn to decline or die out in late summer and early fall. Controlling grubs requires the use of chemicals applied from mid-June through early July for the best results.
Deadline: July 15
Apply Now to Become an Extension Master Gardener
Have you ever thought about joining the Extension Master Gardener program? If you have we are now accepting applications for this fun loving, civic minded volunteer organization. Applications are now being accepted for the Class of 2016 which will be held this fall.
Field Day July 30
K-State Hort Center Opens its Doors to the Public
K-State Research and Extension horticulture research develops its list of recommended grasses, flowers and vegetable varieties through university research conducted in Olathe to determine what grows best in our Kansas City landscapes. Come see the hottest and newest plants.
Advance Directives
If you were in a situation where you were unable to express your wishes, what kind of care would you want at the end of your life? Advance directives are legal documents that give family, friends and health care providers information about your end of life wishes. Learn about the three most common advance directives.
Moving Expenses Are Deductible
College graduates who have landed a job often must move to the new job location. Some moving expenses may be deductible on theyir income tax. Here's information about what is deductible.
The Juicing Versus Blending Debate
What's the difference between juicing and blending? There's a big difference. Find out why one is more preferable than the other.
Do’s and Don’ts for Buying and Storing Fresh Produce
Aug. 1 - 6
Top 10 Reasons to Come to the Johnson County Fair
The Johnson County 4-H/FFA Fair is a time honored tradition. 4-H youth and their families work long and hard on projects to be exhibited and judged at the fair. Find out the top 10 reasons why you and your family should come to the fair.
Aug. 29, 30 & 31
Farm Progress Tour
The nation’s largest outdoor farm show event with nearly 600 exhibitors is planned for this year in Boone, Iowa. County AG agents from Douglas, Johnson, Leavenworth, and Miami Extension offices will take a bus and visit the show, along with plans to stop and talk with some local crop and livestock producers to learn more about their operations. To learn more and register click here.

Classes & Events
To register online click on the class link or call 913-715-7000.
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