Mug Club Caregivers
News and updates for your caregiving journey
Jan 15 - Feb 14, 2021
January is usually a time of resolutions.
This quote is something I challenge you to consider:
Powerful Tools for Caregivers
"Too often caregivers neglect their own health and well-being and put their own needs 'on the back burner.' Sometimes, caregivers become the second victim to the disease that afflicts their family member..."

Join us online for our Powerful Tools for Caregivers Class and learn how to take better care of yourself, so you can continue caring for your loved one.
Your Caregiver Journey
Grandparents & Other Relatives Raising Children
Presentations from WIFACETS
Tuesday, Jan 19, 2021
Section 504 - What Parents Need to Know

Wednesday, Jan. 20, 2021
Supports for Education Students with IEP's

KINnect Relative Caregivers' Evening Support Group
Wednesday, Jan 20, 2021
6 - 7 p.m.
Please join us for this opportunity to connect with other parents and grandparents as a way to share the joys and challenges of being a relative caregiver. Please feel free to sign up for one or more of the monthly groups.
Caregivers of Veterans
Check out these articles!
Caregivers to those with a Dementia Diagnosis
Steering Into the Skid: A One-Act Dementia Play
Friday, Feb 12, 2021
11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
In 12 short scenes, all taking place in Tim and Amanda's SUV, the audience comes to know this loving couple as they navigate the early progression of dementia.