Newsletter 01 | May 2020
An update on move planning to the Biomedical Sciences and Physics Building.
Construction is moving along!
In an effort to comply with social distancing, allow us to introduce you to the new Biomedical Sciences and Physics (BSP) Building from afar.

The BSP Building is comprised of four floors and a basement level, which has five break rooms, eight classrooms, eight colloquy spaces, 21 conference rooms, and 13 printer/ copy rooms.

If you would like to get a better idea as to where BSP is located on campus, please refer to the newly updated campus map.
Move Planning
While much of campus has moved to a remote work environment construction has continued. Phase 01 of moves are still tracking to occur in August. Phase 01 of moves include basement and level 01 only, with the remaining floors being phased in November and December.

Please note that due to COVID-19 these dates are fluid; however, move planning will continue and information will be shared via the moves website and forthcoming newsletters.
Lab Inventory
If there are any changes to the lab inventory submitted in October of 2019, please update the Smartsheet, as the Project team is utilizing this inventory to ensure a fully functional space upon move-in. If you need assistance with this, please contact Sara Anastos.

If you are purchasing any new equipment, that is not currently in your lab, but you intend to use in your new BSP lab space, please update the Smartsheet to include this additional equipment as part of your inventory. This will allow the Project team to flag any additional infrastructure needs.
Office and Lab Move Coordinators
If you have any questions regarding the coordination of your move, please feel free to contact the below teams managing your moves.
Office Move Coordinators:

Allison Costa:
Bobbi Henderson:
Lab Move Coordinators:

Robin Walker:
Sara Anastos:
OIT ServiceDesk Phone Moves
The Office of Information Technology (OIT) will be contacting those with current phone services (landline and/or cell) to discuss transitioning lines over to VoIP and the available service options. Please note that if you do elect to keep your phone service, this cost will need to be covered through the department or a personal FAU. The Project does not cover phone handsets and/or service fees.
Office Furniture
The new Biomedical Sciences and Physics Building will have sit-to-stand desks for all private single and double offices. The offices will also have new task chairs and mobile file cabinets with a cushion on top (that can serve as a guest seat), a bookcase, along with a wall mounted whiteboard. Single offices also include a guest table and two chairs (as shown to the right).

Make sure to check out the furniture information on the moves website to learn more.
Conference Room Reservations
As of August 1st conference rooms will be available in EMS, for staff and faculty to begin scheduling future meetings, within the Biomedical Sciences and Physics Building.