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October 2023

Dear Neighbors,

Fall has always been my favorite time of year, and with the lineup of engaging events we have planned in the District, this season brings years of hard work to fruition. This month, please join us for:

  • Oct. 14: Fall Fest to celebrate the amazing Lorton Community Center, Library and Park First Anniversary from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. Enjoy free food, music, games and more!
  • Oct. 21: 8th Annual Tour de Mount Vernon Community Bike Ride, starting at 8 a.m. and riding on the closed George Washington Memorial Parkway for the first time with another first – a Youth and Family Ride! Sign up today for the Youth and Family Ride. Thank you to our partners at the National Park Service for working with us for the past two years to make riding on the Parkway a reality. 
  • Oct. 28: The long-awaited Grand Opening of the Lorton District Police Station and Fairfax County Animal Shelter – Lorton Campus at 10 a.m. to be followed by a community celebration, Open House and tours.
  • Early in-person voting is happening here at the Mount Vernon Governmental Center weekdays from 1 – 7 p.m., Saturday, October 28 and November 4 from 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. and Sunday, October 29 from 1 – 5 p.m. Early in-person voting will begin at the Lorton Community Center on October 26 with the same hours of operation.

In this Newsletter:

Senior Safety Summit

Shred Event

North Hill Park

Upcoming Events

Land Use

Health, Housing & Human Services


Public Safety

Parks & Environment

In the News

Community Information

Community Links

Pet Adoption Corner

Important Safety Information

Team MVD

Boards, Authorities, Commissions

Starting October 16 through December 7, our office is collecting food donations for Bucknell Elementary School students and their families to provide healthy food assistance in time for the holidays. More information about donations and our October events can be found below.

The new $33 million co-located Police Station and Animal Shelter has been in the works since the Lorton Prison closed nearly 22 years ago, and we are very excited to finally open the doors to you. The beautiful Fairfax County Animal Shelter – Lorton Campus will have 44 double-sided dog kennels, 42 cat condos, 2 catios and a state-of-the-art veterinary clinic. There will also be a 20,000-square-foot outdoor space for the animals. This second shelter will allow the Fairfax County Animal Shelter to grow significantly and connect pets to their forever homes

With the opening of the Lorton District Police Station, I would like to introduce you to Captain Richard Morvillo, who started his career with the Fairfax County Police Department 34 years ago, in 1989. He began working as a patrol officer in the Franconia District, serving in the shopping center and neighborhood patrol units. During his time as a commander, Captain Morvillo has overseen the Crime Scene Section, the Intelligence Division, Police Liaison Command, the Sully District, the Helicopter Division, the Cyber and Forensics Division and Duty Officer. Captain Morvillo has a bachelor’s degree from George Mason University. You can view my introduction to Captain Morvillo here. He looks forward to meeting you at the Grand Opening.

October also brings a change to my public schedule. Due to several community events happening in Lorton, I will be holding all my regular 2nd Saturday office hours on October 14 at the Lorton Community Center from 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. by appointment only. Please call to my office or email me at mtvernon@fairfaxcounty.gov to schedule an appointment.

Respectfully yours in public service,

Introducing Lorton District Police Captain Richard Morvillo

Dan Storck 
Supervisor, Mount Vernon District
Fairfax County Board of Supervisors
Visit our Website

Celebrating Our Community

Senior Safety Summit

We had a successful 5th Annual Senior Safety Summit on September 13! Thank you to Neighborhood and Community Services for helping us organize this event and to the community members who came out! Thank you to all the exhibitors who participated and shared important information with our senior community. Thank you to Franconia District Station Crime Prevention Officer, Sean Corcoran, Fairfax County Fire and Rescue Department Life Safety Education Specialist, Wyleng Liew and USA Pickleball District Ambassador for Northeast Virginia and Washington, DC, Helen White for the informative presentations and The Fairfax at Belvoir Woods and SevaTruck for lunch donations.

