Dear Neighbors,
This week's Board meeting began with a recognition of the Joint Environmental Task Force (JET) members for their many, many hours of service in developing the recommendations in the JET Report to achieve carbon neutrality of County government and schools by 2040, among other significant recommendations. I was honored to lead so many excellent Board and community members to improve our County and school operations to make our environment healthier for all who live here. You can read more about the JET members and the report here.
We also recognized the Fort Hunt Warriors Rugby Varsity and JV Teams for winning the State Championship AGAIN this year! Congratulations to all the players, coaches and parents for your hard work and dedication. The Warriors offer a family focused program that supports and enhances our community, develops leaders and promotes a life long of love of the sport. Read more... (photo below)
I am pleased that the Board approved a change in County Code to implement the new state law permitting police to, again, pull over vehicles with improperly working exhaust systems that create excessive noise. This means no one is permitted to operate a vehicle that is equipped with an exhaust system not in proper working order or produces excessive or unusual levels of noise. I have heard, for many years, from many of you disturbed by the level of noise generated by an improperly operating exhaust. This disrupts the quality of life in your neighborhoods. We all realize enforcement will be difficult. We had hoped the General Assembly would include muffler inspection requirements as part of the annual vehicle inspection process, and will continue to press state legislators to add this requirement to enable us to enforce improper mufflers during the inspection process. I also requested that we have a more detailed discussion at a Public Safety Committee meeting as to how officers will enforce this new law and what outcomes residents can expect to see.
Other meeting highlights:
- Recognized the 20th Anniversary of the Lorton Prison Property purchase.
- Authorized a public hearing for land acquisition necessary for the Pole Road Crosswalk improvements, as requested by the community.
- Expanded the FREE Student Bus Pass Program on Metrobus.
- Approved a two dollar per-trip emergency taxicab fuel surcharge, effective through December 29, 2022.
I joined Chairman McKay, and all but one of my Board colleagues, in a Board Matter in response to the Supreme Court's decision to overturn Roe vs. Wade. I strongly believe in a woman's right to choose and that a woman’s medical decisions are private between herself and her medical provider. While the Supreme Court ruling does not make abortion in Fairfax County illegal, the state government now has the authority to do so. The Board Matter directs County staff to create a webpage and provide to the Board information about the reproductive healthcare resources and women’s health services provided by private, non-profit and public sector organizations. It also directs our Legislative Director to keep the Board apprised of any current or potential legislative initiatives within the Virginia General Assembly that could either threaten or protect reproductive rights in Virginia.
The Board received the History Commission Annual Report. I would like to thank our Mount Vernon District History Commissioners, Anne Barnes, Sallie Lyons and Tammy Mannarino for their dedication and commitment to our community and preserving our history! In the Mount Vernon District, the History Commission is working on at least eight projects to document and preserve our history. Read the report...
During the moment of silence, I recognized the passing of Mount Vernon resident Rick Barnes. Rick retired after twenty years from the US Government. His family was the center of his life and our thoughts are with his wife, Sharon, and two sons.
Respectfully yours in public service,
Dan Storck
Supervisor, Mount Vernon District
Fairfax County Board of Supervisors
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To view the June 28, 2022 Board Package click here.
Proclamations and Recognitions
Fort Hunt Warriors Rugby Team Recognition
Authorized public hearings on:
- Acquisition of certain land rights necessary for the community requested Pole Road Crosswalk improvements, including adding three high-visibility crosswalks; modifications to an existing pedestrian refuge island to provide a cut through to the crosswalk; new or rebuilt curb ramps at the northeast, southeast and southwest quadrants; and a sidewalk connection across the median between Pole Road and the Pinewood Lawns Condominiums access road. The design will also include adding advanced/enhanced pedestrian warning signage for the Pole Road crosswalk. The public hearing will be held on July 19 at 4:00 p.m. The full item can be read on pages 64 - 68 of the Board Package.
Item 2: Approved a modification in fence height, from 7 feet to 8 feet, for the Archaeology & Collections Storage Facility Building W35 at the Workhouse Campus. The property is zoned R-C, which permits a 7 feet high fence, however, the existing fence is 8 feet in height and also provides security for the I-95 Landfill Complex. The full item can be read on pages 128 - 130 of the Board Package.
