All Saints' Episcopal Church Newsletter
May 09, 2021
Our Vision: A community living and growing in unity with God and all people through Christ.

Our Mission: To seek God in reverent worship, service to neighbors, gracious hospitality, and the pursuit of wisdom.

Trouble Finding Our Services Online?

Join us Sundays at 10:30 am for Holy Eucharist and Wednesdays at 6 pm for Evening Prayer. Each service will be streamed or uploaded to our YouTube page with a link posted every Sunday morning to our Facebook page and website.

Sunday Worship

Both 8 am and 10:30 am Sunday services will be held indoors for now. We will continue to wear masks and to practice social-distancing. Our 10:30 am service will also be streamed online. Hope to see you this Sunday!

Wednesday Worship

Evening Prayer is held on Wednesdays at 6 pm, now both in-person and online.
Mother's Day at All Saints'

Celebrate Mother's day with us this Sunday at the 8 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. service.

Mother’s Day Prayer
Gracious God, by your goodness and grace you have made us one family. We give you thanks today for those who have nurtured and cared for us throughout our lives, for our mothers and for all who have mothered us. We pray for those who grieve the loss of a mother, for those who through adoption have experienced the grace of a mother’s love, for those who are expectant mothers, for those mothers in need of patience and strength, for mothers and their children whose relationship is not all that they wish it to be, for those who experience the grief of miscarriage or infertility, for mothers who mourn the loss of a child, and for families separated by distance. Give us your blessing, O Lord, and may the love we have for one another be a reflection of your love for us. Amen.
Celebrating Our Graduates May 16

All Saints' will celebrate our graduates on Sunday May 16 during our 10:30 a.m. service.
Melissa Simpson Returns

"I am so glad to be back at All Saints' Episcopal after my maternity leave with Henry. Thank you to everyone who supported me and my family during this time. You may see me and little Henry at work during the weeks, but as you can tell from the photo, Henry prefers naps to work."

Melissa Simpson
Family Director and Special Projects Coordinator
Giving Statements

Giving statements for the period January 1-April 20 were mailed out this week. Please take a moment to review your giving statement and if you have questions or corrections, please contact the church office at 479-968-3622 or
Covid-19 Vaccine Clinic

Pope County Fairgrounds
May 10, 2021
2 to 7 pm 
(or until run out)

Ages: 16 years or older
All are welcome! Documentation not required.
Have insurance card? Bring it. Have drivers license? Bring it.
If not, come anyway.
All Saints' Choir Update

Greetings to all of our brothers and sisters in the All Saints community from us, your Music Directors, Kristin and Tim Smith. As we hope you are all aware, the All Saints Music Ministry has continued over the past 14 months despite the limitations imposed by COVID-19 pandemic conditions. We have the “go-ahead” to feature small groups of singers during our in-person worship, so we are trying to do that when possible. All Saints is so fortunate to have terrific musical talent within our congregation - we are grateful to all of you who have stepped up during this time to share your gifts.

A big move
In the years 2015-present since we remodeled our sanctuary, the All Saints Choir has rehearsed in the nave on Wednesday evenings and Sunday mornings. Choir robes and music were stored in one of the enclosed rooms at the back of the nave. As the COVID-19 pandemic unfolded and we started streaming our services online, it became apparent that we now needed a Media Room. We decided to give our choir a designated rehearsal/music storage/choir robe space in what was the “Loaves & Fishes” Room next to the kitchen in Sutherland Hall. The old “choir room” at the back of the nave became the new Media Room where Trevor Coats works his technical wizardry.

Last fall we transformed that old “Loaves & Fishes” room into a new choir room. Tim and Ken Futterer built shelving to house our choir music library, Kristin and some volunteers from an ATU fraternity painted the walls, we put our small Yamaha rehearsal piano on a dolly, and we repurposed furniture to outfit the room. If you have not had a chance to peek at our new choir space, please do!

Preparing for the future
We are excited about the eventual return of the full All Saints Choir in the next few months. We hope ALL of our current members and maybe even a few past members will feel called to join us once again. We know, however, that at least a couple of key members will no longer be with us. And due to budget constraints, we won’t have our interns for the time being. In the past, God has always provided us with new members at just the right moments. 

Proud tradition
All Saints has had a long and proud tradition of choral singing and we are eager for that to continue. Please consider joining us - we are a friendly group! You need only to enjoy music and have a desire to contribute. We can teach you the rest. If you feel God’s call to join our Music Ministry, we will do everything we can to help you feel comfortable, welcome, included and, most importantly, to experience the fun and joy of music.

Contact Information
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Kristin Smith at (479) 264-1351 or kristinmsmith81167@ 
Inquirer Classes
Whether you are new to the Episcopal Church or have been an Episcopalian for fifty years, we invite you to learn more about the Episcopal Church by attending (online) Inquirer Classes. The classes will take place at 9 am on the following Sunday mornings:

  • May 9th – Episcopal Worship & the Sacraments, Bob Brown
  • May 16th – The Book of Common Prayer, Bob Brown
  • May 23rd – The Polity of the Episcopal Church, Teri Daily
  • June 6th – Prayer & Ministry, Kaye Staggs

The Zoom link to attend these classes can be found here.
Green Team
Workday is reschedule to Saturday May 22 from 10am to Noon. We will pick up fallen tree limbs around our church and trash along Phoenix Ave from Main Street to 12th Street. Melissa Simpson will supervise this day.

