This Sunday, we observe the Sixth Sunday of Easter. This Sunday, we will honor the mothers who have shaped our lives. Coffee Hour outside following in person services continues.
Along with the continuing online options in English and Spanish, we have three in person services this Sunday. At 8 am, we offer a small contemplative, spoken Rite I service in the sanctuary. At 10:30 am, the Rite II service will also be indoors in the sanctuary with music, followed an outdoor coffee hour. At 1 pm, we will have our Rite II service in Spanish.
We are no longer requiring online registration for in person services. We will continue to cap attendance at services so that we can be properly socially distanced, so don't be running too late.
The red buttons here will direct you to information about in person services or the link for online services.
This Sunday is the fifth Sunday that we move the 10:30 am service indoors with the intention of it staying indoors unless our region experiences a new COVID surge. We have a number of precautions that we will be taking to limit risk in the indoor environment, but if you are new to worship indoors, pay close attention to instructions from our welcome crew, clergy and ushers.
In addition to these precautions, we have been very pleased by how many people in our St. James' community have already been vaccinated. As demand for vaccinations declines, keep encouraging those in your circles who have not been vaccinated yet.