Motivation Through Three Lenses: Self, Direct Reports, and Teams - by Dr. Peggy Marshall

Motivation is one of the most talked about phenomena and possibly the least understood. It becomes even more complicated when viewed through the lenses of self, direct reports, and teams. Some of the motivators are the same for all three and yet some are very different. First, let us start by defining motivation. For about the past 50 years, Deci and Ryan have been the definers of motivation through the lens of Self Determination Theory which focused on the levers of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. A simplification of the distinction between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation comes from Gagne and Deci (2005) as they positioned intrinsic motivation as autonomous motivation and extrinsic motivation as controlled motivation. Those two words are extremely significant as we move forward with this article on motivation as choice becomes center stage when we are working with ourselves and others on motivation.

No discussion of motivation would be complete without addressing the process of change along with the “why” for the change. Norcross in “Changeology” shares that we need to be “psyched up” about the change to pursue it. Many authors agree with his thinking with regards to the need for emotional alignment with the new behavior as we need to want to make it happen for it to happen. Sinek in “Start with Why” Simon Sinek shares that we need a strong “why” to begin the process of change. Think about New Years resolutions, most of which have been forgotten by now, maybe even yours. Many individuals in setting a New Years resolution start with “what” they are going to do. If their “what” is not aligned with a strong “why”, it will make the process more difficult, potentially frustrating and lead to giving up.

Kotler in “The Art of the Impossible” believes that motivation is a “catch-all for three subsets of skills: drive, grit and goals.” 

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March 10 @ 10:00 am - 11:00 am EST

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“The teacher who is indeed wise does not bid you to enter the house of his wisdom but rather leads you to the threshold of your mind.”
– Kahlil Gibran
The Global Institute of Organizational Coaching is dedicated to being the global premier provider of coach development programs as we create a bridge between evidence-based theory and coaching practice


It’s hard to believe that the month of March is upon us! The faculty at Global IOC has been busy with accredited classes as well as designing specialty tracks for coaches who want to specialize at a deeper level on targeted coaching topics. We will be launching our first track on April 9th at 11 AM EST on the topic of Peak Performance. It is a twelve-week course. Watch for announcements coming soon about this track and/or reach out to for a conversation about the content of the track.
Don’t forget that as you already have training or a designation from another professional body, you may qualify for our assessment only tracks for achieving the designations, so definitely explore those opportunities by applying for admission at and have a conversation with faculty about next steps. 

Finally, this month we have two stellar continuing education webinars on "Motivation from 3 Lenses; Self, Direct Reports and Teams and Coaching Millennials. We look forward to being with you as you advance your skills and deepen your knowledge about coaching.

CBC™ coaches to offer the RCC™ program to their own internal audiences.

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