Provincial Funding for Municipalities
During COVID-19

As part of their response to COVID-19, the Government of Saskatchewan has announced two funding programs for municipalities.

Fast-Tracked Municipal Revenue Sharing
All Saskatchewan municipalities compliant with Municipal Revenue Sharing requirements (submission of the municipality's audited financial statement) will receive their Municipal Revenue Sharing funding in full next month.

The provincial government announced on May 7 that Municipal Revenue Sharing is being  fast tracked for the 2020-21 year  and Municipal Revenue Sharing funds will be paid to municipalities in full in June to help alleviate short-term financial pressures.

Municipal Economic Enhancement Program
The Municipal Economic Enhancement Program (MEEP), last active in 2009, will provide  $150 million in capital project funding  to municipalities.

All municipalities will be sent a personalized package via email detailing their funding allocation, providing the project application template, and defining eligible projects.

Municipalities of Saskatchewan has been advocating for a number of years for a provincial infrastructure program and is extremely pleased to see the Government of Saskatchewan implement such a program to help foster economic recovery.
New FCM Funding Available to Municipalities

The Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) has two new funding programs designed to help municipalities provide sustainable affordable housing and make the most of their infrastructure investments.

Sustainable Affordable Housing Initiative
FCM's new $300 million Sustainable Affordable Housing initiative will provide support to local affordable housing providers —including municipal providers, not-for-profit organizations, and housing co-operatives—to retrofit existing affordable housing, or to build new energy efficient units.

Delivered by FCM’s Green Municipal Fund ,, this new initiative will target more than 6,000 retrofitted and new housing units, cutting energy use by at least 25 per cent.

Municipal Asset Management Program (MAMP)
FCM is also launching it's Municipal Asset Management Program (MAMP) . Since 2017, MAMP funding has helped nearly 600 communities use data to make informed decisions about their infrastructure assets —from roads to water systems.

With $60 million in additional funding, the program will support hundreds more municipal projects, especially in smaller and rural communities.
2020 Golf Tournament Cancelled

Though the province has released its plan to re-open Saskatchewan, which includes the opening of golf courses and the potential for increased gathering sizes, for the safety of Municipalities of Saskatchewan members, the 32nd Annual Golf Tournament hosted by the Town of Wakaw has been  cancelled . The town was excited for golfers to golf Wakaw Lake Regional Park and also have an incredible social experience on the Wheatland Express. Unfortunately the train is not running this year.

Though the tournament has been cancelled for 2020, the Town of Wakaw will be hosting the tournament in 2021 . Municipalities are invited to join us on the greens, and the Wheatland Express, next summer

If you have any questions, please contact  Katee Galandy , Events Coordinator.
What Mental Health Resources Would Help You As An Employer?

Psychological health claims are growing in the province, employers are dealing with a pandemic, and many industries have unique mental health challenges.

WorkSafe Saskatchewan is working with Dr. Joti Samra, registered psychologist, to develop resources that will help employers in Saskatchewan implement sound psychological health and safety practices in their organizations, and they would like to hear from you.

From a psychological health and safety perspective, tell WorkSafe Saskatchewan what supports and resources would help your employees. Send your comments to: [email protected] by May 20.
Equal Voice Saskatchewan - Campaign Training

Equal Voice - SK Chapter has partnered with Training 4 Progress to provide six modules to breakdown and demystify campaigning for either a nomination, school board trustee, or federal MP; basically any elected office.

The modules are designed to teach you and your support network the skills and knowledge to develop a campaign plan that will help set you up for success.

Join in each Wednesday at 8:00 p.m. for one hour to learn campaigning basics. (Warning there will be homework, teamwork, and self-reflection required.)

Interested? Learn more. The first class starts tomorrow.
Advocacy Update
In Case You Missed It - Free Legal Consultations for Members

Municipalities of Saskatchewan, through CentralSource, has partnered with Brownlee LLP to provide members free access to Brownlee’s Municipal Helpline . Similar to the service formerly offered by Municipalities of Saskatchewan’s in-house counsel, the helpline is an informal consultation service for municipalities and municipal-related entities (such as municipal corporations and authorities) that require brief and informal guidance or consultation.

Call the helpline for your free 10-15 minute consultation !
Upcoming Events

Town, Village, and Northern Sector Meeting
Convention 2021
Survey Deadline Extended - Municipal Marketplace Tradeshow

Whether in-person or online, Municipalities of Saskatchewan is working hard to ensure that all our events meet the changing needs of Saskatchewan's hometowns.

To plan a 2021 Municipal Marketplace tradeshow filled with vendors offering services relevant to Saskatchewan's hometowns, we created a short tradeshow survey to learn more about what our municipalities would like to see. We realize  municipal projects may be affected  during these uncertain times, so your feedback is very important to us.
Thank you to the municipalities who have already responded. We encourage all our
municipalities to share their thoughts and help shape the 2021 Municipal Marketplace Tradeshow.
Classifieds and Grants

Positions Available:

For Sale:

Have a position to fill or an item to sell? Submit your ad on our website.

Find the latest listings by visiting the Classifieds section of our website, under the Programs and Services tab.

Upcoming Deadlines:

For a full listing of grants, check the Grants section of our website under the Resources tab.
Municipalities of Saskatchewan
Unit 305 - 4741 Parliament Ave. Regina, SK