Weekly Newsletter - November 21, 2024

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Rosemary from the Garden - this Sunday

It is time to trim the Rosemary in the Outreach Garden and share it with you on Sunday! It will be available at both doors of the church. Be sure to grab some before you leave!

Interfaith Thanksgiving Service

November 24 | 3 PM | High Street Church

The Downtown Tapestry’s annual Interfaith Thanksgiving Service will be Sunday, November 24 at High Street Unitarian Universalist Church. Join us for an evening of worship and service with other congregations in our community where we will give thanks for the many blessings in our lives.

New Advent Study

Beginning December 1 | Mustard Seed Classroom | 10 am

Gregory Bushway will lead an Advent study on Sundays during the Sunday School hour, beginning December 1. We’ll meet in the Mustard Seed classroom — everyone is welcome to join!

Sanctuary Flower Donations - Dates Available in 2025

The Flower Guild has two dates available in June 2024 for flowers on the Altar in the sanctuary. If you are interested in sponsoring one of these Sundays, please contact Beth Smith at 478-719-9041.

Wesley Glen Christmas at the Cross

December 6-8

Wesley Glen is hosting their 3rd annual Christmas at the Cross event! This is a free community event with a beautiful, mile-long light display. Learn more at wesleyglenministries.com.

Children's Center 20/205 Fundraising Challenge

We're three months into this school year at The Children's Center at Mulberry, and things keep getting more and more exciting! Most recently, a small group of loyal CCM supporters came together and committed to give $100 for every donor who sets up a new recurring donation of at least $25/month for 2025, and this group pledged to give up to $10,000 in the challenge! Talk about exciting! We're calling this our "25/2025 Challenge" and ask you to join our growing list of supporters setting up their monthly gifts for 2025.

Read the full letter from the CCM Board to learn more about the challenge.

A big THANK YOU to Doug Scharp for raising over $2300 for Macon Outreach with his hand carved pieces.

A Bicentennial Moment

In anticipation of Mulberry’s upcoming Bicentennial Celebration in 2026, the Leonard Hill Cochran Historical Room presents a moment of Mulberry history.


The following paragraph was in the Mulberry Street Methodist Church Quarterly Bulletin, dated February 21, 1943:


“Attention Red Cross Workers. The Red Cross Surgical Dressing rooms have been moved from the Red Cross Headquarters to the rear wing  of the Christ Church Parish House.  The War Department has advised the American Red Cross that 180,000,000 surgical dressings will be needed by March 15th.  Every woman who can is urged to give at least one morning a week to making surgical dressings that are so vitally needed for our armed forces.”

Macon Outreach

In memory of JC Mathur by Vinita Mathur

Sunday Worship

November 24, 2024

Christ the King Sunday


Rev. Jack Varnell, preaching

Luke 21:5-19

Assisting with Worship


Bert Thompson, Kyle Starling, Waverly Golson, Mel Jamison, Tom Woodcock


Will Magda, Crucifer

Ben Morris, Candle Lighter

11 a.m. Worship Service will be Live-Streamed and available on Facebook and the Website

Prayer List

Scott and Wanda Fitzgerald  

Nancy Belk  

Jared Heggins  

Jimmy Roach 

Freeda Chapman 

Sam Lamback  

Thomas Marlow 

Linda Sankey 

Yetta Price  

Eddings Smith  

Bettie Causey   

Sharon and Tony Marks, sister and brother-in-law of Kathy Welch 

Mable Mashburn, Kathy Welch’s mother  

Ashley and Mary Hurt 

Frances Inzer 

Charlotte Barker  

Michael Downs, grandson of Harold Downs  

Elaine Jones 

Judy Freeney 

Charlie Cloaninger 

Shaunacy Fifield 

Susan McIntosh, Daniel’s mother 

Sonnya Wilson 

The family of Tracie Jenkins 

Erin Heggins 

Lois McLain 

The family of Martha Thompson  

Elena Balkcom, Stephanie Henson’s daughter 


The United Methodist Church, Bishop Robin Dease 

District Superintendent Jay and Kay Harris 


Our church, its clergy, and its members

Coming Up at Mulberry

November 24

Interfaith Thanksgiving Service

November 27-29

Office Closed for Thanksgiving

Full Calendar

On Call Line


Check out what's going on in Realm!

Be sure to check out the News feature on Realm!

If you need help getting connected, contact the church office at


Ainsworth (Adult) Choir Rehearsal

Wednesdays at 7:15 pm in the Choir Room!

We welcome all who like to sing and want to be part of music ministry in worship. Come join us! Please contact Terre Johnson, Director of Music, for questions.

**Nursery is provided during Choir Rehearsal for any parents wanting to join!

Donation Needs

Macon Outreach Needs

Financial Donations

Plastic Bags


Hamburger helper

Cornbread mix


Cake/cookie/muffin mix

Snack items

Daybreak Needs


Canned or fresh fruit, fruit cups

Applesauce (individual containers)



Vienna Sausage (4.6 oz)


1 min. Instant grits

Brown paper snack bags

Sandwich bags - Quart size

Chips (Individual bags)



Cough Medicine (non-alcohol)

Cough drops

Bio Freeze/Muscle cream

Aspirin 81 mg

Disinfectant Spray/Air freshener

Disinfectant Cleanser (Pine-sol)

Liquid Detergent


Men's T-shirts (white, L-XL-2X)

Men's & Women's underwear (new)

Resources & Links

South Georgia Advocate

The South Georgia Advocate, a twice monthly online news publication, is the official news source of the South Georgia Annual Conference and a ministry of the Office of Connectional Ministries.

Click here for the Georgia Advocate

One Matters Resource Toolkit

As part of this year's conference focus of "One Matters", the South Georgia Conference is providing monthly resources designed to empower each of us in our mission of making meaningful connections and living out transformative discipleship. Each toolkit presents a challenge questions & resources tailored to address that challenge.

Click here for the One Matters Toolkit

Have an addition to the newsletter?

Email Millie Thompson at mthompson@mulberrymethodist.org

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