Made Us Smile

Venn diagrams, meaningless catch phrases that no one understands, taking important calls - all excellent tricks to appear smart in meetings. This tongue in cheek advice from
The Cooper Review is a classic case of it's-funny-because-it's-true - I'm sure I'm not the only one who regularly sees all of these in action!

(Credit for this amazing Venn diagram goes to @Mattsurely on Twitter)
Good to Know
We've probably all heard the common explanation for the gap between men's and women's salaries: men ask for more money than women. But is it really that simple? This article from The Cut suggests not: Actually, Women Do Ask for Money. They Just Don't Get It. The takeaway: we have to keep asking, until we are heard.
Have you Heard?
If you stayed close to home for Spring Break, consider checking out the 6th annual Healthy Family Expo this weekend at the Vancouver Convention Centre. On Sunday, March 24, from 9am-5pm you can explore over 200 exhibitors, take in live entertainment, and burn off some energy in the Active Kids Zone. Admission is free for Kids 0-16!
Tried It
Looking for a quick and easy spot to pick up a healthy lunch in downtown Vancouver? The new location of Field & Social is now open in Royal Centre, serving yummy salads to go. I'm a fan of the Curried Cauli myself, but it's a tough choice - they all look delicious!

(Photo from Field & Social's Facebook page)