Newsletter 03 | July 2020
An update on move planning to the Biomedical Sciences and Physics Building.
Construction Schedule Update

Phase I:
Basement and First Floors
  • Lab Fit Out Construction Completion - early August
  • Lab and Office Moves - August thru October

Phase II:
Second through Fourth Floors
  • Lab Fit out Construction Completion - mid November
  • Lab and Office Moves - November thru January

The Lab Move Coordination Team will be working with faculty members individually to schedule a preliminary walk-through of their lab space, prior their relocation date.

Please note that due to COVID-19 these dates are fluid; however, move planning will continue and information will be shared via the moves website and forthcoming newsletters.
Lab and Office Move Schedule

The Lab Move Coordinators will be reaching out to faculty members individually, with proposed dates, for their lab and office moves. Individual needs and accommodations will be addressed at this time. A finalized move date will be established based on the faculty member's needs and availability within the phased time frame. Any questions prior to this coordination, please contact your move coordinator.
New Faculty Coordination

Please let the Lab Move Coordinators know of any new lab assignments for new incoming faculty. Lab Move Coordinators will work with each new faculty, and their department, to identify lab fit out needs. New faculty fit out will need to be funded outside of Project 2020. If you have any questions, please contact .
Centralized Services

There will be Print/ Copy services in every printer room and it will require use of your CatCard.

Prior to your move, feel free to install the CatCard Printer. There will be two options for printing: 1) UCMGlobal (for black and white prints) and 2) UCMColor (for color printing). Once you move all 13 printers will be available for your printing needs.

Custodial will be servicing the building daily; however, trash pickup will only be from the centralized trash locations.

These locations are: class labs, research labs, break rooms, printer rooms, and colloquy spaces. Individual office trash cans will not be emptied, nor will they be provided. If you do elect to have one in your office, you will need to empty it at one of the listed locations.
OIT ServiceDesk Phone Moves

The Office of Information Technology (OIT) has been contacting those with current phone services (landline and/or cell) to discuss transitioning lines over to VoIP and the available service options. Please note that if you do elect to keep your phone service, this cost will need to be covered through the department or a personal FAU. The Project does not cover phone handsets and/or service fees. If you have not been contacted, please reach out to Kent Carpenter.
Lab and Office Move Coordinators

If there are any questions regarding the coordination of your move, please feel free to contact the below teams managing your moves.
Lab Move Coordinators:

Robin Walker:
Sara Anastos:
Office Move Coordinators:

Allison Costa:
Bobbi Henderson:
For the most up to date move information, check the moves website regularly.