Shred Event

Over 250 residents joined us for our shred event on September 30. Thank you to Crime Solvers and Mount Vernon District Police Station for your help in organizing this event. We hope to have another shred event in Spring 2024!

North Hill Park

We celebrated the official opening of North Hill Park on September 16. This 12-acre park includes a large community playground, outdoor fitness area, basketball and pickleball courts, a large open lawn, pavilion and accessible trails throughout the property. The opening marks a significant milestone in the transformation of North Hill from an underutilized parcel to a vibrant residential community. Watch the 16 Around Fairfax video.

You're Invited!

Quick Links
Para subscribirse para nuestro boletín en español o si conoce a alguien quien quiera subscribirse, o para hablar con un hispanohablante, comuníquese con Madeleine Carcamo Reyes a su preferencia, por teléfono al (703) 780-7518 o por correo electrónico: Madeleine.CarcamoReyes@fairfaxcounty.gov.

Key Contacts

Adult Protective Services

(703) 324-7450, TTY 703-449-1186

Aging, Disability & Caregiver Resource Line

(703) 324-7948, TTY 711

Child Protective Services (24/7)

(703) 324-7400, TTY 703-222-9452

Domestic & Sexual Violence (24/7)

(703) 360-7273, TTY 711

Emergency & Basic Needs

(703) 222-0880, TTY 711

Emergency Mental Health (24/7)

(703) 573-5679, TTY 711

Fairfax County Emergency Information Line

(703) 817-7771, TTY 711

Fire Code-Related Questions

(703) 246-4849, TTY 711

Fraud Hotline

(703) 787-3243

Police Non-Emergency Line

(703) 691-2131

Roads: VDOT (Virginia Department of Transportation)

1 (800) FOR-ROAD or 1 (800) 367-7623, TTY 711

Suicide Prevention (24/7)

Call: (703) 527-4077

Text: "CONNECT" to 85511 

Fairfax-Falls Church Community Services Board 24/7 Lines

Emergency Services: (703) 573-5679

Fairfax Detoxification Center: (703) 502-7000

Upcoming In-Person & Virtual Events

Land Use

Signs Part II Zoning Ordinance Amendment

On September 26, the Board of Supervisors authorized public hearings for a proposed Zoning Ordinance amendment regarding sign regulations.

  • Planning Commission Public Hearing: Wednesday, October 25, 7:30 p.m.
  • Board of Supervisors Public Hearing: Tuesday, November 21, 3:30 p.m.

View the Board Item and a staff report will be published at least two weeks before the Planning Commission hearing on the Signs Part II website. For additional information, please contact the Zoning Administration Division at 703-324-1314 or OrdAdmin@fairfaxcounty.gov, or visit Suite 801 of the Herrity Building, 12055 Government Center Parkway, Fairfax, on weekdays from 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. Learn more.

Land Development Services Permit Library

Planning home improvements? Check out Land Development Services’ (LDS) new permit library, providing step-by-step guides. LDS building and site records are applied for in PLUS. You will find a list of LDS record types available in PLUS along with the associated process requirements for that record. If you are unsure whether you need a permit or not, visit the When a Permit is Required page for more information. Learn more.

Health, Housing & Human Services

Mental Illness is Not a Crime: What you Need to Know about "Diversion First"

One in five Americans has a mental illness, and mental illness is not a crime. That’s one of many reasons why the County launched Diversion First, an award-winning program that shows the County’s commitment to crisis intervention, diversion, treatment and recovery. Learn more.

African Heritage Early Literacy Program

The African Heritage Early Literacy program will begin fall classes from October 21 - December 23. The Program is a free, interactive program where parents, grandparents or family members and children learn activities and strategies that prepares children for kindergarten and future school success. Learn more.

  • Lorton Community Center, Saturday's, 10 a.m. - 12 p.m.
  • Virtual, Wednesday's, 5 - 6:30 p.m.

