May 2021 | Issue 5 | Archives| Webpage| Jobs | Our Mission
Reusable Bag Art Contest
The Town of Mount Pleasant is accepting submissions for its Earth Day Reusable Bag Art Contest until June 30. Town staff will select the top five designs and then citizens will vote on their favorite. Each finalist will receive a gift card. The winner will receive a cash prize, gift card, and their design placed on a reusable shopping bag to be distributed to Mount Pleasant citizens and visitors.
Take Root Mount Pleasant!
Take Root Mount Pleasant is a community tree planting initiative designed to encourage residents to take an active role in beautifying our Town. Over the coming months, the Town will encourage residents to plant new trees in Mount Pleasant. Come and get your free sapling at the Farmers Market held every Tuesday on Coleman Boulevard. Team up with your neighbors to Take Root Mount Pleasant!  
17th Annual Sweetgrass Festival Slated for July 24
The annual Sweetgrass Festival in Mount Pleasant is designed to promote and bring attention to the contributions of the Gullah people’s history, culture, traditions and their sweetgrass basket art form that originated in Mount Pleasant and continues to exist in our town and surrounding communities today. Save the date for this festival. Admission is free.
Youth Council Applications
The Town of Mount Pleasant is now accepting applications for its 2021 - 2022 Youth Council. The youth council’s mission is to empower youth by providing the opportunity to serve, develop leadership skills, and grow to become engaged and responsible citizens. 
Pleasant Nutrition
Co-owners Nicole Meade, Amanda Murray, and Shawn Rhives, together with Mount Pleasant Council Members Kathy Landing and Howard Chapman, along with Mount Pleasant Chamber of Commerce Director of Development Rebecca Imholz, attended the ribbon-cutting ceremony for Pleasant Nutrition, located at 1485 N. Highway 17 Suite F.
FASTSIGNS of Mount Pleasant
Owners Scottie and Jennel Mahl, together with Mount Pleasant Council Member Kathy Landing, along with Mount Pleasant Chamber of Commerce Members Ben Knight, Brian Sherman, and Rebecca Imholz, attended the ribbon-cutting ceremony for FASTSIGNS of Mount Pleasant, located at 1110 Clarity Road.
Summer Camps
Registration for our summer camps is now open for both residents and non-residents. Check out our Summer 2021 InMotion Magazine to see summer camp options and other summer season offerings.

Click the button below to view the digital version of the summer 2021 edition of InMotion Magazine.
Half Rubber World Series
Register for the Town of Mount Pleasant's Half Rubber World Series Tournament on June 19 at the Jimmy Seignious Fields. This tournament is open for ages 16 and older. Both teams of 3 and teams of 4 are eligible to enter, and registration is open for newcomers. No experience necessary.

All registrations are due by June 11.
Report Illicit Discharges
Illicit discharges occur when people intentionally and illegally dump pollutants into our storm drains, stormwater ponds, and waterways. Some of the most commonly dumped pollutants are motor oil, paint, gasoline, and yard debris. These pollutants pose serious threats to water quality. If you see any illicit discharges or other water quality concerns let us know.
Our Meetings Are Available Online
Stay informed on your community's happenings by streaming our meetings live here or signing up to be notified here.