Item 3: Approved the one-Year Action Plan for the use of Community Development Block Grant, Emergency Solutions Grant and Home Investment Partnerships Program Funds in FY 2023. The full item can be read on pages 131 - 252 of the Board Package.
Item 4: Authorized an appropriation from the Economic Opportunity Reserve Fund to establish the Fairfax Founders Fund, a grant and technical assistance program, to provide provide early, pre-seed capital, via grants, to aspiring founders that are on the trajectory to apply for and access Series A institutional investment or a U.S. Small Business Administration Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) or Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) award. The fund will target underrepresented and diverse founders, such as women, people of color, veterans and other underrepresented groups. This action came about from a Board Matter I supported with Supervisor John Foust in July 2021. More information about the program will be available in coming months and we will share through our newsletter. Learn more... The full item can be read on pages 253 - 259 of the Board Package.
Item 6: Endorsed the Virginia Department of Transportation Six-Year Secondary System Construction Program for Fiscal Years 2023 through 2028. The full item can be read on pages 295 - 300 of the Board Package.
Item 9: Approved a Memorandum of Understanding with WMATA to continue and expand high school student access and participation in the Free Student Bus Pass Program on Metrobusses beginning School Year (SY) 2022-2023. This program already exists on Fairfax Connector busses. The full item can be read on pages 319 - 346 of the Board Package.
Recognizing the 20th Anniversary of the Lorton Prison Property Purchase - Joint with Chairman Jeff McKay
For the better part of a century, the grounds of Lorton Prison, one of the most beautiful parcels of land in Fairfax County, was restricted and, to an extent, hidden from public view. The prison facility closed in 2001 and the following year, on July 15, 2002, it was part of a 2,440-acre land purchase by Fairfax County from the federal government. Pursuant to Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act, the federal government entered into a legally binding Memorandum of Agreement with Fairfax County and other interested parties to preserve the historically significant buildings and structures on the Campus in a manner that favors adaptive reuse. Today, the property is referred to as "Laurel Hill," in commemoration of the 18th century structure on the site, which served as the home of revolutionary war patriot William Lindsay. Read more...
Recognized the 20th Anniversary of the Lorton Prison Property Purchase and directed the Office of Public Affairs to prepare a news release and proclamation to be presented outside of the Board room.
Proclamation to Recognize the Psi Alpha Alpha Chapter of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity for Their Services in the Richmond Highway Corridor - Joint with Chairman Jeff McKay and Supervisor Rodney Lusk
The Psi Alpha Alpha Chapter of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc (PsiAA), affectionately known as "The Fairfax County Ques," has been an integral part of the Fairfax County Community since its inception on December 26, 1980. Over the past forty-one years, the chapter has prided itself on its commitment to providing education and performing arts opportunities to high schoolers, and the social impacts it provides through mentoring programs and partnerships with New Hope Housing, Rebuilding Together, Fairfax County Public Schools, Fairfax County Department of Family Services, and the Gum Springs Community Center.
Under the current leadership of Mr. Willie J. (W.J.) Williams, Jr., the chapter has expanded to its highest levels of membership while growing their partnerships with other community and County organizations. PsiAA has grown their social action involvement to combat health disparities throughout the county as a response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Read more...
Directed the Psi Alpha Alpha Chapter of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity be brought before the Board to receive a resolution recognizing their ongoing outreach, services, and mentoring in the Mount Vernon and Lee Districts.
Motion Consent to Filing of a Final Development Plan Amendment Application
Elm Street Development and the Alexander Company are requesting the Board’s consent to the filing of a final development plan amendment (FDPA) on Board owned property within the Laurel Hill Adaptive Reuse project, now known as Liberty, which was approved pursuant to RZ/FDP 2012-MV-008. The Liberty redevelopment is a public private partnership between Fairfax County and its development partners, Elm Street Development and the Alexander Company. Liberty Heights, LC, an entity associated with Elm Street Development, is the lessee of the subject property and the Applicant in this FDPA application.
The Applicant has filed the FDPA application to revise one development condition related to the maximum number of children allowed in a proposed childcare center. Specifically, the Board owned property on which this application is to be filed is Tax Map Reference 107-1((9)) H1. RZ/FDP 2012-MV-008 was approved by the Board on June 3, 2014 to permit redevelopment of the former Lorton Reformatory and Penitentiary into a vibrant mixed-use community, including the adaptive reuse of the former prison buildings.
