Monthly Newsletter - October 2020
What's Happening
In This Issue
  • 2020 General Election Information
  • Leaf Drop Locations
  • Housing Assistance for COVID-19 Crisis
  • Landfill Methane Power Plant
  • Welcome Miss Murray - Kyleigh Cooper
  • Employee Recognition
  • Hallow-Read with the Library
  • Public Works Updates
2020 General Election Information
The 2020 General Election will be held on Tuesday, November 3, 2020. This election will be conducted by mail.
All active registered voters will receive a ballot in the mail. The County Clerks will mail ballots out between October 13 and October 27, 2020. If you need to register to vote, your voter registration must be received by your county clerk before 5 p.m. on Friday, October 23, 2020. You may register to vote at an early voting location or at a polling location on Election Day.
Leaf Drop-Off
You can drop off your bagged leaves beginning Monday, Oct. 26 through Monday, Nov. 23 in the south parking lot (near the Parks office) of Murray Park. The drop off is for leaves only, no other yard waste or debris is accepted.
Housing Assistance Program for COVID-19 Crisis
Murray City is sharing information with our residents to raise awareness for potential housing assistance if you have been impacted by COVID-19. There are millions of dollars still available through this program administered by Utah Community Action.
Landfill Methane Power Plant
Did you know that you receive a positive return on your garbage? If you are a Murray City Power customer, that’s exactly what hap- pens. At the Trans-Jordan Landfill, of which Murray City is part owner, we are using your trash to give us gas-- methane gas that is.
Kyleigh Cooper, Miss Murray 2021
Congratulations to Kyleigh Cooper for being crowned Miss Murray 2021! Her social impact initiative is to "End the Culture War by Promoting Unity." Kyleigh hopes to educate the community about ways to accomplish inclusiveness and unity. To learn more about Kyleigh and how she plans to implement this initiative, follow the link below. We look forward to seeing what Kyleigh accomplishes in the upcoming year.
Employee Recognition: Gordon Cook
Mayor Camp is very pleased to recognize Gordon Cook, Database Supervisor in the I.T. Department, for his excellence and expertise. Gordon coordinates work with various city departments and has been truly invaluable in resolving issues and glitches with the new software system. His attention to detail, strong work ethic, and great attitude are very appreciated.
(Pictured left to right: Mayor Camp, Gordon Cook, Rob White, I.T. Director) 
Hallow-Read with the Library
It's the season for ghosts and goblins! Check out your favorite books and experience Halloween festivities for the family by reading and completing activities. Complete this chilling challenge and receive a small prize that can be picked up at the library.
October Public Works Projects

Public Works has several street, water and wastewater projects underway.
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5025 S. State Street
Murray, UT 84107