November 2022
November's Museum Program
Thursday, Nov. 10th at 6:30 PM
120 Sams Ave., New Smyrna Beach, FL, 32168

Audubon's Epic Travels in Florida, 1831-32
with Joe Vetter
The quintessential artist, woodsman and naturalist explored our shores to complete his monumental "Birds of America", which features many of the avian wonders of the South. From St. Augustine, to Bulow's Plantation, to the Halifax and Tomoka Rivers, Audubon continued to DeLeon Springs, the St. John's and the Keys. Come celebrate his illustrated masterpieces and legendary life. (Mr. Vetter will be in character with trivia prizes for this presentation!)  
When our Night at the Museum development team met following hurricane Ian, we had a serious discussion about the possibility of cancelling this year’s event. Now, as we look back on the night, we are so glad that we decided to continue and hold the event as planned.
What a beautiful night, with fantastic food, drinks and friends who all came together to support the museum and take a break from cleaning up after the storm.

Click the following link to see photos of the event and a list of all the wonderful sponsors who helped us make this year's event a success!

President's Pen
Hello Everyone,

What a wonderful Night at The Museum event we had. The weather was absolutely wonderful with great food, drinks and entertainment. But most of all I want to say “Thank You” to all the Volunteers and the Committee Members who put in hours of preparation to make the event a great success. Also a big shout out to all our Sponsors who supported this year’s event!
Can you believe the holidays are quickly approaching and Thanksgiving is just a few weeks away. The Museum Program this month is November 10th at 6:30 PM featuring Joe Vetter as John James Audubon.  Joe Vetter always has an interesting program planned.

Our Christmas Party this year will be here at the Museum on December 8th at 6:30 pm. Please be sure to mark your calendars and we hope you can attend.
As always, be safe and see you at the Museum!

Marvin Owens, President S.V.H.S.

Just in time for scary movie season.
A spooky movie, filmed right here in New Smyrna Beach.
You may remember seeing a film crew around town back in early 2020. The California-based crew was working on a movie called "Off Season" described as a super natural horror film written and directed by Mickey Keating. The crew had contacted us in late 2019 to coordinate using the museum facility for some of the spooky night time scenes.

When the museum closed that evening, a team of set and lighting specialists took over the facility and by bedtime they were ready to start capturing footage. Pictured above are a couple of photos that were captured in the museum that night while the team was here working.

You can currently watch the film on a streaming service called Shudder, or through Amazon Prime or YouTube. Take a look at the films trailer through the link below. How many New Smyrna Beach locations can you identify?

The Museum Store
Check out this iconic classic white tee featuring the logo of Jimmy Lane Surf Academy, our local area's oldest established surf academy. Available in Small - XLarge for only $15.95
Pop by the Museum Store to get yours today, or order online through the link below.
Museum Community News
September's Museum Program
now available on YouTube
"The Smyrnea Settlement,
The Recruitment 1767-1768" presented by Jim Engelbrecht.
Museum member and local guide Jim Engelbrecht appeared in September as Dr. Andrew Turnbull. His portrayal shared the story of the recruitment efforts that brought together the people who would attempt to form a community called Smyrnea, or New Smyrna.
You can view the program video through the link below.
Mark your calendars and plan to join us as we kick off the Christmas season with all our friends, here at the Museum. Together, we will share some holiday cheer with some friends, food, and fun.
Thursday, December 8th at 6:30 PM,
120 Sams Ave., New Smyrna Beach FL 32168

The museum will supply a ham, wine, beer, and soft drinks. You bring your favorite appetizer, holiday side dish, or dessert to help us complete the meal. Keep an eye on this email feed for a members invite email with RSVP button in the coming days.
Coming in January 2023
Join us next year on Thursday, January 12th as we welcome our former museum director, Robert Redd to share information about his newest book "Hidden History of Civil War Florida".

At the outset of the Civil War, Florida's entire population was only a bit larger than present-day Gainsville. Still, the state played an outsized role in the conflict. Join us and Author Robert Redd on a tour of the lessor-known aspects of Florida in the Civil War.
Stop by the museum store to pick up a copy of the book or order online today through the link below.
Your Membership and Support Matters!
To become a member, Click Here

New Members:
Donna Castiglione
Denise Yocum
Joy Dickinson
Eva & Murray Yutzy
Jim Fox
Peggy Rivers
Gloria Doster
Kris Enborg
Martha Layman
Larry & Linda Scovotto
Susan Gleason

In Memoriam:
Carole Mullen

The Southeast Volusia Historical Society has been awarded the Guidestar Silver Seal of transparency to acknowledge the level of dedication that we provide to donors, organizations and government entities who consider donating to our organization.
Make your donation today via mail to:
Southeast Volusia Historical Society Inc.
P.O. Box 968
New Smyrna Beach FL 32170-0968

Donations can also be processed online by clicking the button below:

Talk to your investment planner about how you can donate your mandatory minimum IRA distribution directly to the Southeast Volusia Historical Society and not pay personal income tax on the distribution.
Museum Hours
Tuesday - Saturday
10 AM - 4 PM

Adults 18+ $8
Young Adults 11-17 $5
10 & Under Free
Members Free
The New Smyrna Museum of History
120 Sams Ave., New Smyrna Beach Fl. 32168
Phone: 386.478.0052
PO Box 968, NSB, Fl. 32170-0968