November 22, 2024

In the final week of our Exiles series, we'll study Daniel in the lions' den. When a law is passed forbidding prayer to anyone except the king, Daniel defies the decree and continues praying to God. He is thrown into the lion's den as punishment, but God miraculously shuts the lions’ mouths and saves him. Daniel’s unshakeable faith in exile highlights the power of God’s deliverance. This powerful account demonstrates the importance of maintaining our spiritual disciplines and trusting God even when it might cost us everything.

Daniel Stevanus, Guest Speaker, will be preaching in the Auditorium for the Contemporary Worship services; Jeff Kersey, Senior Pastor, will be preaching in the Sanctuary for the Traditional Worship services.

For those worshiping remotely, you're invited to watch our services online, on Facebook and YouTube.

Online Communion

Our next date for Holy Communion is December 1. If you are unable to be present physically but want to participate, we will mail the elements to you for this date.To register, visit

It is time for our annual Christmas: From Family to Family gift collection. This year, gifts will be for specific children. Visit the tables as you exit the worship services this Sunday to select a “gift tag” for a gift you plan to purchase. It will have a child’s gender, age, and an identified want and/or need, including helpful likes/dislikes. All the information you need, including when to bring back the gifts, will be found at the tables on Sunday and at

We can only accept new, unused items and please include the tag when you bring it back to us. We can’t wait to serve with you this Christmas as we spread the hope and joy of the Gospel from family to family!

Christmas Musical

Many have made Mt. Horeb’s Christmas musical an annual tradition. We invite you to join us at one of our four performances in the Auditorium:

  • Saturday, December 7 | 5:00 & 7:00 PM
  • Sunday, December 8 | 9:00 & 10:45 AM

There will not be services in the Sanctuary as our worship teams are coming together to create a special experience to celebrate the Christmas season. You don’t want to miss this spectacular celebration. Mark your calendars now! Nursery will be provided for children three years and under during the 5:00 PM, 9:00 AM and 10:45 AM services.

Classic Christmas Concert

Mark your calendars! Mt. Horeb’s Traditional Worship team is hosting a Classic Christmas Concert on Saturday, December 14 at 5 & 7 PM. Our orchestra, adult choir, kids choir and handbells choir will be leading us in a beautiful night of worship celebrating the Savior’s birth.

Young Adults Christmas Party

If you are a young adult between the ages of 18 to 24, we invite you to our annual Young Adult Christmas Party. The event will take place at Trevor Miller’s (Mt. Horeb Family Pastor) house in Lexington on Thursday, December 19 from 7 to 9 PM. Food, games, a gift exchange, Christmas Music Bingo, s’mores, and much more will be part of the evening. Feel free to invite your young adult friends. For more information, including directions, email Brent Squires (Mt. Horeb Young Adults Director) at


Christmas at Mt. Horeb

We hope you will join us this Advent season, which begins on December 1, for all of our events or services either in-person or online. It is truly the most wonderful time of the year and we are excited to see what God will do. Visit to see all the wonderful things we have planned. 

Online Bulletin

If you can't be here on Sunday morning, stay connected through our online bulletin. You can see our weekly financial report as well as a list of needs to pray over. Click here to view our weekly bulletin.

Pecans Are Here

The Friendship Group is selling pecans again this year and they are available now. Please contact Freida at 803-490-0200 if you are interested in an order.

Plain large chop & Jumbo Halves plain $12 lb.

Dark and milk chocolate covered $14 per bag