Study Habits for HS
High School Study Tips #3:
Have an organizational system in place
If I asked you to show me your homework for tonight, how long would it take you to do so? Would you have to ruffle through a mess of papers to get it? 
Having a 3-ring binder for your high school classes can be a big help to keep those stray papers out of your backpack.
What to put in your 3-ring binder:
  • Loose-leaf paper for notes and written assignments
  • Printer paper (If you find it more effective to draw your notes, this can be great alternative to those pesky blue & red lines)
  • Hole-punched folders — keep assignments for each class in a different colored folder, or label folders on the front with their class name (Ex: “English”)
  • Dividers labeled with class name — so you can have all your classes in one binder, but separated.
When you buy dividers, try to get the kind with tabs on the ends. This way, you can open directly to the subject you need without leafing through the binder.
Other goodies for your binder:
Sticky notes are great! You can buy either the standard note pads or get the kind that work as bookmarks (“Post-it Flags” is one name for them).
You can mark different areas of your binder this way and write on the ends of the sticky notes so you see them even when the binder is closed.

School Survey
Every year, all parents, teachers, and students in grades 6-12 take the
NYC School Survey. The survey helps school leaders understand what key members of the school community say about the learning environment at each school. The 2019-2020 version of the NYCSchoolSurvey is aligned to the   DOE's Framework for Great Schools and collects important information about a school’s ability to improve student achievement and can support a dialogue among all members of the school community about how to make the school a better place to learn. 
that were given to your child on 3/2/20 during SCS.
Please complete the survey.
You will be able to complete it online, as well. 
Please fill it out! 
The New York City Department of Education offers free breakfast, lunch and after-school meals to all NYC public school students during the school year.
Please fill out an application (every application counts)