County requirements specify that applications on property owned by a party other than the applicant require the endorsement of the property owner before such an application can be heard. Because the County owns this parcel, the applicant is requesting Board concurrence in the filing of the application.
Authorized consent to the filing of this FDPA application to revise a development condition by Liberty Heights, LC, the lessee of the land, who is affiliated with Elm Street Development and Laurel Hill Investments, LC, the Elm Street Development entity that is party to the Master Development Agreement.
Request for Expedited Processing for Olde Towne Pet Resort Springfield, LLC
The Applicant, Olde Towne Pet Resort Springfield LLC, is the operator of a pet boarding facility which was constructed in 2002 and is located at 8101 Alban Road in the C-6 District of the Springfield area. An integral part of its business operations includes the use of designated outdoor areas located around the perimeter of the building, containing fenced areas, large outdoor canopied sections, and other amenities to provide spaces for pets to play and exercise. Surrounding the pet boarding facility are industrial buildings to the west, commercial uses to the north, and Interstate 95 to the east and south.
On November 16, 2020, a Notice of Violation was issued, which alleged that the existence of the outdoor spaces associated with the indoor kennel use was not a permitted use on the property, unbeknownst to the applicant. The applicant appealed the NOV and now seeks a special exception to legally permit the use of the existing outdoor areas. In conjunction with the special exception request, a special permit and a variance are sought to allow for certain existing outdoor structures to remain in their physical conditions and locations. No physical changes or additions to the kennel facility, use, or its current operations are proposed with these applications. Read more...
Directed staff to authorize expedited processing and schedule a Board hearing for SE 2021-MV-00018 for a date certain of October 11, 2022.
Adoption of Auditor of the Board’s March 2022 Quarterly Report and Approval of the Audit Committee Work Plan for the Upcoming Quarter
As Audit Committee Chairman, I presented the Audit Committee's recommendation for full Board approval of the Auditor of the Board’s Quarterly Report for June 2022 and the upcoming quarter work plan. The report included study areas, recommendations, and managements’ concurrence.
Adopted the Auditor of the Board’s June 2022 Quarterly Report and approve the FY 2023 Annual Audit Committee Work Plan.
Reproductive Resources, Services and Facilities for County Residents - Joint with Chairman Jeff McKay and Supervisors Penny Gross, James Walkinshaw, John Foust, Walter Alcorn, Rodney Lusk, Dalia Palchik and Kathy Smith
With the Supreme Court’s ruling overturning Roe v. Wade, safe and accessible reproductive and women’s healthcare is now threatened across our nation, with many “trigger laws” banning abortion and related services being put into effect in several states.
We have heard from many residents concerned about the future of reproductive healthcare services in Fairfax County. This is a very emotional issue and people throughout the nation are rightly concerned about the unknown future ahead. To be clear: the Supreme Court’s ruling does not make abortion illegal in Virginia. It does, however, put this decision into the hands of our state officials, some of whom have already promoted proposals that, if enacted, could severely restrict a woman’s right to choose. Read more...
- Directed County staff to create a webpage and provide to the Board information about the reproductive healthcare resources and women’s health services provided by the private, non-profit and public sector organizations.
- Directed our Legislative Director to keep the Board apprised of any current or potential legislative initiatives within the Virginia General Assembly that could either threaten or protect reproductive rights in Virginia.
Amendments to the Code of the Fairfax, Chapter 82, Motor Vehicles and Traffic
Approved amendments to County Code to implement the new state law permitting police to, once again, pull over vehicles with improperly working exhaust systems that create excessive noise (for more on this discussion, see my remarks above). In addition, effective July 1, 2023, commercial trucks transporting a load that extends beyond the sides of the vehicle by more than four inches or beyond the rear of a vehicle by more than four feet are required to have the extremities of the load marked by one or more red or orange fluorescent warning flags both in length and width.
Taxicab Fuel Surcharge
Approved a temporary uncodified ordinance that will provide for up to a two dollar per trip emergency taxicab fuel surcharge from June 29, 2022, through December 29, 2022.
