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September 2022


I am very excited to announce that the Lorton Community Center, Library and Park will open to you on September 26, with planning underway for a Ribbon Cutting and Community Celebration on October 15 at 1 p.m. We invite you to stop by to see this beautiful, new facility, take advantage of its new programming and then join us on the 15th to celebrate this wonderful new community facility! Some examples of programming include: open gym and fitness room, community computer use, meditation, book club, ping pong and table tennis, dance classes, yoga, art and board games. The library will be open to check out materials and sign up for free library cards! Later this fall, Lorton families can expect more programs, including storytimes for children, craft programs, a popular English Language Learning group and many more classes and activities. Also collocated with the community center and library are the Lorton Park, Senior Center and Lorton Community Action Center (LCAC), bringing together County services and serving residents of all ages and abilities in one location.

Frustratingly again, six Metro stations south of Reagan National Airport on the Yellow and Blue lines are now closed until October 22, to connect the new Potomac Yard Station with the existing rail system and to rehabilitate the Yellow Line tunnel and bridge. The Yellow Line tunnel and bridge that cross the Potomac River also closed on September 10, for a hard to understand approximately eight months. Free shuttle bus service will be available. Learn more and sign up for updates… Another great commuting option is the Virginia Railway Express (VRE) that is offering FREE rides systemwide throughout the month of September. I have been serving on the VRE Board since 2020 and I am pleased that we are bringing these savings to you.

In this Newsletter:

Upcoming Events

Land Use

Health, Housing & Human Services


Public Safety

Parks & Environment

In the News

Community Information

Supporting Our Seniors

Pet Adoption Corner

Important Safety Information

Team MVD

Boards, Authorities, Commissions

It was wonderful to help out at the Fairfax County Fire and Rescue, Back to School Backpack Distribution Drive.

Sadly, there was a shooting at the Mount Vernon Square Apartments recently resulting in a fatality. From what we understand from the police, officers were on the scene in minutes, the two involved subjects knew each other, and the incident was isolated. The circumstances of this incident are still under investigation, but one obvious concern is the easily acquired and prevalent availability of guns by young men. You can read more about the incident here.

The annual Senior Safety Summit, previously scheduled for September, will be held on November 2 at Hollin Hall Senior Center. More information to come next month! And, last but not least – Come ride with me in the 7th Annual Tour de Mount Vernon Community Bike Ride on Saturday, October 22 at 8:30 a.m. at the Workhouse Arts Center. See you there!

Respectfully yours in public service,

Dan Storck 
Supervisor, Mount Vernon District
Fairfax County Board of Supervisors
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Para subscribirse para nuestro boletín en español o si conoce a alguien quien quiera subscribirse, o para hablar con un hispanohablante, comuníquese con Madeleine Carcamo Reyes a su preferencia, por teléfono al (703) 780-7518 o por correo electrónico: Madeleine.CarcamoReyes@fairfaxcounty.gov.

Upcoming In-Person & Virtual Events

Land Use

PLUS Webinar Wednesday: September Meetings

Zoning Overview for Residents

Join the Department of Planning and Development to explore the Zoning module in the new Planning and Land Use System. This session will focus on utilizing search features and reports to find information about development happening in your neighborhood.   

Wednesday, September 21 from 11:30 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. Register Here!

Linking Licensed Professionals to your PLUS Account

Join the Health Department’s Environmental Health division as they review the process for registering for a PLUS account and linking licensed professional information to that account. 

Wednesday, September 28 from 11:30 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. Register Here!

SSPA Lunch and Learn Meetings

Fairfax County Department of Planning & Development staff will be hosting a series of instructional “Lunch and Learn” meetings to go over the nominating process, which are open to anyone who would like to participate in the nomination period. For more information on the changes to the process and what to expect, visit the official website here...

Meeting dates:

  • Tuesday, September 13 at 12 p.m.
  • Wednesday, September 14 at 12 p.m.
  • Thursday, September 15 at 12 p.m.
Health, Housing & Human Services

Faith Communities in Action Safety and Security Virtual Event

Tuesday, September 20 from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m.

Speakers will include subject matter experts from:

  • U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Center for Prevention Programs and Partnerships (CP3)
  • Regional Prevention Coordinator who is also a Certified Master Trainer in Behavioral Threat Assessment and Management at the National Threat Evaluation and Reporting (NTER) Office
  • Fairfax County Community Services Board (CSB)
  • Fairfax County Police Department (FCPD)
  • Fairfax County Department of Emergency Management and Security (DEMS)

Register here

Recovery Program Solutions of Virginia

Recovery Program Solutions of Virginia’s (RPSV) South County Recovery and Drop-In Center (SCRDIC), located at 8794 S. Sacramento Drive in Alexandria has offered free programs and services for adults with mental health, substance use, and homelessness issues in the Mount Vernon/Franconia communities since 2011. As a nonprofit, RPSV's programs are free. No referral or insurance is needed. Just drop by or join them online.  Learn more...