2nd Annual Sherwood Community Health Fair

Saturday, October 14, 11 a.m. - 1 p.m.

Sherwood Regional Library, 2501 Sherwood Hall Ln.

Sherwood Regional Library is hosting a health fair! Stop by for children’s activities including a free book for kids from the Friends of the Sherwood Regional Library. Located in the parking lot.

  • Get information about SNAP, Medicaid, the Medical Care for Children Partnership program (MCCP) and other services
  • Learn about WIC benefits, maternal health & more
  • NCS CareVan will be present and providing flu shots, COVID vaccines and much more.

Learn more.

37th Annual Caregiver's Conference

Friday, November 10, 8 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.

Korean Central Presbyterian Church, 15451 Lee Hwy., Centreville

Attend the largest dementia conference in the region designed specifically for family and professional caregivers. This year’s keynote speaker is Aaron Blight, Ed.D., an international speaker and consultant on caregiving, aging and healthcare, and the founder of Caregiving Kinetics. Learn how to become better prepared to provide care and support at home or in a facility and new ways to engage individuals with dementia. Visit with exhibitors who offer supportive services. The conference is organized by the Northern Virginia Dementia Care Consortium, educating caregivers since 1986. Register by November 6. Learn more.


Metro Seeks More Equitable Service for Region with Update to Title VI Civil Rights Program that Ensures Everyone Counts

WMATA is asking for comments on some proposed Title VI Changes to include redefining a "major service change," defining populations based on U.S. Census data with its Better Bus Network Redesign effort and raising the income threshold for low-income customers to account for the recent rise in the cost of living. Metro is also proposing to eliminate the $2 SmarTrip card fee for customers enrolled in reduced fare programs. Learn more.

George Washington Memorial Parkway South Section (South Parkway) and Mount Vernon Trail Improvement Plan/Environmental Assessment Public Comment

George Washington Memorial Parkway is accepting public comment on the South Section (South Parkway) and Mount Vernon Trail (MVT) Improvement Plan (Plan) / Environmental Assessment (EA). This Plan will take a comprehensive approach towards addressing deferred maintenance needs and safety along both the southern portion of the Parkway as well as the entirety of the MVT. The Plan will have context sensitive solutions that make improvements while maintaining the Parkway's scenic and historic character throughout these corridors. The EA will assess the implementation of these solutions on the natural and cultural resources of the Park. Public comment closes on October 24. Learn more.

Public Safety

Chief's Spotlight

The Chief’s Spotlight highlights our officers’ patience and diligence in not just being able to track down a stolen car but making the arrest.

Pedestrian, Bike and Traffic Safety

Whether you are walking, biking or driving, keep in mind that safety is a two-way street and is everyone’s job. Slow down and make eye contact with drivers and pedestrians. Every year, the number of pedestrian and bicycle related fatalities and injuries continues to rise at an unacceptable rate. Fairfax County is committed to enhancing pedestrian, bicycle and traffic safety by implementing a multi-faceted plan to reduce and ultimately eliminate traffic-related deaths and injuries. Learn more.

FCPD Share the Many Ways to Keep in Touch 

We hear many questions about where to find and sign up for public safety and police information. FCPD has put out a helpful flyer. Learn more. 

Parks & Environment

Woodlawn and Reston Fire Stations Go Solar

A significant milestone was reached in Mount Vernon on Wednesday, September 27 – the completion of the first solar installations using an energy performance contract at two locations, Woodlawn and Reston fire stations. The project includes rooftop solar photovoltaic arrays for onsite power generation at both stations, totaling 100 kW. Combined, the projects will provide about 17 percent of the building’s electricity and save the County approximately $12,775 in energy costs in the first year. Annual savings are expected to rise as the price of electricity increases over time. Watch the 16 Around Fairfax video. Learn more.

