January 6, 2023

Bishop's Visit to Mt. Calvary!

Bishop Audrey Scanlan will visit Mt. Calvary on January 15. Confirmation for youth and adults will be held during the 10am service.

Confirmation Classes for Youth

In preparation for the bishop’s visit to Mt. Calvary on January 15, confirmation classes for youth in grades 7 and above will be held on January 7 and 14 from 9am-noon.

2022 Pledges: Pledge boxes are in the Narthex. If you would like to have a pledge box, please contact the office. In addition, Realm is now set up to receive your 2023 pledges. Please note to change your recurring pledge to 2023 Pledge in the system. 

Mount Calvary Annual Meeting The annual parish meeting will be held on Sunday, February 12th after the 10am service. Please join us.

Poinsettias: Please feel free to take a beautiful poinsettia home after this weekend's service. 

Mount Calvary Men's Retreat

February 3-4, 2023

Kenbrook Retreat Center, Lebanon, PA

The keynote speaker will be the Rev. Kevin Barron who will speak on, “From Water to Wine – From Baptism to Eucharist.”

For more information contact:

Rev. Stuart Scarborough, Deacon


Phone: 717-585-0576

Register using Eventbrite at the following link. https://tinyurl.com/mtcalvary-mensretreat-2022. Registration closes January 18. 

Weekly Worship Schedule


Saturday - Eucharist 5:00 pm

Sunday - Eucharist 8:00 am & 10:00 am

Monday - Contemplative Prayer 11:00 am

Thursday - Healing Service 10:00 am


Weekdays - Morning Prayer 8:30 am

Sunday - Eucharist Service 10:00 am

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Help out at the Central PA Food Bank by packing food boxes for distribution. Tuesday, January 10, 2023 from 5:00 to 7:00 pm. Contact Melanie Gurgiolo for more details.


KING'S DAY CELEBRATION - Join us on Sunday, January 6, as we have a special King's Day celebration!

FOOD BANK - Would you like to volunteer with the Food Bank? The next date is January 10, 5pm-7pm. Contact Melanie Gurgiolo for more details.

2023 ABSALOM JONES CONTEST - Grades 3-5, Middle and High School Students. Sponsored by the Dr. George H. Love Youth Awards, Union of Black Episcopalians (UBE) Awards. Ceremony Sunday, February 12, 2:00 p.m. at St. Paul's Episcopal Church, 248 Seneca St, Harrisburg, PA

More information at https://diocesecpa.org/unionofblackepiscopalians

Book Club - Will meet on Sunday, January 8, at 11:15am to discuss The Book Of Lost Friends by Lisa Wingate. Contact Linda Farrell for more information.

MCP Women’s Group - The Women’s Group will meet on Wednesday, January 11, at 7pm. All women are welcome. We will continue our discussion of F. Buechner's book, Secrets in the Dark: A Life of Sermons, Chapters 8 & 9.  

Men's Breakfast Event - Saturday, January 14, at 8:30am to 9:30am at the church. From Richard Rohr’s book Falling Upward, Rick Steinmetz will lead our discussion on “The Tragic Sense of Life.” Coffee and breakfast bites will be available. All men are welcome. Join us and invite a guest! Questions, call or text Dean Wharton 717-329-1200.

You can use this QR code to contribute by phone. Or click the button below to pledge Onrealm.org

Thank you !

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