October 26, 2022

Dear Parish Family,

The Holiday season is just around the corner.  We end the month of October with Halloween (known as the festival of candy) and move quickly into Thanksgiving and Christmas. Before we know it, we are celebrating the beginning of a new year. 

I like all of the holidays we get to celebrate and enjoy at the end of the year, making these months my favorite.  However, November is my favorite-favorite. The focus on gratitude and thanksgiving for all God has given us is such a fundamental part of our Catholic faith that it makes it a special time of year.  I am thankful for the month of November and the opportunity to stop and acknowledge how very much we have to be grateful for and to express that gratitude to God.

The All Souls Novena begins on the Feast of All Souls, November 2nd and is a meaningful and comforting opportunity to remember your beloved dead. The Novena is a nine day series of Masses offered for all those who are no longer with us.

We have a tradition at St. Peter Chanel of praying for and with our beloved dead. We pray for them, asking God to welcome them into paradise. We pray with them, asking them along with all the Saints to intercede for us and for the work of our parish. This Novena is a perfect way to keep them in prayer.

Envelopes are available on the tables in the Narthex which can be used to register all your beloved dead in our Novena of Masses. If you would prefer, you can also submit their names online on the parish website.

Mental Health Night - October 26th

Join us tonight in person or catch the livestream (click LIVESTREAM LINK)

of the presentation by Kaitlin Bryne.  Presentation begins at 7pm.

Pizza With the Pastor

Click here to RSVP for Pizza with the Pastor

Parish Nursery - Coming Soon

Annual St. Peter Chanel 

5 K Walk/Race

Parish Leadership Retreat

This retreat is for

  • anyone in any ministry at St. Peter Chanel
  • leader or participant
  • or if you are interested and care about your parish
  • this is for you.

Join us for a morning of prayer, reflection, and discussion.  We'll start with Mass at 8:30am followed by breakfast.  Our retreat will conclude at 11am.

For more info:  Terri Zerbe  (tzerbe@stpeterchanel.org)

Click here to register

Livestream and Mass Readings

The Saturday Vigil Mass at 4:30pm is streamed live on the St. Peter Chanel Catholic Church YouTube channel. It will also be recorded and available to watch afterward.
Watch on YouTube

The readings for Sunday Mass are available at the website of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.

Also, don't forget to subscribe to the St. Peter Chanel YouTube channel when you are next on YouTube. Just tap the subscribe button and the notification (bell) button. It is free to you and will give us some extra enhancements.

Visit our YouTube Channel
See you at Mass,
Msgr. Peter J. Rau
St. Peter Chanel Catholic Church
11330 Woodstock Road
Roswell, Georgia 30075