The homeless adults they serve are often not affiliated with area shelters and live under bridges, in the woods or other precarious situations. SCRDIC is currently hosting a variety of drives to support those they serve. These needs are ongoing throughout the year such as: 

  1. A Basic Needs Drive to support homeless adults. SCRDIC provides access to showers and laundry services for those they serve and welcomes donations of laundry detergent and basic hygiene items (e.g., soap, shampoo/conditioner, lotion, talcum powder, toothbrushes/paste, and more). Hygiene items can be dropped off at SCRDIC on Mondays and Fridays from 3-7 p.m. and Saturdays and Sundays from 12-7 p.m. Please contact Gary Workman at (703) 341-6890 to arrange a drop-off time. 
  2. Birthday Cakes. RPSV’s Birthday Brigade encourages donors to sign up to donate sheet cakes once a month (or more often if they desire) to help homeless adults celebrate their birthdays. Email here for more information about donations. 
  3. Breakfast Donors. SCRDIC’s participants often share how much they miss the wonderful smells of a home-cooked breakfast. The public is invited to sign up to purchase breakfast for up to 25 adults on the weekends. Due to COVID, they can only accept restaurant-prepared foods (e.g., McDonald's Breakfast Platters). Email here for more information about donations.

VRE to Suspend Fares for September

Virginia Railway Express (VRE) passengers will ride free during September and between certain stations in Northern Virginia and the District of Columbia during October. The decision to suspend fares will make VRE a more attractive and viable option for Metrorail riders during the closure of Blue and Yellow Line stations south of Reagan National Airport, slated to begin September 10, and those returning to work post-Labor Day. Learn more...

Metro Yellow and Blue Line Closures

Six Metro stations (Huntington, Eisenhower, Franconia-Springfield, Van Dorn Street, King Street-Old Town, and Braddock Road) south of Reagan National Airport on the Yellow and Blue lines are closed from September 10 - October 22, to connect the new Potomac Yard Station with the existing rail system and to rehabilitate the Yellow Line tunnel and bridge. The Yellow Line tunnel and bridge that cross the Potomac River closed on September 10 for approximately eight months. Free shuttle bus service will be available. Learn more and sign up for updates here. For travel alternatives learn more here.

Huntington Metrorail Active Transportation Study

The Fairfax County Department of Transportation (FCDOT) will hold a virtual community meeting on Wednesday September 14 at 7:30 p.m. to present information about the Huntington Metrorail Active Transportation Study. The goal of the study, which concluded in June 2022, was to assess pedestrian and bicycle facilities and conditions within the Huntington Transit Station Area (TSA) study area and provide recommendations for improvement. This is the first community meeting on the study and the public will have the opportunity to ask questions and provide input. Learn more...

Public Safety

Video Message From the Chief of Police

According to a recent police executive research forum nationwide review, there is a 63% decrease in the number of police applicants. In Fairfax County as of August the department has 144 vacancies for police officers and 50 recruits in the police academy. Watch the Chief below for more information.

Police Chief Video

Child Safety Seat Installers

The West Springfield District Station has certified Child Safety Seat Installers to help you safely place car seats from infant car seats to booster seats in your vehicle. If you have any questions, or would like a seat installed, please contact the West Springfield District Station at 703-644-7377 and press zero. The dates for installation will be September 13, 20, 27 from 5 p.m. - 8 p.m. All County police stations provide this service, contact your local station to find out more.

Neighborhood Watch Training

The West Springfield District Station will be hosting Neighborhood Watch training on Thursday, September 15 at 6:30 p.m. This training is required before you may participate in the Neighborhood Watch Program. You are only required to take this training once, unless you would like a refresher or have questions. The meeting will be held via Zoom. If you have any questions, contact MPO Tony Capizzi at 703-277-2363 or email here...

Zoom link here...

Password: 970586

Parks & Environment

Phasing Out Gas-Powered Leaf Blowers at County Facilities

In an effort to reduce our carbon footprint, the Park Authority and Department of Public Works and Environmental Services are in the process of phasing out gas-powered blowers. Parks has discontinued the purchase of gas-powered blowers and are exclusively purchasing battery-powered blowers moving forward. Learn more...

