Stress of COVID-19 Linked to Increased Oral Health Problems

If you've been feeling stressed lately, you're not alone. According to a report released by Harvard Medical School and University of North Carolina, the pandemic has increased stress levels by 55%! Learn how stress affects your oral and overall health and how to reduce long-term side effects.

Mouth-Healthy Recipe: Broccoli and Red Pepper Frittata

Looking for a quick brunch recipe you can whip up over the holidays? This frittata is as delicious as it is nutritious. The broccoli, bell peppers and spinach will give your immunity a boost and help keep your smile healthy!

5 Ways to Revitalize Your Morning Routine

The first 2 hours of each morning can get you on the right path for a productive day. Making use of this time with a set routine can energize you, reduce stress and lead to better health! Here are 5 ways to make this happen.

How Much Sugar is Too Much?

Sugary temptations are everywhere during the holidays. And there's nothing wrong with partaking in some sweets. However, you might be surprised by how much sugar is in your favorite holiday foods. Learn how to limit your holiday sugar intake while still enjoying the sweets of the season.

5 Tips for Taking Family Photos

Whether you book a professional photographer or set up your own photo shoot this year, it's important to capture special moments. Try these 5 tips to help everyone look and feel their best and create a picture-perfect scene!

Meet the AZ Chef Making Mouth-Healthy Low-Sugar Sauces

It's easy to forget that many of our favorite sauces contain a ton of tooth-damaging sugar. But we recently met a local chef, Hayley Gibbons, who is working to solve this dilemma! Learn what inspired her to create her own line of low-sugar, healthy sauces.
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