Comprehensive Plan Amendment on Airport Noise Policy
Approved an amendment to the Comprehensive Plan on the Airport Noise Policy around Dulles Airport. It now allows for residential development in the areas designated as having the potential for 60-65 decibels of noise generated from the airport. Critically, this policy now requires that, should residential development occur within the 60-65 DNL (day-night noise level) noise contour area, the developer would be required to mitigate noise with construction to ensure interior noise generation does not exceed 45 DNL, notify potential homeowners, and more.
Board Appointments
Mount Vernon residents were appointed or reappointed to the following:
Tree Commission – Elaine D. Kolish
- Fairfax County Convention and Visitors Corp. Board – Matthew Briney
- Transportation Advisory Commission – Peter Sitnik
Board of Supervisor
July 19: SEA-88-V-064-05 Original Mount Vernon High School (8333 Richmond Hwy). The Board of Supervisors of Fairfax County request to amend SE-88-V-064 to allow for alternative use of a public facility to permit an alternative use of a historic building.
Planning Commission:
June 29: SEA-88-V-064-05 Original Mount Vernon High School (8333 Richmond Hwy). The Board of Supervisors of Fairfax County request to amend SE-88-V-064 to allow for alternative use of a public facility to permit an alternative use of a historic building.
July 20: RZ-2021-MV-00025 Ethos Veterinary Hospital (5904 Richmond Highway). Rezone from C-8 to the C-3 zoning district.
Board of Zoning Appeals
July 6: SP-2022-MV-00026 Dimitrios Papadouris & Demetra Souchleris (7855 Southdown Rd). To permit an increase in fence height in the front yard adjacent to Southdown Road.
July 13: VC-2021-MV-00024 Joseph P. Clancy (7314 Stafford Rd). To allow an accessory structure (detached carport) in a front yard on a lot less than 36,000 square feet in area.
July 20: SP-2022-MV-00127 Tesfu Zegeye Trust & Mahelete Yared Trust (7700 Robinhood Ct). To permit an increase in fence height in the front yard adjacent to Sherwood Hall Lane.
July 27: SP-2021-MV-00114/VC-2021-MV-00018 Gennaro Rucci III (4204 Laurel Rd). Increase in fence height in the front yard adjacent to Laurel Road, increase in the percentage of coverage permitted in the minimum required rear yard, and a reduction of setback requirements based on errors in building location to permit one accessory structure (pavilion) to remain 3.5 feet from the rear lot lie and a second accessory structure (detached garage) to remain 4.1 feet from the rear lot line.
District Information & Upcoming Events
New System to Register Helicopter Noise Complaints
Congressman Don Beyer has announced a new system to register complaints about helicopter noise in the D.C. Metropolitan Area. I receive these complaints frequently given our proximity to Fort Belvoir and Marine Corps Base Quantico. Register your complaint...
Community Center in Lee District Informational Meeting
June 30, 6 -7:30 p.m.
SBA Working Capital Loans Available for Eligible Small Businesses Affected by Tropical Storm Ida (2021)
The Washington Metropolitan Area District Office of the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) reminds eligible business owners in Fairfax and surrounding jurisdictions to apply for working capital loans before the July 18 deadline. This disaster loan program is available to small businesses, small agricultural cooperatives, small businesses engaged in aquaculture and most private nonprofit organizations that were affected by the remnants of Tropical Storm Ida that occurred from Aug. 31 through Sept 4, 2021. Learn more...
Metro Seeks Public Input on Changes to Franconia-Springfield Station
Metro is seeking public input on proposed changes improve access to the Franconia-Springfield Metro Station to accommodate the Frontier Drive Extension Project, which is led by Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) and Fairfax County. The project proposes to extend Frontier Drive to Loisdale Road near the Franconia-Springfield Metro Station to better connect the nearby employment center that includes the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) headquarters. Learn more...
More Affordable Unlimited Metrorail and Metrobus Passes Now on Sale
Lower-priced unlimited Metrorail and Metrobus monthly passes are now on sale for travel beginning July 1, providing more flexibility and value to customers who may no longer be commuting five days a week. And beginning Monday, June 27, all customers traveling on Metrorail after 9:30 p.m. on weekdays will benefit from a flat fare of $2 per one-way trip. Learn more...
Fairfax Water’s 2022 Annual Water Quality Report
Mount Vernon District Office | 703-780-7518