Dear MPNAHRO members,

As one of eight regional councils nationwide established to facilitate widespread participation in NAHRO programs, Mountain Plains NAHRO (MPNAHRO) serves as a means of recognizing the special local interests of its members. Our state chapters in Colorado, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah and Wyoming work diligently at the local level to enhance the affordable housing industry, and come together as a region to further that impact.

Today, you're receiving the first newsletter from MPNAHRO designed to share information and best practices, engage our Membership in advocacy, community and NAHRO programs, and share opportunities to network and learning. You'll also continuing to hear from us on an as-needed basis to share important news including advocacy alerts, training opportunities and more. We encourage you to share this with your local NAHRO network and invite them to join our mailing list.

If you have any comments, feedback or questions about how MPNAHRO can best serve you and your communities, please don't hesitate to respond to this email with your thoughts.

On behalf of our Board of Directors , thank you for your partnership!

Peter LiFari
Executive Director, MPNAHRO
CEO, Maiker Housing Partners
As part of NAHRO's Housing America campaign, a poster contest is held each year for children residing in housing owned or administered by NAHRO member agencies. Youth create posters that reflect the national theme of “What Home Means to Me.”

Each state in our region has the opportunity to select a poster contest winner in three age categories, and submit those winners to our regional competition. As with all things COVID-19, our field of state winners is smaller than usual this year, but we are thrilled to see the artistic talent and thoughts of these six amazing young people!
We need your help in selecting our regional winners! Click here to vote to select our regional winners who will advance to the National competition!
The winners will receive a $100 Visa Gift Card from Mountain Plains NAHRO, and the opportunity to win additional prizes at the national level.
NAHRO is seeking applications for its Individual Awards Program recognizing outstanding contributions to the housing and community development field. Applications are due August 17. Click here for more details .
Thank you to our 2020 Corporate Sponsor:
And thank YOU for your commitment to our communities!