Movember Mood
If you've ever been by CTS in November you may have seen our jar of Movember mustaches out (we will have a different, COVID-friendly distribution method this year).
Movember is a charity organization raising awareness of multiple men's health issues including prostate cancer.1 Did you know prostate cancer is the second most common cancer among men?2
As pelvic floor physical therapists, prostate cancer is one of the biggest reasons we see men in our clinic, since many of the treatments to ensure survival result in urinary and erectile dysfunction issues.3
Multiple studies have shown that strengthening your pelvic floor muscles can lead to better urinary and erectile function after prostate surgery.45678
Here are some points for any guys reading this (or gals with guys in their lives):
- Talk to your doctor about prostate cancer screening if you're 50 or older (45 if you're African American or have a family history!).
- Also get checked out if you have had any changes in your urination or ejaculation habits/quality.
- If you do have prostate cancer, know that there are many different treatment options, from active surveillance to surgery.
- When deciding on a treatment option, don't be afraid to get a second opinion, whether it's your urologist, oncologist, or any other healthcare provider! You want to feel as confident as possible when you choose how to tackle prostate cancer.
- Do pelvic floor physical therapy in conjunction with whichever treatment option you choose!
No matter how you choose to deal with prostate cancer, know that there are a ton of resources out there for you, from your doctor to support groups to the physical therapists at CTS. You'll know we're here for you by the mustaches on our faces this month (though they will be covered by masks this year)! Happy Movember everyone!
4. Prota C, Gomes CM, Ribeiro LHS, et al. Early postoperative pelvic-floor biofeedback improves erectile function in men undergoing radical prostatectomy: a prospective, randomized, controlled trial. International Journal of Impotence Research. 2012;24(5):174-178.
5. Gomes, Cíntia & Pedriali, Fabiana & Urbano, Mariana & Moreira, Eliane & Averbeck, Márcio & Almeida, Silvio. (2017). The effects of Pilates method on pelvic floor muscle strength in patients with post-prostatectomy urinary incontinence: A randomized clinical trial. Neurourology and Urodynamics. 37. 10.1002/nau.23300.
6. Lin Y-H, Yu T-J, Lin VC-H, Wang H-P, Lu K. Effects of early pelvic-floor muscle exercise for sexual dysfunction in radical prostatectomy recipients. Cancer Nursing. 2012;35(2):106–114.
7. Dorey G, Speakman M, Feneley R, Swinkels A, Dunn C, Ewings P. Randomised controlled trial of pelvic floor muscle exercises and manometric biofeedback for erectile dysfunction. Br J Gen Pract. 2004 Nov 1; 54(508):819-25.
8. Sighinolfi MC, Rivalta M, Mofferdin A, Micali S, Stefani SD, Bianchi G. Potential effectiveness of pelvic floor rehabilitation treatment for postradical prostatectomy incontinence, climacturia, and erectile dysfunction: a case series. The Journal of Sexual Medicine. 2009;6(12):3496-3499.
Feeling Tense?
Relax and take a few deep breaths, making sure to fully engage your stomach, abdominal muscles, and diaphragm.
1. Place one hand on your belly and the other on your chest.
2. Inhale slowly through your nose for 6 seconds. Your stomach should move out against your hand, while the hand on your chest remains as still as possible.
3. Pause for 2 seconds, then exhale through your mouth for 8 seconds while you let your abdominal muscles fall inward.
4. Repeat daily to promote relaxation, lower your heart rate and blood pressure, strengthen your diaphragm and improve core muscles.
Exercise: The Step-Through Stretch
This is a great one to get the blood flowing after you have been working from home for a couple hours. It stretches the shoulders, upper back, hip flexors, and calves all in one go.
1) Start standing with your hand on the side edge of a doorway as pictured. You will know how far to stand by making a 90 degree bend in the elbow.
2) Step forward with the same leg as the hand on the doorway. At the same time reach straight forward with the opposite arm.
3) Try to keep your elbow in line behind the hand on the doorway.
4) After pausing in the step through position for 1-2 seconds, step back to the starting position and repeat.
5) Do 5-10 repetitions to really feel the good stuff!
Pediatric PT can assist children with balance and coordination, motor skills, movement and mobility, strengthening exercises and more.
As children develop these skills, they're given a greater form of independence and higher sense of self-esteem.
Our PTs commonly treat conditions like Osgood-Schlatter, Torticollis, sports injuries, and more. CTS also offers a conservative, non-invasive approach to treat bedwetting, daytime wetting, and constipation in children and teens.
Think your kiddo may benefit from PT? Give us a call - 858-457-8419. We'll work directly with your child's pediatrician to customize a treatment plan.