Welcoming Visitors with Native Plant Landscaping

Big signs typically welcome visitors to neighborhoods framed by plantings. Their conventional landscaping may appeal to the aesthetic tastes of many people, but keeping the look fresh is a challenge and can be expensive. Shrubs that are repeatedly trimmed start to decline, ornamental grasses get overgrown and floppy, and annual flowers have to be replaced three times a year. Non-native choices for shrubs and grasses in this situation are often invasive. By contrast, carefully chosen native shrubs can be allowed to reach their natural height without trimming, and tidy-looking native perennials need only be planted once. The result can still satisfy residents’ desire for a formal look (and for flowers) while requiring different but no more burdensome maintenance tasks. As they fill in over two years, passersby will be able to appreciate what native plants can do when installed using solid design principles.

Landscaping in an institutional setting has its challenges, whether it be a community association, faith community, or other organization, when dependent upon volunteers. Tempting though it is to install colorful pollinator gardens with a dizzying array of native flowers to attract butterflies, most communities would be hard pressed to find experienced gardeners dedicated to its maintenance year after year. Dedicated time and expertise becomes unnecessary if only a few distinctive-looking plant species are installed, making weeding a simpler task for any worker. For more tips...


Innovators and Disruptors Wanted to Pitch Solutions for Carbon Neutrality and Clean Energy

The Pitch and Pilot: Fairfax County Innovation Challenge is seeking teams to produce high-impact solutions to address carbon neutrality and clean energy in Fairfax County. The goal of the Challenge is to find, and ultimately pilot, innovative solutions that improve energy efficiency, increase the use of renewable electricity, or accelerate the use of electric vehicles. All teams—from college students and start-ups to entrepreneurs and technologists—are welcome to apply. A panel of smart city experts will assess each entry based on the significance of innovation; regional impact; practicality and scalability; and equity and inclusivity of their solution. The winning team will have an opportunity to pilot their solution in Fairfax County, Virginia’s largest county. The pilot opens with a team Q & A session on September 15 and closes on October 19 with a live pitch event. For more information and registration

In the News

Pollution-fighting upgrades at Northern Virginia Facilities that Convert Waste into Energy

Two facilities that convert waste to renewable energy in Fairfax County and Alexandria, have received environmental upgrades that are helping cut emissions. Covanta, the company that runs the facilities, announced the installation of the pollution-fighting technology in a news release earlier this week, saying it has helped cut nitrogen oxide emissions by nearly 50%. The two Northern Virginia plants, known as waste-to-energy facilities, take non-hazardous household waste that would normally go to a landfill and burn it at high temperatures, creating steam used to power renewable electricity production. The Fairfax County facility is located at its I-95 waste management complex in Lorton, and is one of the largest waste-to-energy facilities in the nation, according to the County. Read more in WTOP News...

County Cultivates Tree Plantings to Increase Richmond Highway Canopy

Fairfax County is looking to grow a tree planting program that has resulted in 139 trees being planted along the Richmond Highway corridor since last year. The “Residential Tree Planting Pilot Project” is a county-run program, in partnership with the D.C.-based nonprofit Casey Trees, providing free trees to residents in census tracts with low tree canopy coverage. The three tracts targeted for the pilot program are all along the Richmond Highway corridor and within the Mount Vernon and Franconia Districts. Since April 2021, residents living in those areas have planted 139 free trees on their properties. While a bit short of the 150-tree goal, the county has deemed the pilot program enough of a success to make it a “recurring program,” per an update to the Board of Supervisors last month. Read more on FFX Now...

Fairfax County Mother/Son Duo Launches Activewear Brand

Double take on activewear market: Victor Wear, an activewear brand, was recently launched by Lorton’s Tiffany Hamilton with her son Isaiah. The business, which sells tees and hoodies featuring a flame logo and slogans that “inspire triumph over obstacles,” was inspired by her 16-year-old Isaiah, who has high-functioning autism. Ten percent of the proceeds from every product sold are donated to the Special Olympics. The company launched in April 2022 and Isaiah has already landed the D.C. Chamber of Commerce’s 2022 Young Entrepreneur of the Year award. Read more in the E-Bird Newsletter...

Park Volunteers Awarded for Efforts Against Invasive Species

This summer, The Fairfax County Park Authority Board announced two recipients of the Elly Doyle Park Service Award for 2022, and both recipients are part of the fight against invasive plants that are popping up all over the county. One of the Elly Doyle winners is Stephen Markle, an Invasive Management Area Volunteer Site Leader and a Park Volunteer Team Leader at Gil McCutcheon Park, while Willow Martin, the second 2022 Elly Doyle Award winner, is an Invasive Management Site leader for Oakton Community Park. Read more at The Connection...