Fall is for Planting

Professional landscapers all know that autumn is a great time to plant, even if home gardeners make the mistake of waiting until April to flock to the garden centers. Planting can continue until the ground is frozen. Many plants including trees and shrubs continue to grow their roots after their leaves fall off, and even those that go dormant have a major head start in the spring before they have to face summer heat and drought. Wise gardeners, who take advantage of the fall discounts, are rewarded by lighter watering chores and healthier plants. In Northern Virginia, you can find native plants either by looking for the red stickers in participating conventional garden centers or by shopping at the native plant nurseries or at the local fall native plant sales.

Solar Eclipse Extravaganza at Fairfax County Parks

This fall, an annular eclipse, also known as a "ring of fire" eclipse, will take place on October 14. The annular eclipse takes place when the moon is at its farthest point from Earth and so it appears smaller than the sun and does not completely cover the sun leaving a ring around the edge.

The Fairfax County Park Authority has prepared for extraordinary eclipse viewings throughout the County. Join our experts to view the partial annular solar eclipse. At noon, watch as the moon partially eclipses the sun as they travel across the sky. A limited number of eclipse viewing glasses and sun spotting scopes will be available to view the eclipse. Learn more.

In the News

Seniors Thrive in South Fairfax

Dedicated, beautiful 55+ communities like Spring Hill, The Fairfax, Gum Springs Glen and the new North Hill make the Mount Vernon District a great place to age in place. Not only do we have these dedicated communities where seniors can grow and thrive, we also have many senior centers where older residents can learn, recreate and engage. I was pleased to host my 5th Senior Safety Summit last week to bring hundreds of older adults together with information, education and resources, as well as to answer questions about aging and living in our area. Read more in my Mount Vernon Gazette article.

Well-Being Matters

COVID’s impact on our families and communities has reminded us all of the importance of our health and well-being and Fairfax County’s role in protecting it. Nationally and locally this has been especially true in our responsiveness to behavioral health services and support. My background in running non-profits and providing health care services, as well as life experiences, have helped me to be particularly attuned to our residents needs and the health challenges many experience. Read more from my Mount Vernon Gazette article.

Minutes Matter: Police Departments Working Together to Stop Potential Active Shooter

The Fairfax County Police Department (FCPD), Anne Arundel County Police Department (AACoPD) and Prince William County Police Department (PWCPD) acted swiftly to a tip from a community member about a man threatening harm to a Haymarket church and, together, were able to stop a potential active shooter. FCPD Threat Assessment Management Unit (TAM) detectives assisted with the execution of a search warrant at Rui Jiang’s home. Evidence supporting Jiang’s intent to cause harm was recovered from the scene. Read more from FCPD News.

Community Information

Early In-Person Voting for November 7 General Election

Early in-person voting is happening now at our Mount Vernon Governmental Center and starting on October 26 at the Lorton Community Center until November 4. In-person voting and ballot drop box times are:

  • Weekdays: 1 - 7 p.m.
  • Saturdays (Oct. 28, Nov. 4): 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
  • Sunday (Oct. 29): 1 - 5 p.m.

Learn more.

Did you know that your high schooler can make a difference in the upcoming election? Fairfax County is looking for election pages to serve at polling places on Election Day. This is a great opportunity to earn service-learning hours. Apply now.

5 Things to Know from the 2022-2023 Youth Survey

The anonymous and voluntary survey (in its 22nd year) was taken by 27,000+ eighth-, 10th- and 12th-grade students and 11,000+ sixth graders. Fairfax County Public Schools' students report significantly lower rates of mental health concerns compared to prior year. Here were the top 5 things to know from the survey findings:

  1. Mental health concerns trend down from last year
  2. Substance use reaches historic lows among Fairfax County youth
  3. Physical activity and amount of sleep improve from last year
  4. Extracurricular and volunteer activity participation still lower than pre-pandemic levels
  5. Most students feel safe at school and supported at home

Learn more.

