Newsletter 05 | August 2020
An update on move planning to the Biomedical Sciences and Physics Building.
Week 1 & 2 Moves Are Complete!

You have arrived and there is a lot to get familiar with in the new Biomedical Sciences and Physics Building!

Each floor has:
  • A variety of conference room sizes.
  • A break room with a microwave and refrigerator.
  • Multiple printer rooms.
  • Collaborative spaces.

Please flag any move related questions or concerns to, no later than Sept. 25th. We will schedule a post-move walk-through with each lab to address any outstanding items.

To help orient you, please find a map of the building basement and first floor plan for your reference. Please note second - fourth floors are restricted areas as there is active construction ongoing.
Building Services

The Operations and Maintenance team for south campus is Johnson Controls, Inc. (JCI). JCI holds the 35 year maintenance contract for the 2020 buildings. If you need temperature controls adjusted, photos hung, or have a building concern, submit a work order, click "guest login", choose South Campus, and then the building. Please do not attempt any DIY in this building.

All building maintenance requests and/or concerns need to be addressed to JCI, by way of a work ticket. For additional information on the JCI scope and process, please contact Robin Walker.

JCI has provided two documents to aid in submitting your request:

Custodial services the building daily; however, trash pickup will only be from the centralized trash locations. These locations are class labs, research labs, break rooms, printer rooms, and the various five compartment trash cans throughout the building. Individual office trash cans will not be emptied, nor were they provided. If you do elect to have one in your office and/or your workstation, you will need to empty into one of the listed locations.
Title 24 - Controlled outlets
This building has Title 24 compliant controlled circuits, which many of your previous offices, workstations, and/or labs may not have had. It is a recent requirement, of new construction buildings, to have some outlets that will turn off during non-business hours, to conserve energy. An example of a controlled outlet, at a lab bench, is shown to the right. Note: right outlet is a controlled outlet, not left outlet. The outlets at both workstations and within offices are also identified on the face plate.

Do not use controlled outlets for equipment that needs to run overnight.

Gas Cylinder Storage
Gas cylinder storage is located in the basement of Sustainability Research and Engineering (SRE) building, which may be accessed through the loading dock. Please work with your school for access to SRE Room 012B and 012C, if you need it.
Recycle your Moving Boxes!

A large collection box has been provided, in room 032 and 106 (print/copy room), to collect the provided moving boxes. Please break down all boxes for ease of consolidation. Please note that this collection is only for boxes provided, as part of the move.

All other boxes should be broken down and placed separately for custodial pick-up.
Print/ Copy Services

New printers have been installed and require the use of your CatCard. To utilize the printers you will need to install the CatCard Printer. There will be two options for printing: 1) UCMGlobal (for black and white prints) and 2) UCMColor (for color printing).

Printing fees are as follows: Color is $0.16, per sheet, and B&W is $0.04, per sheet.

Contact Document Services, if you have any questions.
The New Office Furniture

The offices and workstations have new furniture, with added features. All private offices are equipped with the following: sit to stand desks, ergonomic task chairs, mobile peds, a task light, a guest table and chairs, a buoy, bookcase, and whiteboard.

Graduate student workstations our outfitted with a wide work surface, fixed locking ped, and task chair.

Below are two videos to introduce you to the private office desk and chair.
Steelcase Ology Desk
Steelcase Think Chair
Campus Map

An updated campus map is available for you to familiarize yourself with your new location, neighbors, and nearby parking lot locations. Please feel free to utilize this link to share with students and/or vendors looking for your new location.
There is on-going construction work occurring
on the second through fourth floors, with moves to follow.
If you have any questions or concerns, regarding your move,
please direct them to