Community Information

Early In-Person Voting

Here at the Mount Vernon Governmental Center there will be early in-person voting available to any registered Fairfax County voter from September 23 - November 5.

Hours of operation will include:

  • Weekdays from 1 p.m. - 7 p.m.
  • Three Saturdays, September 24, October 29, and November 5 from 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
  • One Sunday, Oct. 30 from 1 - 5 p.m.

To learn more...

Lorton Community Center Open Hire Event

The Lorton Community Center is holding an open hire event on Saturday, September 17 from 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. at the Lorton Senior Center. Apply and interview on the spot for various positions. Bring multiple copies of your resume to the event! For information on open positions

Volunteer Fire Department Recruitment

Become a Fairfax County Volunteer Firefighter or EMT! There are 39 fire stations located in Fairfax County, and 12 are volunteer departments that feature career staff and volunteers. Volunteers come from all walks of life, have a mix of professional and educational backgrounds, and represent our diverse community. No prior experience is necessary - volunteers will be trained to provide the same level of service as our career employees. In addition, all the stations have a cadre of administrative volunteers who help with fundraising, special events, facilities maintenance, accounting and managing our nonprofit organizations. Admin members have the opportunity to train and participate in exercises and drills, a unique way to appreciate what goes into emergency management while serving the community. Watch the recruiting video or learn more...

Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals Final Rule 

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) announced the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) final rule, which has been posted for public inspection on the Federal Register’s website. The final rule generally codifies existing policies with limited amendments to preserve and fortify DACA. Learn more...

The Dugdale Award for Conservation

On September 28 at 10 a.m. at River Farm, the Dugdale Award for Conservation will be awarded to the Save River Farm Committee for its grassroots and successful efforts to save an important property and landscape from development. For more information...

Supporting Our Seniors

Guided Docent Tour of the Turning Point Suffragist Memorial

Thursday, September 15 from 10 - 11:30 a.m.

Located within Occoquan Regional Park, 9751 Ox Road, Lorton

The Turning Point Suffragist Memorial commemorates all the millions of women who engaged in the suffragist movement primarily from 1848 through passage of the 19th Amendment in 1920 that allowed most women to vote. This memorial is both a visual symbol and educational tool that elevates them to their proper place in history. Join AARP Virginia on a special complimentary docent led tour of the Memorial and learn the history of the women that fought for the right to vote through the eyes of one of them. Guest are invited to stick around and enjoy lunch together. Lunch can be purchased at the Brickermakers Café. Space is limited. Register here...

Sherwood Regional Library: Social Security Explained

Pet Adoption Corner

Meet Gator

Are you a sucker for a dazzling smile, happy-go-lucky personality, and beautifully frosted face? Then meet Gator! This sweet, easy-going senior appreciates the simple things in life-a warm bed, yummy treats and someone to scratch his ears. He loves getting attention and will lean into you for more. He may even sneak in a smooch to thank you for the love. Gator's an explorer at heart and loves to sniff and investigate all the things on short, well-mannered strolls through the neighborhood. He seems to like other dogs and did great on an introduction to another shelter pup. If you've got a dog at home, bring them in for a visit! Learn more...

If you'd like to meet Gator, or any of the adoptable pets, go in during open hours! We're open Tuesdays and Wednesdays 12 - 5 p.m., Thursdays and Fridays 12 - 7 p.m., and Saturdays and Sundays 11 a.m. - 5 p.m. For more info on our adoption process, including requirements and fees, click here...

Important Safety Information

Vaccination Information

Free Testing for COVID-19

PCR testing with results in 1-2 days. There is no appointment necessary, no registration required, no ID needed and no out-of-pocket costs.

The testing sites include:

  • Tuesday and Friday
  • Centerville Library, 8 a.m. - 6 p.m.
  • Bailey's Community Center, 8 a.m. - 6 p.m.
  • Wednesday and Saturday
  • Richard Byrd Library, 8 a.m. - 6 p.m.
  • Groveton Baptist Church, Wed. 8 a.m. - 6 p.m. & Sat. 11 a.m. - 6 p.m.
  • Thursday and Sunday
  • New Grand Mart, 8 a.m. - 6 p.m.
  • James Lee Community Center, 8 a.m. - 6 p.m.

