Mug Club Caregivers
News and updates for your caregiving journey
Dec 14 - Dec 26, 2020
Something to ponder this holiday season:
What gives you comfort and joy during the holidays?
Holidays - Stressful or Exciting?
The holidays are quickly approaching! Are you excited or dreading the season? It's difficult in this time of COVID to know what the holidays have in store for us. Here is an article that I found that offers some suggestions that may help make the holidays more enjoyable for you and your loved ones. Keep in mind that the holidays can, in fact, provide unique opportunities to seek better communication, connection, and support from family and friends.
Your Caregiver Journey
Grandparents & Other Relatives Raising Children
Wisconsin Family Assistance Center for Education, Training & Support
Check out the WI FACETS page for the 60 trainings planned for 2021!
The Wisconsin Adoption & Permanency Support
Tuesday, Dec. 22, 2020
Meet the Robinsons
Join us for the Online Movie Review Group! All movies will have either an adoption, guardianship, foster care, or kinship theme. Discuss how the movie addresses the theme, positives/negatives, possible concerns, age recommendations, etc. Contact Heather with questions: (920) 272-8240
Caregivers of Veterans
Vet Talks
Thursday, Dec. 17, 2020
5:30 - 6:30 p.m.
Free talk featuring Jerrod Niemann. More information and registration.
How a Sailor Got his Name Back
Billy James Johnson lost his life and identity when the ship he called home was attacked on Dec. 7, 1941. This is the story of how he and 270 of his shipmates got their names back.
VA Caregiver Support Services
Veterans can stay socially connected through phone or video calls with trained volunteers with VA's new Compassionate Contact Corps Support Program. More information.