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Peter Haynes Fleet Builder Extraordinaire 
Peter Haynes 

Have you ever wondered what makes a great fleet ? Have you ever wondered how do great fleets grow and prosper ? 

Does your fleet have 10,000 race starts a year ? Does your fleet have 100 parties a year ? 

One big happy fleet

Peter's Fleet has 10,000 race starts and 100 parties every year. Peter knows how to fleet develop. Every sailor can learn from him. 

Peter has developed & implemented a successful formula to building great fleets. 

Beach Dance Party !
Beach Dance Party !

In his 4 years of fleet leadership, he turned a successful fleet into the worlds most active. No other keelboat fleet on earth has as much activity. None come even close. 

Peter uses two basic principles:

1) make it easy for people to sail,


2) turn the fleet into a family.

Fun fleets make the best fleets

Peter travels to yacht clubs around the country to give amazing seminars on a variety of topics. 

Every yacht club that has hosted his seminars  experienced growth both in membership and fleet activity.

Relaxing after sailing

He makes sailing easy with a mentoring program. Newer sailors go out on the water with experienced sailors to advance in skill at a faster rate. This keeps racing fun and exciting since we never know who's going to win. 

Roger and Anne

Regattas are designed with socializing in mind. Instead of trailering boats and staying in hotels, the hosting fleet provides the boats, housing, and entertainment for the visiting sailors. 

Partee !

Peter's oft repeated line is "We move people not boats" This helps sailors to get to know each other and frees up more time for parties. 

2015 EvW entertainment
Live music sets the mood

The local fleet that Peter Haynes' previously lead for 4 years now has over 100 paid up skipper members. They have over 10,000 annual race starts and more than 100 parties per year. This is the activity in one local fleet. 

Dock Party Video
Dock Party, Video

Video Interview with Peter Haynes 

For those who want to learn the complete toolkit of Peter's success, please watch the long video below. The sound quality is rather homespun, but the insights are worth the effort. 

Interview with Peter Haynes

Peter also wrote a short article illuminating his toolkit. This article is reproduced below for sailors to relish : 

The Most Active Fleet

By Peter Haynes, H20 Class President (2011-2014), Fleet 1 Captain (2009-2010) 

Sailing out on the water is a wonderful experience; it makes one wonder why more people don't enjoy it. Like most things, it becomes a matter of cost versus benefit. 

Even if someone owned a boat, many need to be transported, and set it up, and then one must find a crew. There are also organizations and events, but they often end up lackluster and don't provide the sense of community that people crave. Sailing could easily take off with the right boat, and a fleet that feels like a family.

Back in the 90's, the Newport Harbor Yacht Club consisted of older gentlemen spending more time in the clubhouse than they did on the water, and they started to wonder why. Setting up to sail was simply too time consuming, logistically challenging, and wasn't comfortable enough to enjoy with non-sailing family and friends. 

They went in search of the perfect boat, and when they discovered that it didn't exist, they teamed up with boat designer Steve Schock to develop the Harbor 20. This boat was built to be fast, simple, and above all, comfortable. The Harbor 20 is "kind of like sailing a couch", a very fast couch. It is great for beginning and professional sailors alike. 

Many more women, youth, and elderly have taken interest in the Harbor 20 because it is not as physically demanding as larger boats. Ready to sail in minutes, with no winches and a self-tacking jib, they should call it the " Hassle-free 20"! 

Because of the simplicity,  the vast majority of H20 racers are couples.

Couples who sail together...

Even with a better boat, sailing can get lonely. The local sailing organizations and events can attract or deter new sailors from joining. Many Yacht Clubs hold competitions, in which people travel from far away, race, and then go back to their hotels or travel back home with little time for socialization. 

Fleet Dock and Dine Party
Fleet Dock and Dine Party

The Harbor 20 class has had great success "moving people, not boats". There are currently six fleets nationwide, and yearly events in which one fleet hosts sailors from other fleets, providing boats, housing, and entertainment. 

Now, that's a lot if fun without the hassle!

Sailing Buddy

The largest fleet is Fleet 1 in Newport Beach, Ca. where the boat was invented. Fleet 1 actively encourages new sailors to join. They race approximately every other weekend during the winter sailing season, and five nights a week during the summer season, enjoying a dinner party every night at a different yacht club, averaging 100 parties a year. 

The Fleet 1 Summer Party and the Winter Awards Banquet have an attendance of about 110 people. Races don't require a crew since the Harbor 20 can easily be manned by 1-3 people plus the occasional family pet. 

Happy Sailors in Peter's Fleet - Video
Sailors of Peter's Fleet - Video

Classes are divided into A, B, and C to match up sailors of similar experience in order to keep the races fair. It is very common to see the most experienced sailors sail with the least experienced sailors with two types of mentoring programs. Fun afternoon seminars teach extensive boat handling, racing rules, and tactics. 

In the Mood Sailing
In the Mood 

Less formal on the water training also helps sailors rise rapidly in league by a fleet skipper. This creates a much better experience for everyone and builds a stronger sense of community. 

C-Fleet Chalk Talk
Peter Haynes Fleet Building

See Peter Live and In Person !

For those who wish to learn from Peter directly. He is giving one of his famous seminars this January 16th at Alamitos Bay Yacht Club. Sailors from everywhere should take advantage of Peter's know how. 

W.D. Schock Corp. 
23125 Temescal Canyon Rd.  Corona, CA 92883
Email:  [email protected]     Website: http://wdschock.com