Outdoor Storage

In 2021, the Department of Code Compliance (DCC) responded to approximately 5,500 complaints, almost half of which involved potential violations of the Zoning Ordinance. Of these complaints, outdoor storage was the most common and is among the most common violations found in residential districts. Outdoor storage on residential lots may not be located in a front yard and may not exceed 100 square feet in area. A residential lot may also be cited for a violation of maintaining a storage yard or junkyard based on the amount and types of items being stored. DCC accepts complaints and concerns about potential violations on the DCC website or by telephone during regular business hours, at 703-324-1300. Additional information is available on the DCC website here, and the outdoor storage flyer here.

September Emergency Preparedness Newsletter...

Team MVD

Mount Vernon District Staff (clockwise): Supervisor Dan Storck, Camela Speer, Peyton Smith, Maddie Carcamo Reyes, Christine Morin, Volunteer Shirley Short, Cassidy Donaghy and Nick Rinehart.

Whether you need a notary, a "Slow Down" yard sign, Mosquito Dunks, or you would like to reserve meeting space in the Mount Vernon Governmental Center -- my office offers all this at no cost to you. Have road maintenance requests, zoning questions, environmental concerns, or need COVID-19 vaccine information? Stop by the Mount Vernon District Office anytime during our office hours, call or email us. We are here to help!

August 2022 Activities:

  • Phone calls: 806
  • Meetings: 163

Stay Connected: 

Mount Vernon Governmental Center

2511 Parkers Lane 

Mount Vernon, VA 22306

703-780-7518 (TTY 711) 703-780-1491 (fax)


Office Hours

Monday - Wednesday, Friday:

8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Thursday: 8:30 a.m. - 7:30 p.m.


Second Saturday Each Month

Lorton Library: 9 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.

MV District Office: 12:30 p.m. - 3 p.m.

Walk-ins and by appointment

Update from Mount Vernon School Board Member Karen Corbett Sanders


Please read my partner on the corridor School Board Member Karen Corbett Sanders' latest newsletter for an update on Fairfax County Public Schools. 

Boards, Authorities and Commissions

Help serve your community by serving on a Fairfax County Board, Authority or Commission (BAC). Please ask your friends, neighbors and community members if they are willing to help serve Fairfax County.

Citizen Corps Council

To harness the power of every individual through education, training and volunteer service to make communities safer, stronger and better prepared to respond to the threats of terrorism, crime, public health issues and disasters of all kinds. To build on community strengths to develop action plans to involve the whole community, including special needs groups. To focus on public education, training and volunteer opportunities for community and family safety. To promote and oversee Citizen Corps programs. To provide opportunities for special skills and interests. To Identify best practices and report accomplishments.

Human Services Council

To review human services needs and assess the effectiveness of the human services delivery system; to report annually on the conditions and effectiveness of the human services delivery system; to develop a more effective and efficient human services delivery system; to enhance coordination of services among human services providers, both public and private; to recommend annual service delivery goals, objectives, and priorities for human services organization, with consideration of the requirements of non-county funding sources; to develop and oversee a five-year long range comprehensive human services plan which establishes goals, objectives and priorities; to educate the community, in consultation with the Board of Supervisors, on human services; to review and transmit to the Board of Supervisors a program-oriented budget for human services; and to review the annual Capital Improvement Plan and provide appropriate comments to the Board of Supervisors.

There are several At-Large positions available as of August 2022 on County BACs.

  • Board of Building and Fire Prevention Code Appeals (Alternate & Design Professional)
  • Board of Equalization of Real Estate
  • Engineering Standard Review Committee
  • Police Civilian Review Panel 

Learn more about any of these BACs...

Volunteering on these committees increases citizen participation in our District. If you are interested in serving on a county board, authority, commission, or committee (BAC), please provide a current résumé to mtvernon@fairfaxcounty.gov. For more information, please download the brochure for a brief guide to BACs, or learn more on the County website. You can also check out the County's Volunteer Management System for information on these and other volunteer opportunities near you.

Register Today!

Join us for the 7th Annual Community Bike Ride on Saturday, October 22 at 8:30 am- starting and ending at the Workhouse Arts Center. The Tour de Mount Vernon brings cyclists on a fun ride through the southern and central portions of the Mount Vernon District including a scenic route through Fort Belvoir. The route consists of paved roads, paved trails and has several challenging sections. Ride monitors and Fairfax County Police help with directions and keep everyone safe. Registration is open! Learn more...

Visit our website

Mount Vernon District Office | 703-780-7518

MTVernon@fairfaxcounty.gov | FairfaxCounty.gov/MountVernon


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