SUNDAY, MAY 3, 2020
The Holy Eucharist will be livestreamed from the Cathedral Nave at 11 a.m. Sunday morning.
Download the leaflet in advance
Presider: The Rev. Canon Jennifer King Daugherty
Preacher: The Rev. Canon Cristi Chapman
To God with gladness sing (see leaflet);
Shepherd of souls, refresh and bless (343);
Awake, arise, lift up your voice (212).
Don't miss Canon Kleinschmidt's video introduction to these hymns below 👇
Anthem: Dvořák,
God is my shepherd from
Biblical Songs, Op. 99 (soprano solo)
Organ: J.S. Bach,
Trio Sonata in C, BWV 529
This is the first Sunday of the month, and in normal circumstances that would mean that
birthday and anniversary blessings would be pronounced during the 9 a.m. service. This blessing will instead be offered by clergy during the
Zoom Virtual Coffee Hour immediately following the livestreamed liturgy — see more information below.
continues to be offered from the cathedral building, now closed to the public, at its traditional time, 9:30 p.m. on Sunday, with a choir of just a few singers. As on every Sunday for decades, it will be broadcast live on KING-FM 98.1 and online at In addition, during the cathedral closure, video of the office will be livestreamed on the cathedral's website: Visit Sunday night to watch live.
Compline Highlights:
The King of Love my shepherd is; Guillaume Dufay,
Ad cenam Agni providi
Information subject to change.
Sunday 5/3, 9 & 10 a.m.
Church School for kids
Sunday 5/3, 12 p.m.
Virtual Coffee Hour
featuring birthday blessings
Sunday 5/3, 12 p.m.
Newcomers Coffee with Clergy
Monday 5/4, 7 p.m.
Creation Care Forum
with Drawdown Seattle (part 1)
Monday 5/4, 7:30 p.m.
Questioning Together
with the 20s & 30s
Friday 5/8, 3 p.m.
Friday afternoon tea
Friday 5/8, 7:30 p.m.
All-Bach Recital on the Flentrop
Sunday 5/10, 12:30 p.m.
Inquirers' Class begins
Monday 5/11, 7 p.m.
Creation Care Forum
with Drawdown Seattle (part 2)
Friday 5/15, 7 p.m.
Mideast Focus Film Series
Screening and Discussion
Sunday 5/24, 11 a.m.
Heritage Sunday Liturgy
"We will not be one of the first churches to open..."
The Dean has made a video version of his
recent message to the parish in which he marks the Biblically-resonant 40 days since gatherings were banned in Seattle, and looks both back at the history of Saint Mark's, and ahead towards the future. Click
here to watch the video on YouTube.
An Introduction to Sunday's Hymns
A Multi-Faith Perspective on the Recent Earth Day Anniversary, Featuring Dean Thomason
Earth Ministry, a group with long-standing connections to Saint Mark's Cathedral, has partnered with faith leaders from a variety of traditions to gather their messages of faith in action in this 50th anniversary year of Earth Day. We hope you enjoy this video that includes leaders from Jewish, Muslim, Christian, and Unitarian Universalist communities in the Pacific Northwest. The video is about 15 minutes long, but very much worth watching in its entirety. Click
here to watch on YouTube. Special thanks to Saint Mark's member David Wild, who generously donated his time and talent in producing this video!
Interactive Church School Has Resumed
SUNDAYS, 9 A.M. (age 4–8) AND 10 A.M. (ages 8–12)
Godly Play for children ages 4-8 at 9 a.m. on Sunday, with a participating parent. Hosted by Alicia Goodwin. Email Kelly Moody at for a zoom link and a list of items to gather beforehand.
Jesus and His Kingdom of Equals for children ages 8-5th grade begins at 10 a.m., hosted by Kristen Kelly and Sonjia Gavin. Email Kelly Moody at for a Zoom link and more information.
If you missed the Saint Mark's Children and Family Ministries
, which this week included a very special video preview of this Sunday's service, check it out
Youth Group Zoom "Office Hours"
SUNDAYS, 2-3 P.M. starting Sunday, April 26

