The Messenger

Glimmers by Rev. Lori

Ah! September.

When Nature is wiling away in the last evening hours of summer,

and autumn is waiting in the wings for its departure.

We can feel the change, in the air, in our bones.

The returning dark of winter is held back by the glorious dying of autumn.

As people of faith, we resonate with this change.

We breathe it in and feel part of its purpose.

We understand ourselves to be creatures of this good Creation.

We are born and live and die

within the rhythm and rules of Nature.

Change is a natural and necessary part of God’s world.

Living things are constantly changing, becoming, renewing.

We live well when we learn to change well.

Let us take strength from the courage of the leaves

that are not afraid to let go in order to be part of the next new thing.

For God says: Behold I am making all things new! (Rev. 21:5)

Practice: Let’s embrace September

with a spirit of anticipation, and joy

that we are part of it all!

Look for glimmers…

“Glimmers are tiny micro moments of joy—fleeting, everyday moments that elicit a rush of happiness, gratitude, calm, peace, safety, or goodwill. Some examples of glimmers include: Spotting a rainbow. Hearing your favorite song in the grocery store. Feeling the warmth of the sun on your skin.” (Newport Inst., 2023)

Then, share your glimmer with someone else,

and encourage them to be aware of them, too!  

Photo from Pixabay

Thursday Morning Coffee with Rev. Lori

Coffee at the Church House! Rev. Lori will have coffee & tea every Thursday morning in September!

Drop into the Church House any time between 10-12 am. Both front and side doors will be open for easier access to the kitchen. This is a casual gathering, all are welcome. Questions, prayers, sharing… wherever the Spirit leads!

Green Team

A Green Tree Event will be held on Saturday, September 21 at 10:00 a.m. behind the Post Office. We are now a chapter of Tree Trust, this is our first legacy tree to be enhanced by arborists. Join the Green Team Facebook page to learn all about Tree Trust and what the Green Team is doing to enrich our town! Come to see the arborists at work and enjoy speakers, music, and refreshments. Bring your chair and mug. Call Rhoda for further details. 519-323-2105.

Music Ministry

Music Ministry: Praise Band practice started last week and the next practice is on Wednesday, September 11th at 8 pm. Choir rehearsal will be this coming Thursday, September 12th at 7 pm. If you are interested in joining our Music Ministry team, please talk to Derek anytime or email:

Soup of the Month

Welcome Back to Sunday School

Welcome Back! We kicked off our Sunday School year on September 8th with Blessing of the Backpacks/Back to School Sunday. Join us on Sunday mornings, we have resources & volunteers to welcome kids from nursery up to grade 8, and youth are welcome to volunteer.

Meeting Reminders

September 17 - Leadership Team 7:00 pm (Fellowship Hall)

September 24 - Christian Education 7:00 pm (Fellowship Hall)

September 26 - Pastoral Care 2:00 pm (Fellowship Hall)

Pastoral Care

If you’d like the Pastoral Care Team to pray for you or someone you know or are aware of any hospitalizations, sickness, or special occasions, contact one of the following members of the team.  Betty Seminowicz at 519-923-5416, or by Email: or Daphne Rappard at 519-323-2505,


We would also be happy to have one of our team members visit you in person or by phone. All requests are shared only with the Pastoral Care Team and are kept confidential. 

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Western Ontario Waterways?

Check out what is happening at Western Ontario Waterways, click on the link below. Many resources are available on their website along with upcoming events and continuing education opportunities! You can also sign up for their newsletter.

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