For the health and safety of Municipalities of Saskatchewan employees, the Municipalities of Saskatchewan office is closed to the public, and many of our employees are working from home.

We will continue to help you through all our normal channels and will do our best to handle your calls or emails in a timely matter.
Saskatchewan State of Emergency Extended

The state of emergency in Saskatchewan has been extended.

What does that mean?
  • Keep following the orders of the Chief Medical Health Officer
  • Practice social distancing
  • Avoid unnecessary travel;
  • If returning from foreign travel or experiencing any symptoms, self-isolate
  • Avoid gatherings with people outside your immediate household
  • Wash your hands often
Chief Medical Health Officer Joining Tomorrow's Webinar

Dr. Saqib Shahab, Saskatchewan's Chief Medical Health Officer, will be joining the panel of experts for Municipalities of Saskatchewan's online COVID-19 forum.

Tomorrow, Municipalities of Saskatchewan is bringing together another panel of experts to answer municipal questions about the COVID-19 pandemic. Initially focusing on health and economic development, this webinar has now been expanded to also include the Ministry of Government Relations and the Saskatchewan Public Safety Agency.

From 10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. , Municipalities of Saskatchewan will now host:
  • Dr. Saqib Shahab, Chief Medical Health Officer;
  • Tim Macaulay, Director of Environmental Health, Ministry of Health;
  • Bonnie Chambers, Executive Director of Advisory Services and Municipal Relations, Ministry of Government Relations;
  • Karri Kempf, Executive Director, Enterprise Projects and External Relations, Saskatchewan Public Safety Agency; and
  • Verona Thibault, CEO of the Saskatchewan Economic Development Alliance.

Come prepared with your municipal questions. Sponsored by SUMAssure, this forum is open to all Saskatchewan municipalities.
Webinar with the Saskatchewan Health Authority

On April 14 at 2:00 p.m., Municipalities of Saskatchewan will be hosting a webinar with the Saskatchewan Health Authority. Registration will open later this week. Municipalities can watch their emails for more information.
Zoom for Webinars

We are aware of security concerns with Zoom, the program we currently use for webinars. As our webinars require registration, we are able to mitigate many of the security concerns. We have also added an additional security feature to our webinars to increase privacy and are continuing to monitor information regarding Zoom.
COVID-19 Resources

For more COVID-19 resources , visit Municipalities of Saskatchewan's COVID-19 resources page. The page includes information important to municipalities as employers, links to resources, and more. Check back often as the page is being updated daily.

We have also created a weekly update to provide municipal leaders with provincial updates, links to new resources, and other information important to Saskatchewan's hometowns.
Do you want to receive the weekly COVID-19 Update?
Yes, sign me up.
I'm already receiving the weekly update.
No, my inbox is already full of COVID-19 updates.
Adding Us to Your Safe Senders List

Is someone in your municipality having trouble receiving emails from Municipalities of Saskatchewan? We've heard from a number of municipalities who are not receiving emails like Municipal Update, webinar invitations, or updates about COVID-19.

Here are some tips to make sure the information you need lands in your inbox:

  • Check spam or junk mail folders.
  • Be sure to add the Municipalities of Saskatchewan domain,, as well as [email protected] to your safe sender list.
  • If using an antivirus program like Norton Antivirus, it is recommended that is specifically added to the antivirus safe sender list. The address is a URL that our email program uses when we add links in our emails, like links to another website or a document.
ICIP Deadline Extended to
May 15

The deadline for detailed Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program (ICIP) project applications has been extended to  May 15 .
Although there's more time to get your application in, the Government of Saskatchewan is encouraging eligible applicants to get their applications in as quickly as they can to allow project review and approval processes to occur as promptly as possible.

More Time to Submit Your Application for the Richardson Pioneer Community Celebration

The 2020 Grey Cup Festival Organizing Committee, alongside Richardson Pioneer, have extended the application deadline of the Richardson Pioneer Community Celebration to  April 30 .
The celebration is a contest for small-to-medium sized communities in Saskatchewan who are looking to give their fundraising initiatives a boost. Six communities will be awarded a $25,000 grant for an existing health and wellness initiative that focuses on sport, culture or recreation.
CIF Funding

Has your community received or is your community seeking a grant from the Community Initiatives Fund (CIF)?

The CIF understands that COVID-19 may present unexpected challenges and is advising grant participants to adhere to current provincial and federal government regulations when considering programming. If your CIF funded programs are impacted, you are encouraged to contact CIF to discuss any anticipated challenges.

Roadside Development Permits

New application system
The Ministry of Highways and Infrastructure has launched a new online Roadside Development Permit application system and it’s ready to use on .
Are you building a structure? Planting trees? Constructing approaches? Excavating near a provincial highway?
A permit is required for  any work within 90 metres  (approximately 300 feet) of the property line of a provincial highway.
For more information, visit .
Advocacy Update
Electronic Meetings

Municipalities of Saskatchewan's Executive Committee has been meeting weekly to discuss COVID-19 and other matters impacting Saskatchewan's hometowns. Practicing social distancing, the committee has been meeting electronically.

Upcoming Events
Convention 2021
Hotel Reservations Open for Convention 2021

Hotel reservations for Convention 2021 are now open - book your rooms using Resiada, our new hotel booking system.
Resiada is a one-stop shop for all participating Convention 2021 hotels. With Resiada, you no longer have to search multiple websites or call multiple hotels to make your bookings. Information on all Convention 2021 hotels is now available in one spot - view prices for each hotel, see where they are located, check their availability, and book your rooms.

To ensure accurate availability, all accommodations at participating Convention 2021 hotels must be booked through our Resiada platform.
If you have any questions, please contact [email protected] .
Don't Forget to Share Your Theme Idea

We're looking for the next great theme to set the tone for Convention 2021. If you have a theme idea, please email it to [email protected] . We greatly value your suggestions, and read every one. Plus, if you submit a theme idea, you will be entered to win a prize.
Classifieds and Grants

Positions Available:

Have a position to fill or an item to sell? Submit your ad on our website.

Find the latest listings by visiting the Classifieds section of our website, under the Programs and Services tab.

Upcoming Deadlines:

For a full listing of grants, check the Grants section of our website under the Resources tab.
Municipalities of Saskatchewan
Unit 305 - 4741 Parliament Ave. Regina, SK