Brandon Etzkorn
Junior Warden
Neighbors Table

As we begin to re-open and have more opportunities to meet and worship in person, Neighbors Table will continue to distribute meals through drive thru and delivery. Please remember Neighbors Table in your prayers. We give grateful thanks for the abundant support that our church and our community provide this ministry. If you’d like to join our team of joyful workers, just text or call Catherine at 479-264-4346. We still follow safety precautions from start to finish. We’ll find a time and task that suits
you, and show you how we do it now.
Loaves and Fishes

Loaves and Fishes, a part of the Neighbors Table ministry, needs to restock its cupboard. 
Here are items needed now for our guests:

  • Cereal and oatmeal
  • Small containers of shelf stable milk
  • Wrapped packages of peanut butter crackers, cookies, granola bars, etc.
  • Feminine hygiene products – pads and tampons
  • Bath soap
  • Shampoo
  • Toothpaste and floss
  • Laundry detergent
  • Dish detergent
  • Baby wipes
  • Children’s and adult socks
  • Adult underwear – men’s medium and women’s large
Neighbors Table asks that you bring your donations to All Saints’ Episcopal Church on Saturdays between 9:00 AM and 12:30 PM. Please place your gifts in the Loaves and Fishes Wagon at the door outside Sutherland Hall. Also, you can place your donations on Sundays in the wagon that will be in the narthex. As a reminder, you can support Neighbors Table with a donation to Food Ministries in the Giving tab at the All Saints’ webpage. 
Enneagram on Zoom

Parables and the Enneagram by Clarence Thomas book study will cover Type 5 tonight at 7pm on Zoom. Charlie Tyrone will help led our discussion Call Rhonda Wolf at 719-650-6021 if you have any questions. All are welcome.

Meeting ID: 886 1035 0105
Passcode: 867714

Please celebrate the following birthdays this week with us: especially Olive Clair, Sadie Hilton and Lydia Paw.
O God, our times are in your hand: Look with favor, we pray, on
your servants as they begin another year. Grant that they may grow
in wisdom and grace, and strengthen their trust in your goodness
all the days of their lives; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

For those celebrating an anniversary this week: Walter and Mindy Hudson.

O gracious and everliving God, look mercifully upon your servants who come to renew the promises they have made to each other. Grant them your blessing, and assist them with your grace, that with true fidelity and steadfast love they may honor and keep their promises and vows; through Jesus Christ our Savior, who lives and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

Please let the office know if your birthday or anniversary has been missed, so that we may add the date to our records.
Remembering in your Prayers
Weekly Prayers:

We pray especially for Miguel, Jon & Pam, Rebecca, Imajean, Ellis, Susan, Bob, Catherine, Tom, Antony, Donna, Israel, Randy and those who have lost loved ones in the pandemic.

Long Term Prayers:
Jack & Carol Lee, Jan Clair, Water Hudson, Barbara Johnson, Barbara Stoltz, William Gillum, Charlie Busch, the Busch Family, Susan Durham Shelton, Bernice & Carina, Tom Munson, Don Cave, Tom Tyler, Arthur Hastings, Isaac, Sarah Lee, the Kellner Family, Rodolpho, Bob, Robby, Israel Delabra, Wyatt Sherman, Ann McCorkle, Jeffrey & Jennifer Whitehead, Jordan Hein & family, and Kenny.

To request changes or updates to our weekly or long term prayer list, please contact our office at
Readings for Sunday, May 9
Please click on the purple scripture to link to the readings

The First Lesson

The Response

The Epistle

The Gospel
All Saints' Staff

The Rt. Rev. Larry Benfield - Bishop of Arkansas
The Rev. Teri Daily - Rector
Tim and Kristin Smith - Music Ministers
Melissa Simpson - Family Ministry and Special Projects Coordinator 
Trevor Coats - Technical Director
KaDee McCormick - Parish Administrator
Sherrie Cotton - Administrative Assistant
Marcia Van Horn, Ron Anderson - Office Assistants
All Saints' Vestry & Officers
Mary Ellen Patton - Senior Warden
Brandon Etzkorn - Junior Warden
Ron Anderson
Diane Yarbrough
Elaine Tise
Rudy Delabra
Carol Lee
Htee Hsee
Tracy Cole

Lori Price - Treasurer
Sherrie Cotton - Secretary
Giving at All Saints'

During this time of social distancing and staying home, it is important that we are still able to support our parish and our community through our financial gifts. Contributions may be mailed to the church office or to give online, go to and click on GIVE located on the bottom of the web page. You can designate your donation toward a specific ministry or our general fund.