2023 Emergency Preparedness Survey

Fairfax County launched the Emergency Preparedness Survey to assess the culture of personal disaster preparedness and resilience in Fairfax County. Specifically, the survey measures individual preparedness and investigates what factors influence individuals to prepare for a future hazard. The survey will provide information that can be used by individuals, communities and local government to prepare for and become more resilient to disasters. Take the survey.

LCAC Urgent Pantry Needs

The Lorton Community Action Center (LCAC) is in need of some key food items for their pantry. Donations of the following items would be greatly appreciated:

  • Cereal (hot or cold)
  • Pasta
  • Pasta Sauce
  • Oil
  • Garbanzo and Red Beans
  • Ramen
  • Sardines
  • Spam
  • Baby Wipes
  • Cat Litter/Food
  • Diapers in sizes: Newborn, 3T, 4T and 5T

Donations can be dropped off at the LCAC Food Pantry (9520 Richmond Hwy.) on the following days:

  • Monday: 9 a.m. - 3 p.m.
  • Tuesday: 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.
  • Thursday: 12 - 3 p.m.
  • Friday: 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. 

Submit Nominations for Martha Glennan Disability Inclusion and Equality Awards 

Do you know an individual or organization that excels in providing equal rights and community inclusion for people with disabilities in the Fairfax area? If so, nominate them for the Fairfax Area Disability Services Board’s 2023 Martha Glennan Disability Inclusion and Equality Award! Nominations are due by 5 p.m. on Friday, October 20. Learn more.

Venture into Volunteering Fair  

Sunday, October 15, 12 - 4 p.m.

Springfield Town Center Lower Level, 6500 Franconia-Springfield Pkwy.

Are you thinking of volunteering? Looking to add new and enriching activities to your life? Stop by the Venture into Volunteering Fair! Representatives from County and nonprofit organizations will be there to share information about a wide variety of volunteer opportunities throughout the region. Whether you have 1-2 hours to give, or are looking for a bigger commitment, there’s something for everyone! Learn more.

The Beacon 50+ Expo will be happening simultaneously on the upper level. The 50+ Expo offers an array of information on local resources for older adults, as well as health screenings, flu shots and vaccines. Both events are free and there will be door prizes!

United Community Neighborhood Ambassadors

United Community is seeking Neighborhood Ambassadors for Opportunity Neighborhood, Mount Vernon. Opportunity Neighborhood is a Fairfax County initiative that brings together residents, communities of faith, service providers, schools and other supporters to create a shared vision to address needs and achieve equitable results for youth and their caregivers. This is a great opportunity to act as a voice for your community through 15-20 hours of community service per month. Neighborhood Ambassadors receive a $100 monthly stipend and leadership development opportunities. You will learn about civic engagement and meet and get to know community members. For more information email Stephanie Bedoya at stephanie.bedoya@unitedcommunity.org.

See Live Raptors

Saturday, November 5, 1 - 3 p.m.

Fort Hunt Park, Pavilion A, 8999 Fort Hunt Rd.


Have you wanted to see live raptors like owls and hawks up close? You're in luck, head over to Fort Hunt Park on November 5 to check out these birds of prey. This is a great event for families! Sponsored by the Friends of Dyke Marsh, the National Park Service and Secret Gardens Birds. Registration is not required.

Community Links

Below are community links to local groups, organizations, school news and more. Click the links to learn more and sign up for their newsletters.

Pet Adoption Corner

Meet Sunshine

Let the sunshine in! Introducing Sunshine, the ~2-year-old Domestic Shorthair tangerine-colored kitty! Though timid at first, with some time, she will be certain to light up your life! Miss Sunshine was one of 80+ cats so she is used to having company. While in the care of the Shelter, Sunshine has warmed up to head pats and handling and would love to find her forever home!

If you'd like to meet Sunshine, or any of the adoptable pets at the Fairfax County Animal Shelter, visit during open hours! For more info on the adoption process, including requirements and fees, click here.

