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  March 19, 2014


Confirmation class change:  7th & 8th grade Confirmation students will meet at the Mission Center tonight at 5:30 p.m. for dinner and class.  At 6:30 p.m., they are invited to join Y.O.L.O. for The Lego Movie at Village Pointe Theaters.

Tonight at 5:30 p.m.

Confirmation dinner and class for for 7th & 8th grade students followed by a movie with Y.O.L.O. students at Village Pointe Theaters.


Tonight at 6:45 p.m.

Y.O.L.O. high school youth group meets at Village Point Theaters to see The Lego Movie.  


This Friday at 7:00 p.m.

Ladies scrapbooking and craft night at the Mission Center.  Contact Laura Erkes at [email protected] for more information.


This Saturday at 9:30 a.m. to 11:00 p.m.

Ladies scrapbooking and craft night at the Mission Center.  Contact Laura Erkes at [email protected] for more information. 


This Saturday at 9:30 a.m.

Ladies FISH group meets at Katy Nilsson's home. 


This Sunday at Noon

Joint Vision Board and Mutual Ministries team meeting at the Mission Center.


This Sunday at 5:30 p.m.

FISH group meets at Darcy and John Cottone's home.


This Sunday at 6:30 p.m.

FISH group meets at Jerrald and Julie Twedt's home. 


Tues., March 25 at 7:00 p.m. 
F.I.S.H. group at Mark Ciriaco's home.

Tues., March 25 at 7:30 p.m.
Easter service planning meeting at the Mission Center.

Tues., March 25 at 8 p.m.

Worship Team rehearsal at the Mission Center.


Wed., March 26 at 6:45 a.m.

Men's Ministry F.I.S.H. group meets at the Mission Center. 



Click here for a list of our other upcoming events and to see our church calendar. 

E.P.I.C. Middle School & Y.O.L.O. High School Upcoming Events:

+  Tonight at 5:30 p.m.:  Confirmation class & dinner for 7th & 8th grade students at the Mission Center followed by a movie at Village Pointe Theaters.    



+ Tonight at 6:30 p.m.: Y.O.L.O. meets at Village Pointe Theaters for The Lego Movie

  If you would like more information on our high school and middle school youth groups, please contact Darcy Cottone at [email protected] or (402)250-9307.



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Contact Information

James Lindberg
(402) 669-3340 
Darcy Cottone
Director of Children's & Youth Ministry
(402) 250-9307

Katy Nilsson

Director of Connections
(402) 850-7124
Jennifer Tweedy
Director of Volunteer Opportunities
(402) 660-9724
Josh Powell
Director of Worship & Music  
(402)  639-7921
Heather Abbott 
Engage Team Leader
(402) 250-3599
Living Grace Lutheran Church partners in mission with:
New Project Hope Logo

Mother-Son bowling at Sempeck's.

Sempeck's      Mothers and sons can connect with one another during a fun afternoon of bowling at Sempeck's.  We will meet there at noon on Sunday, March 30.  Cost for the event is $5 per person who bowls.  The cost includes shoes, bowling and pop.  Invite and bring a friend and mom and their bowling is FREE.  This is a great opportunity to show your friends and family how wonderful Living Grace is!

     Please email Katy Nilsson at [email protected] for more information or to RSVP.  (Spots are limited.)

Crashing a fish fry with LGLC.
Fish Fry

   Join us at St. Patrick's Catholic Church in Elkhorn (204th St. & W. Maple Rd.) on Friday, April 4 for their Lenten fish fry. 
  Let's hang with a few of our Catholic friends and have good time.  If you've never been to a fish fry, this classic Omaha experience is well worth it.
  We will meet near the end of the food line at 5:30 PM.  Show your Lutheran pride by wearing your Living Grace t-shirt.  This is also a great, casual event to bring a few new friends to meet some of the Living Grace crew. Cost is $8 per adult and kids ages 4-12 are $4.  If you plan to attend, please email Grant Mussman at [email protected].

Camp for kids at Carol Joy Holling.

    Would your grade-schooler be interested in spending quality time this summer enjoying nature, bonding with friends, and growing in their faith? Consider sending them to summer camp at Carol Joy Holling! There are many camp sessions and options available to choose from. For a list of camp sessions and more information, click here.   

    If your child would prefer to attend with a friend, we are putting together a list of dates that other families are interested in, and will attempt to coordinate some small groups to attend together.   Please contact Katy Nilsson at  [email protected] if you would like to add your name and dates to this list.  A limited number of Groupon's are also available for certain sessions.    

First Communion is in April.
    If you're in 5th or 6th grade, please join us for our First Communion class on Saturday, April 12 from 10:00 a.m. to Noon at Darcy and John Cottone's house. You'll have a great time connecting with your friends and learning about Holy Communion through games, video clips, and Bible study. This class will prepare you to receive Communion for the first time in our worship service on Sunday, April 13.
    To register, please e-mail Katy Nilsson, Director of Connections at [email protected]. For more information about First Communion please contact Pastor James at [email protected].
Family worship Sunday.
Grace Place Logo
    Come and worship together as a family on Sunday, March 30th.  The kids will be singing a few classic kids church songs during the service.  Invite your friends and family to join in this wonderful worship experience. Grace Place will not be open but the nursery will be available for ages 0-3 years.
Save the date for VBS!
    Mark your calendars for the evenings of Sunday, June 22 to Wednesday, June 25 for Living Grace's 2014 Vacation Bible School.  Your kids won't want to miss the WILD fun!  More details about registration and the theme will be coming soon.  If you have questions regarding Vacation Bible School or Living Grace's Sunday school programs, please contact Darcy Cottone at [email protected]


Tithe your tax return.

    Are you receiving an AWESOME amount for your tax return Tax Refund this year?  Perhaps you've got big plans for that money like saving it for a vacation, paying off some bills, or just spending it on something you like. 

  Why not show your gratitude to God for all the blessings he has given you and tithe a portion of your return.

   It's a great way to show some 'over and above' generosity and help build the different ministries of our church.  You may place a check in the offering plate on Sunday with the words "Tax Return Tithe" in the memo line, or donate it online through our website or by credit card on Sunday morning. 

   Thank you for all the ways you show your thanks to God through your generous financial support of Living Grace. 
Living Grace Directory.

    We are working on the Living Grace directory and will have a copy available at the name tag table this Sunday to review.  Stop by to confirm that the information we have on file is correct.  Please make any changes needed on the copies available.  If your family is not listed in the directory, please provide the information needed on the back of the copies and we will update our records.

    Once we have completed the revisions, we will email directory copies to members upon request.  If you have questions regarding the directory, please contact Katy Nilsson at [email protected].   

Popcorn and ramen noodles.

    Each month our Engage Team asks you to help fill the shelves of our local mission partner, Project Hope.  

  This month we are collecting popcorn and ramen noodles to help our community in need.  Please bring your donations on Sunday and place them in the bin located by the  name tag table.  This is such a wonderful way to engage with our community and to show God's love in a practical way.

    If you would like more information or would like to serve on our Engage Team, please contact Heather Abbott at [email protected].    
Dine & Dash with Pastor James.

     Are you looking to connect with others of Living Grace in a casual and quick way?  On Sunday, April 6, you can join Pastor James and members of Living Grace to grab a quick bite to eat after the worship service at Runza  (just south of 168th & Harrison St.).  There is no need to register and you may come and go as your schedule allows.  We all have to eat so why not join together for some fellowship while enjoying a quick lunch?   

    If you have questions or would like more information on this and other events at Living Grace, please contact our Director of Connections, Katy Nilsson, at (402)850-7124 or by email at  [email protected]

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