News from St. James' Episcopal Church, Austin
Dear People of St. James':
Summer Experiments
Rev. Eileen tells you about some of the new ways we are trying to bring our community together in this time of reorientation and regathering.
This Sunday is Mothers' Day.
Be on the lookout for the Mothers Day video with the pictures you sent in, special music in person and online, special coffee hour treats, and an online Coffee Hour with In My Grandmother's House by Yolanda Pierce.
Mark your calendar for Thurgood Marshall Weekend, May 15-16.
Next weekend, we honor the life and legacy of Thurgood Marshall with the Union of Black Episcopalians (UBE).
Watch or read the Vestry Finance Committee's First Quarter Report.
Welcome Table needs volunteers the week of May 17! Consider dedicating some time.
Our office staff created a handy video to tell you more about in person worship services. Enjoy!
Have you ever wondered what happens at Zoom Church at 5:30 on Sunday nights? Scott Madison and Teresa Chang are here to tell you.
News from the St. James' Family

Milestone Sunday: Let's Celebrate
Sunday, May 30
This Sunday with St. James'
Praying Together During the Week
Prayer List
Pray the Prayer List
To add a name to the prayer list, email Prayer requests from the website will be auto-forwarded to the pastoral care ministry and the office.