Important Safety Information

Code Compliance - Fitted Vehicle Covers

With falling leaves, cooler temperatures and winter weather coming, you may decide to protect your vehicles with fitted covers. The Zoning Ordinance has regulations about vehicles under cover. Here is some information to help keep you in compliance. 


  • On lots located in Residential Zoning Districts and residential areas of Planned Districts, up to two vehicles can be stored outside under a fitted cover. Additional vehicles may be kept outside on the lot, but not under a cover
  • There are no regulations specific to fitted vehicle covers for commercial or industrial zoning districts.
  • Vehicles under a tarp are regulated as outdoor storage. Limitations on outdoor storage vary based on zoning district. Learn more about outdoor storage regulations on the County site, and search “outdoor storage."

Information about vehicle covers and other vehicle storage regulations is available by visiting the County site, and searching “vehicle storage.” 

Team MVD

Mount Vernon District Staff (top row left to right): Christine Morin, Cassidy Donaghy, Camela Speer, Maddie Carcamo Reyes (bottom row left to right) Peyton Smith, Volunteer Shirley Short, Nick Rinehart and Supervisor Dan Storck.

Whether you need a free notary, a "Slow Down" yard sign, Mosquito Dunks or you would like to reserve meeting space in the Mount Vernon Governmental Center -- my office offers all this at no cost to you. Have road maintenance requests, zoning questions or environmental concerns? Stop by the Mount Vernon District Office anytime during our office hours, call or email us. We are here to help!

Stop by and visit the information tables outside my office for everything happening in the District. From flyers for upcoming events, bike route maps, newspapers and much more, this center is free and available 24/7!

September 2023 Activities:

  • Phone calls: 1010
  • Meetings: 221

Stay Connected: 

Mount Vernon Governmental Center

2511 Parkers Lane 

Mount Vernon, VA 22306

703-780-7518 (TTY 711) 703-780-1491 (fax)


Office Hours

Monday - Wednesday, Friday:

8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Thursday: 8:30 a.m. - 7:30 p.m.


Second Saturday Each Month (Except August)

Lorton Library: 9 a.m. - 3 p.m.

By appointment only

Boards, Authorities and Commissions

Help serve your community by serving on a Fairfax County Board, Authority or Commission (BAC). Please ask your friends, neighbors and community members if they are willing to help serve Fairfax County.

Commission for Women

To promote the full equality of women and girls in Fairfax County.  

Board of Building and Fire Prevention Code Appeals (At-Large Members Needed)

Pursuant to County Code Section 61-2-1, to act on applications for appeals from Building Official, Fire Official or Property maintenance Code Official decisions based on the VUSBC, the VSFPC, the Virginia Amusement Device Regulations (VADR) and Chapters 61, 64, 65, and 66 of the County Code as specified.

There are several At-Large positions available as of September 2023 on County BACs.

  • Affordable Dwelling Unit Advisory Board (Lending Institution Representative)
  • Board of Building and Fire Prevention Code Appeals (Alternate & Design Professional)
  • Board of Equalization of Real Estate (Professional)
  • Consumer Protection Commission
  • Engineering Standard Review Committee
  • Health Systems Agency Board
  • History Commission
  • Police Civilian Review Panel
  • Tenant-Landlord Commission (Citizen, Condo Owner, Landlord, Tenant
  • Trespass Towing Advisory Board
  • Uniformed Retirement System Board of Trustees

Learn more about any of these BACs...


Volunteering on these committees increases citizen participation in our District. If you are interested in serving on a county board, authority, commission, or committee (BAC), please provide a current résumé to mtvernon@fairfaxcounty.gov. For more information, please download the brochure for a brief guide to BACs, or learn more on the County website. You can also check out the County's Volunteer Management System for information on these and other volunteer opportunities near you.

Visit our website

Mount Vernon District Office | 703-780-7518

MTVernon@fairfaxcounty.gov | FairfaxCounty.gov/MountVernon


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