Beginning Sunday, April 26 we will have an open "office hours" for the youth of the community where a mix of Saint Mark's youth leaders and clergy including Rev. Cristi, Anna Wiley, and Nicole Silvernale will be available over Zoom to hold space for conversation, questions, prayers, and anything else you may need. To get the link, email Nicole Silvernale at
Newcomer’s Coffee with Clergy
TODAY, SUNDAY, MAY 3, 12 P.M. (or when the liturgy concludes),
via Zoom—Contact
Canon Chapman
to get the link
For many years, the cathedral has hosted a conversation with newcomers on the first Sunday of each month—and that will continue online in May. If you are new or new-ish to Saint Mark's, or if you just have questions about the cathedral community, you are cordially invited to a Zoom meeting following the 11 a.m. Sunday morning service.
If you know someone who has recently started participating in Saint Mark's livestreamed liturgies, wherever they might be located, and who might be interested in this event, please let them know about it! To get the link, email Canon Cristi Chapman at
THIS SUNDAY, 12 P.M. (or when the liturgy concludes),
via Zoom
Immediately following the Sunday morning worship service, let's join together on Zoom for a
virtual coffee hour—to check in, connect, and just see each other's faces!
this link to join the meeting after the liturgy concludes. (The link will be used every Sunday after the 11 a.m. liturgy until further notice.) Email
Peter McClung with questions.
Birthday and Anniversary Blessings
This Sunday is the first Sunday of the month, when the cathedral would normally invite anyone with a birthday or anniversary in the month of May to come forward during the 9 a.m. service and receive a blessing from the entire community. This Sunday, this blessing will be offered during the Zoom Virtual Coffee Hour instead!
If you have a May birthday or anniversary, be sure to attend this week so that the community may celebrate with you!
A Two-Part Online Forum
with Scott Henson of Drawdown Seattle
TWO MONDAYS: MAY 4 & 11, 7–8:30 P.M.,
Via Zoom (use
this link
to join)
Led by his faith to be a steward of life on this planet, Scott Henson is the co-founder of
Drawdown Seattle, a collection of concerned and engaged Seattle citizens who are interested in enacting proven solutions which create the possibility of reversing the global climate crisis we face. Scott will lead two sessions focused on introducing “Project Drawdown” as well as facilitating the beginning of your personal action plans to help reverse global warming. First, Dean Thomason will offer a brief introduction framing the issues from a faith perspective. Then, through videos and group activities, we will learn about a comprehensive plan to reverse global warming from Project Drawdown—a scientific study that identified
100 solutions that, together, could actually reverse global warming by 2050. These solutions encompass the energy we use, the food we eat, and the cities we live in. Let's shift the conversation, from "Game over" to "Game on!" By the end you will see the vital role you can play in the movement to reverse global warming. For more information, contact Marjorie Ringness, or Canon Chapman,
Questioning Together
Come join our lively discussion with this supportive and curious group. The first 30 minutes are social time. Then we’ll have an hour to consider the intersection of our spiritual lives and current times. Connect through Zoom by clicking on
this link. Questions? Contact Kate Causey at
Friday Afternoon Tea
FRIDAYS at 3 P.M.,
via Zoom.

