March 14, 2025

Mission isn’t just about duty, it’s about love. Jesus saw people’s needs and was moved with compassion. The heart of being outward-focused is seeing others the way Jesus does and meeting them where they are. When we do this, we shift from seeing people as projects to loving them as persons. Join us this Sunday as we continue our Outward series.

Grace Marie Ward, Worship Arts Director, will be preaching in the Auditorium for the Contemporary Worship services; Stephen Fitch, Evangelism & Assimilation Pastor, will be preaching in the Sanctuary for the Traditional Worship services.

For those worshiping remotely, you're invited to watch our services online, on Facebook and YouTube.

Columbia Worship Gatherings

We are looking forward to our next Columbia Worship Gathering. It was great to worship and fellowship with those of you that attended last month. Our mission is to make, mature, and mobilize disciples who magnify Jesus, and we are excited for you to join us on this journey. We will continue hosting Columbia Worship Gatherings on Sunday evenings downtown over the next several months. Find out more about the location and dates by visiting Our next gathering is March 23 at 6 PM at 701 Whaley.

Online Communion

Our next date for Holy Communion is April 6. If you are unable to be present physically but want to participate, we will mail the elements to you for this date. To register, visit

Easter at Mt. Horeb

Make plans to join us for Easter week here at Mt. Horeb. Our Maundy Thursday service will be on April 17 at 6:30 PM in the Sanctuary and we will have our Easter services on April 20. There will be a sunrise service at 6:30 AM in the Sanctuary and then we will have Traditional Services at 9:30 & 11:00 AM and Contemporary Services at 8:00, 9:30 and 11:00 AM. Please note the time differences of these services. We hope that this will help accommodate our growing services for this Sunday. We know this will be a wonderful celebration of our risen Lord that you won’t want to miss! For more information visit

Ministry Need

Congregational Care needs additional prayer shawls to give to individuals who are experiencing a health crisis or other type of challenging situation. These shawls are prayed over and delivered by members of the CC team as a tangible reminder of the love of God and the prayers that are being lifted for them. If you would like to donate, please bring to the church office. They can be either handmade or purchased. No blankets, please.  

Compassion DR Update

Thank you church! Many of you generously donated on Compassion Sunday to the Survival Program in the Dominican Republic. Your gift is helping mothers and babies thrive. Your support is providing proper nutrition, access to medical care and a broad range of life-saving support for 13 infant-caregiver pairs. Your gift ensures babies born into extreme poverty have the opportunity to thrive, setting them on the path to a healthy, hope-filled childhood. Click here to see the impact Mt. Horeb is making.

Concerts At Mt. Horeb

We're excited to have the chart-topping band, We Are Messengers, joining our Concert Season on Friday, May 9. We Are Messengers has over 550 million career streams, over 3 billion airplay audience, and a multi-week #1 Billboard radio song (“Come What May”). They have played for a live audience of over 2 million people across 45 states and 5 countries. We hope you will join us for this amazing night of worship! Tickets are on sale now at

Online Bulletin

If you can't be here on Sunday morning, stay connected through our online bulletin. You can see our weekly financial report as well as a list of needs to pray over. Click here to view our weekly bulletin.

New Job Opportunity

Facilities Assistant

Our facilities team work to create a welcoming, clean, orderly and safe environment at Mt. Horeb Church by performing a wide variety of cleaning activities throughout the church campus.

Summary of responsibilites :

Prepare the buildings and grounds for Sunday worship and activities for the entire day to include:

  • Unlock all entrance doors to the church
  • Display all signage materials for worship, including parking flags and sign
  • Check all hallways to ensure they are free from debris and clear
  • Check all restrooms for supplies and cleanliness
  • Turn on all lights and in hallways and rooms
  • After services, perform these tasks:
  • Lock all doors
  • Put away all signage materials
  • Assemble rooms for afternoon meetings or worship events
  • Remove trash from the morning
  • Turn off all lights in areas not being used
  • Check through entire campus for anything that needs attention

To apply, send your resume to Chris Carver at and Phil Miller at