Remember when we used to get together in coffee shops? We can still do that... online! Michael Perera will host afternoon tea once a week; drop in and chat about whatever’s on your mind. Bring your favorite hot beverage and let’s continue hanging out and making the isolation easier.
Join using this link
. Questions? Email Michael Perera at
All-Bach Concert on the Flentrop...
Online, with Canon Kleinschmidt
The next concert on the Saint Mark’s Music Series this season was to feature organist Alex Weimann playing an All-Bach performance on the Flentrop Organ. However, due to current travel restrictions, this performance has been
postponed one year to
Friday, May 14, 2021. Mark your calendars now!
In lieu of Alex’s concert, and because J.S. Bach is as essential now as ever,
Michael Kleinschmidt, Canon for Cathedral Music at Saint Mark’s, will instead offer a 70-minute online program featuring three of Bach’s famous Toccatas and Fugues, as well as his monumental Passacaglia in C Minor. In addition, Canon Kleinschmidt will offer brief commentary from the console about the Flentrop organ itself, and about the music. While this is offered freely for all to enjoy, donations in support of Saint Mark’s Music Series will be gratefully received.
Inquirers' Class Resumes Virtually!
BEGINS SUNDAY, MAY 10, 2020, 12:30 P.M.,
via Zoom
Are you curious about Episcopal liturgy, beliefs, or tradition? Are you feeling called a deeper commitment with God? No matter where you are on your journey, consider attending this multi-week series, where will explore the basics of the Christian faith through the Episcopal lens. The series, called "
Living the Questions," is usually offered in Lent, and was cut short this year... but it will begin anew, virtually, on Sunday, May 10 and continues on Sundays weekly through June 7. Sessions run from 12:30–2 p.m. via Zoom. For more information or to RSVP and get the link, contact The Rev. Canon Cristi Chapman,
Screening and Discussion:
Voices Across the Divide
via Zoom. Instructions to watch the film and participate in the discussion will be announced soon.
On Friday, May 15, the Online Film Series continues with
Voices Across the Divide, an award-winning film by Dr. Alice Rothchild, exploring the thinking of Jews who support the Occupation and settlements in the West Bank, and those who do not. A live discussion with Dr. Rothchild will follow the screening. The purpose of the film, as explained by its directors, is to open a space for honest dialogue:
"The Israeli/Palestinian conflict is one of the most prominent, hot button debates in the US today. There is often little space for compassionate listening or deepening awareness. Access to information about the conflict is shaped by powerful forces and organizations. We believe a better future is possible based on mutual respect and knowledge.
We hope Voices Across the Divide
will contribute to an open dialogue grounded in mutual respect, understanding, and political activism that leads to justice for all people in the region. Narrated by Alice Rothchild, an American Jew raised on the tragedies of the Holocaust and the dream of a Jewish homeland in Israel, Voices Across the Divide
follows her personal journey as she begins to understand the Palestinian narrative, while exploring the Palestinian experience of loss, occupation, statelessness, and immigration to the US."
Heritage Sunday at Saint Mark's Cathedral
In 2019 Saint Mark's began what was intended to be an annual tradition:
Heritage Sunday, an opportunity to celebrate and give thanks for all the generations who have come before us in the community of Saint Mark's, Seattle—from the founders of the parish in the nineteenth century, to those longtime members of the community who still bless us with their experience and wisdom today. Like last year, this unique service will again employ
elements of the liturgy that would be familiar to generations past, including music, prayers, vestments, and the order of service itself. Also like last year, we will welcome
a very special guest preacher, an important figure from the cathedral's past. Stay tuned for more details in the coming weeks!
New Podcast Episode—

Canon Michael Kleinschmidt: Sounds of Longing
Cathedral Conversations is a podcast by, for, and about the community of Saint Mark's Cathedral. In the most recent episode, recorded March 2, 2020, our beloved Canon for Cathedral Music tells us how his love affair with church music began, the role that music has in our worship, and why being the organist for Saint Mark’s is like playing tennis with God. Listen at or download and subscribe wherever you get your podcasts.
Sunday Morning Readings and Prayers Offered Remotely

Starting April 19, the Saint Mark's livestreamed liturgies began incorporating scripture readings and intercessions read by lectors filmed remotely in their own homes. This community is blessed with a number of extraordinarily talented readers, but many are in high-risk populations and are currently isolating themselves. It's wonderful to be able to hear their voices in our liturgy once again. If you have questions about this aspect of the service, contact Michael Seewer,
Education for Ministry (EfM) registration for 2019/20
Do you want to go deeper into your faith in an intense, ongoing way? Do you want to form lasting connections with others who also seek that connection? Consider registering for EfM. EfM is a four-year program focused on the study scripture, church history, and modern theology. Classes connect the material with church tradition, personal experiences, individual beliefs and current events. The next term begins the week of
September 1, 2020. Three different classes meet weekly September to June at Saint Mark’s: Sundays, 6:30–8:30 p.m.; Mondays, 10 a.m.–12:30 p.m.; or Mondays, 6:30–8:30 p.m. Each class is limited to 12 people; enrollment starts now and ends in early August or when classes are full. Tuition, including books, is $375. Please inquire by contacting clergy or class mentors: Sunday evening: Penelope Jackson,; Monday morning: Maria Coldwell,; Monday evening: Tom Hayton,
Check Out “Online Community Life” at Saint Mark’s Website

The Saint Mark’s website has a new
Online Community Life
page with ways for us all to stay connected. You’ll find activities to join, both prayerful—like Stations of the Cross and Morning and Evening Prayer—and playful—like an online trivia contest. There are poignant reflections on these times to read and comment on, and more being added, so keep checking back – and keep connected!
Reach Out if You Need Assistance!
If you are homebound as a result of this viral outbreak and need others from Saint Mark’s to help you by picking up and delivering groceries or other supplies, there are parishioners who are willing to help.
Please reach out to cathedral in whatever way is most convenient for you. Email Dean Steve Thomason at or Erik Donner at, or call either one—or any of the clergy—at 206.323.0300.